The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 551 Curved Intelligence Headband

"Who's in there?" the tiefling yelled.

A grumpy voice came from the barn: "Get out!"

The woodland coalition forces have already killed the enemy. The blood of goblins and ogres has proved the strength of this team. Although most of the credit is paid by the adventure team and the druids, at least there have been no casualties so far.

So there is nothing to be afraid of, even if there is an angry dragon inside.

"If you don't open the door, we will come in!" the tiefling young man warned sternly.

"Say it again, get out!" The grumpy man at the door responded harshly.

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined! Su Luo, come and kick down the door with me!"

Linde signaled his companions with his eyes to prepare for battle.

The rotten wooden door of the barn was kicked open by two strong young men, and the door panel fell to the ground with a bang.

From the drifting smoke, two angry figures burst out.

A bugbear male yelled like crazy: "What the hell did you do!"

Another wider and larger shadow followed closely behind, with a vague tone and a voice like a cow roaring, "Huh-huh-you guys, interrupt, I'm going to kill you!"

This turned out to be a female ogre.

The combination of wild bears and elephants gave the coalition forces an extremely rare sight.

The pair of wild mandarin ducks were disturbed and strode out of the barn, roaring that they were going to kill someone to vent their anger.

However, outside the barn was a large group of heavily armed and bloody guys.

The heads that were originally filled with anger calmed down instantly. The bugbear and the ogre hesitated in their steps, and finally looked at each other, daring not to move.

The coalition soldiers who were shouting and killing just now also found it difficult.

No one is a bloodthirsty person. Originally, goblins were considered untouchable evil in the eyes of the refugees. Now that they discovered that they actually have emotions and desires, the image immediately came to life, and many people sympathized with this couple.

"How to deal with it?"

Harsin suggested that everyone spare these two guys.

"The way of nature is balance. Even the lives of goblins and ogres should be cherished."

"The premise is that they do not serve the Supreme God." Linde said, "Forgiveness is a virtue, but if forgiveness leads to evil consequences, it is folly."

The bugbug bulged its eyes, and it suddenly sighed and said to the ogre next to it: "Dear Busir, beauty, you can escape for your own life. I am going back to the heaven of the Supreme God, and I hope she can bring down her wrath. On the heads of these infidels.”

It grabbed the morning star hammer on its back and charged outside the barn with a roar.

The undead owlbear raised his hand and pushed the bugbear to the ground with a slap. Raizel swung the Divine Sword of Justice and cut off its neck.

"No! What did you do?!" The ogre took off the stone mallet from his back and rushed over.

After a moment, two bodies fell to the ground.

"Oh, the soil of evil can also nourish the flowers of love. The grace of the fire-haired lady is really boundless." Will sighed loudly, "May their souls meet again after death."

"War, friends." Sefro looked around and said to everyone, "This is war, don't feel sorry for the cultists. Don't forget who did the evil with so many corpses in front of the village. Our relatives and friends died in In their hands, blood debts are now being repaid with blood."

Morale, which had been slightly sluggish, was once again strong.

"Search the village and sort out all the loot." Sefolo said to the militiamen, "Move quickly."

"Sevro, look at that windmill!" A sharp-eyed tiefling young man pointed to a windmill tower northwest of Moon Sanctuary.

"Is there someone hanging from the windmill?"

Linde raised his hand and said: "My friends and I will go over there, and you can continue cleaning the battlefield. Time is running out, there is no need to delay!"

The members of the adventure team marched quickly and arrived at the foot of the windmill tower in less than half a quarter of an hour.

There is also a group of goblins from the Supreme True God Sect here. They know nothing about what is happening in the village not far away, perhaps because they are too immersed in the fun in front of them.

These guys tied a deep dwarf to the fan blades of the windmill and made the old windmill rotate in circles. The pitiful deep dwarf's screams filled the sky again and again.

"Save-life-ah-let me-down-!"

"Hahahaha!" The goblins laughed and crawled all over the floor.

Linde gave his companions a wink. The old guys understood and spread out, surrounding the goblin team from all directions.

He walked forward himself and said, "Praise the Supreme God, what are you idiots doing!"

The leader of the goblins, Fezek, suddenly turned around, and the mark of the Supreme God on its face began to glow, sensing the psychic power of the mind flayer tadpole in Lind's mind.

"True Soul Master! What are you doing here? Uh, I mean..." Fezek stammered in compliment.

"Let all your people come over. Come to me, stand in a group, stand still!" Lindler ordered.

"Yes, yes! You all come here!"

These goblins, gnolls, and wargs were asked by Lind to huddle together. Face to face, shoulder to shoulder, compress the position as much as possible.

"Well, very good, very good." Linde smiled, "[Dagger Cloud]!"

The 2nd level spell [Dagger Cloud] can create a large number of rotating magic daggers in a cubic area with a side length of five feet. Creatures within this range will be cut to pieces by a thousand cuts.

A huge amount of blood sprayed out in an instant, and these cultists were like tomatoes thrown into a meat grinder. Except for a few goblins wearing armor who were not fatally injured, the rest were all jumped.

The members of the adventure team surrounded them from all directions and attacked the survivors in one round.

"Linde, your move is too dark!" The teammates looked at this righteous Paladin with lingering fear.

"I would rather act in a dark way than to let any of you get hurt. Your lives are a thousand times more precious to me than the enemy." Linde told the truth. He was more interested in outsmarting than attacking by force, but these words made him laugh. The way several teammates looked at him changed.

The dwarf on the windmill: "Save-life-ah-"

After a while, the windmill stopped, and Lind used a dagger to cut the rope around the dwarf.

"Phew! Damn goblin." The underground dwarf had gray-purple skin, a bald head, and looked like a small briquette. He said with a stinking face, "Okay, how much do you want to be paid?"

Linde waved his hand and said, "Go away. Be careful in the future."

"Uh, you don't want money?"

"It's nice to help others. Besides, do you look like you have money?"

The underground dwarf's face turned red, "I was carrying a big package, but it was too heavy, so I was caught by these goblins. If you find the package, everything will be yours. I don't need it anyway."

Linde smiled. This guy is a member of the Iron Hand Gnomes. He came to the surface to find the missing leader. They will have a chance to meet again in the future.

"See you later." He waved and left with his companions.

Back at Moon Sanctuary, the coalition forces had briefly searched the corpses, and they found a magic ring on the three ogre brothers in the center of the village.

[Curved Intelligence Headband], the effect is to increase the intelligence attribute to 17. Ogres can learn to cast spells when wearing it.

This piece of equipment was assigned to the adventure team because they were the ones who killed the three ogres, so of course.

"Let's go west. It's time to completely drive out the forces of the Supreme True God from this land." Linde looked at the sky. The sun was almost setting now.

Today is really long enough.

This coalition force rushed to the pass in the mountain pass, and the dozen or so goblins stationed there hurriedly beat the war drums.

Dong Dong——

The goblins, bugbears, and ogres occupying the sanctuary of Selûne came out in full force.

"It's time. Let these evil creatures that slaughter caravans and desecrate temples return to nature, and let their insignificant lives go down the mountain with the dusk sun." Linde said loudly.

Sefro hung the heads of the priestess Gath and the goblin chief Ragzlin, and the goblin army was immediately disheartened when they saw it.

"Owlbear attacks."

The undead owlbear is skinny and furry, and its full of negative energy turns into an evil aura. All creatures within twenty feet of it need to make a perception check, otherwise they will fall into a state of panic.

"Druid, transform!" Halsin shouted, getting down on all fours and transforming into a majestic cave bear, and the woodland druids followed suit.

The bears follow the undead owlbears through the pass.

The goblins and their warg companions collapsed at the drop of a hat.

Linde and the members of the adventure team serve as fire fighters to supplement the weak points of the battle group. In such group operations, the value of spellcasters can be fully reflected.

A level 2 [Dagger Cloud] can easily harvest goblins, and Lind has no spell slot restrictions, so he can easily release it continuously. Furthermore, his Holy Slash is not a vegetarian.

As a priest, Ying Xin also released divine magic to treat the wounded in time, and brought people back from the gate of hell several times.

The whole battle was uneventful.

After the coalition forces pushed back the goblin troops gathered at the pass, they continued to cross the stone bridge and entered the sanctuary to sweep, killing even those who slipped through the net.

After the sun went down, the battle ended, and the coalition forces won a complete victory without any loss of troops.

The soldiers of the coalition forces cleaned up the battlefield and found some valuable supplies. The druids need a variety of food to replenish the woodland's storage. Refugees also don't mind having a handful of gold coins in their pockets to use as travel expenses.

Karak found a magic spear from the goblin vendor's goods. She handed it to Lind, "No, you like this weapon very much."

Lind took the spear, carefully checked the enchantment properties on it, and immediately recognized the early artifact in the game - the spinning spear.

As the name suggests, this weapon will automatically return to the user's hand after being thrown, which is even more magical than Captain America's shield.

"Karak, are you good at javelin throwing?"

"Ha, my throwing ax is perfect, and my javelin throw is no problem."

Linde took out a magic ring from his pocket, "The effect of this ring is to strengthen the power of throwing weapons. It suits you very well."

"Wow, give it to me? Thanks!" Karak smiled, put the ring on his finger, and then joined the scene of cleaning up the trophies again.

I checked the game and found that Ragzlin in the goblin camp is a hobgoblin, not a bugbear. The difference is that the hobgoblin's intelligence is 10, while the bugbear's intelligence is only 8. Well, I misunderstood him. It turns out that Ragzlin's brain is better than that of the Yankee girl.

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