The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 559 Baldur’s Gate De-Urbanization Plan (Incorrect)

The robbery of Woking's resting place was a disaster that happened early yesterday morning. At that time, the members of the adventure team were also on the road to promotion, but they were at the collection station in the east, which was almost dozens of miles away from Woking's resting place.

If instead of going to the goblin camp yesterday afternoon, we came to this plundered inn, maybe we could help deal with the bad situation after the war.

Now the place is empty, the fire that lit the house has been extinguished, leaving only the whining dust wind blowing through the blackened doorframes.

Linde felt a little regretful. After all, he arrived too late. The people in the hotel were hopeless. He didn't know if the underground Zhentarim stronghold would be evacuated.

"Ying Xin, please ask the corpse what happened here. Let the others search and collect all the useful materials. Be careful of the smoldering fire in the ruins. The houses are burned like this and there is a risk of collapse."

Waking's sleeping place was hurriedly ransacked. There was still a large amount of food and wine in the hotel kitchen that had not been removed. They were burned to pieces in the fire. In the end, only two days' rations for everyone were scraped together, which was better than nothing.

"We've all asked. The goblins and drow ransacked the hotel with the intention of capturing a big shot - Duke Ravengard of Baldur's Gate." Shadow Heart said after everyone gathered together.

Will's face turned green at that moment.

"How is he?"

"Do you care about this high Duke?"

"Yes, because he happens to be my father." Will's face was sullen, and only his intact eyes were filled with pain and anxiety.

Asdalen recalled for a moment, then pointed at Will in surprise, "You are the rebellious son who was kicked out by Duke Ravengard!"

Except for Yankee Girl and Linde, the other members of the team all looked at Will with admiration.

There is no national government in the Sword Coast, only a loose alliance of various city lords. High Duke Ravengard is the consul elected by the nobles of Baldur's Gate. He is equal to the city lord in terms of power level. He is indeed the number one figure in the Sword Coast. .

So, Will is also one of the many noble sons in Baldur's Gate.

This is really hard to see.

Probably because Will's personal image is far different from the popular stereotype of the aristocratic son.

This guy is too upright. Although he occasionally talks a lot, he is a bit boring in his uprightness. He does not bully men or women at all.

"If Duke Ravengard is not dead, then there is a high probability that he has been captured. The plunderers are followers of the Supreme True God Sect, and their destination is the Moonrise Tower." Shadow Heart said.

Karak encouraged: "We happen to be going to that place. We will definitely be able to save your father."

"Thank you. These cultists must have captured my father for some shady conspiracy. We must find a way to destroy it, otherwise once he is infected, it will directly threaten the safety of Baldur's Gate."

Linde checked each corpse. He was looking for Duke Gao's political advisor. This person should have been trapped in the burning hotel. It was not known whether the mercenaries of Flame Fist had rescued her.

Everyone saw that he was like a worker ant, busy carrying corpses.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Karak asked curiously.

"Examine the bodies and prepare them for burial."

Linde did it casually, but his companions thought it was normal. "It's Paladin after all," they said.

Several people joined in, but Asdalen and Yankee Girl were reluctant and just stood aside and watched indifferently.

The hotel staff were all here, including the Flame Fist mercenaries, followed by the marauding goblins and drow, and finally the murdered travelers. There was no body of the female consultant.

Linde found a highly carbonized body in a room on the northwest side of the second floor of the hotel. It was pressed under a broken beam. It seemed that he was trapped inside and burned to death after being unable to escape after the fire.

He remembered this person's identity.

This poor man is a farmer from Ertugard, who has appeared in the game. He and his wife rested in Woking's resting place, preparing to attend his sister-in-law's wedding. The couple also became famous because of the generous dowry. There were quarrels, but the disaster put an end to their ordinary, simple life of little quarrels.

Linde still remembered that their dowry was hidden in the haystacks of the barn in the backyard of the hotel. He also found it and used it as a burial gift for the couple.

There were not many things, just a gold ring and a small bag of coins, which truly reflected the meager savings of a peasant family.

An adventurer's magic equipment often costs a few hundred gold coins, but the daily life of Faerun's farmers involves careful calculation of pennies and cents.

Different lifestyles lead to different bellyaches.

Linde held a prayer ceremony for the corpse, adding a layer of positive energy to prevent it from being transformed into the undead by necromancy. But this is not absolute. A capable necromancer can still crack it.

If you really want to avoid future troubles, cremation is the best way.

After all the corpses were put into the pit, Linde spent a little time inserting simple tombstones on the graves. Shadow Heart used [Conversation with the Dead] to ask about the origin of their names, which could be written on the tombstones.

This funeral service is quite good.

After doing all this, the ancient book in my arms trembled slightly.

Linde opened it and found that he had gained an extra amount of paladin experience. This is really an unexpected surprise.

——Paladin: Oath of Devotion (69% at level 3)

Oath fulfilled:... bury the deceased and comfort the soul (10%)

Oops, quite a lot.

Killing people gives experience, and burying the dead also gives experience. It can be said that you eat two fishes with one fish.

Linde had a strange association: Baldur's Gate is a large city with a population of tens of thousands. If it helps to urbanize it, it is estimated that it can be upgraded to level 20.

Paladins cannot kill people casually, but with the lessons of Anders and Minsala, if they are ruthless and have a twisted stance, they will not break their oath at all.

If my enemy does something wrong, he deserves to be killed by the Holy Sword.

If my enemy did nothing wrong, then the person killed by the Holy Sword is the bad guy.

The more my enemies oppose me, the more I am doing the right thing, and the more my friends oppose me, it means they are also my enemies...

Linde lamented: The way of the paladin seems a bit too extreme.

He threw this strange association away from his mind. It was impossible to eat two things with one fish. An enemy he killed with his own hands would not be allowed to rest in peace even if he buried them. Naturally, he would not gain experience.

There is also a Zhentarim stronghold underground in the hotel. The location is very hidden. If Linde hadn't led the way, others would never have imagined that there was a secret door in such an abandoned basement, leading to a wide cave.

The members of the Zhentarim also quietly evacuated last night. Before leaving, they lit a large amount of kerosene and destroyed all traces.

"We are late." Linde said softly, "Search to see if there are any available supplies."

There are no supplies available.

Asdalen did find a secret passage with a wooden elevator inside.

This elevator can lead to the Dark Territory, and even Linde doesn't know there is such a way.

"Ah?" He couldn't help but be stunned.

"You're actually surprised?" Ying Xin said in a pungent tone, "I thought you knew everything."

"I'm just a mortal... I didn't expect that this place can lead directly to the Underdark. I really saved five dollars." Linde shook his head and laughed at himself.

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