The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 613 The Secret of the Astral Prism

The elite Githyanki warriors are very difficult to deal with. Compared to the young warriors who are weak and unfamiliar with their skills, a "experienced warrior" can easily defeat ten men at a time.

The Judge and the Burners under his command are powerful men who plunder the realms.

However, there are only ten Githyanki in the temple in total at this time, which is not difficult for the current adventure team to kill, but it is just a little more difficult than facing the enemies in the entire breeding room in the command room.

Their fighting style is sophisticated, with a rhythm that is familiar and startling to knowledgeable Githyanki warriors.

"Brain-eating bastard!"

Even the best war commander cannot make an army completely enforce orders and prohibitions, and the same can be said for an adventure team in the single digits. The members of the elite adventure team are familiar with each other and can make the dragon spin around, but in the end they will Not as a whole, but fighting independently.

But the adventure team in front of them seemed to be directed by a common brain.

They divided the battle group into several areas through interspersion, forming a local advantageous position to fight more and less. They alternated spells and martial arts, and cooperated closely.

Except for Jaheira and Minsala, who were relatively unfamiliar with their cooperation, the remaining adventurers seemed to have eyes behind their backs. Wherever the enemy came from and how to deal with it, they could do it without thinking.

The Githyanki are familiar with this scene, as those slaves possessed by the mind flayers have this closeness.

In the spiritual dimension, the infected people in the adventure team actually never stopped communicating for a moment. Thanks to the efficiency of telepathy, any thoughts among the companions could be transmitted immediately.

Different from the single-core thinking of the Mind Flayer slaves, the Tadpole Adventure Team is multi-core, and everyone has a sense of autonomy. No one takes the lead and seizes the physical and mental control of their companions - it is difficult for the Mind Flayer larvae to achieve this level alone.

The tadpole in Lind's mind became stronger after taking a psychic meal from the Zaisk Purifier, but it was still unable to control the mind of a mature Mind Flayer.

Seeing that the battle situation was unfavorable, the anxious Vargoz screamed at Raizel: "Are you going to disobey Vlaakis's order? Kill these strangers around you immediately!"

Laizel's sword stopped at the head of a Burner. While she was wandering, the Burner who escaped from death did not pursue him. Instead, he threw a dagger at Will, who had his back turned to him a few feet away. .

Will was already a step too slow when he received the warning, and stabbed a knife in his back, grinning in pain.

Vargoz thought he had succeeded in instigating a rebellion. While dealing with Linde's offensive, he continued to persuade: "You also heard...Vlaakis's order, she will purify you!"

Raizel is torn between her faith and her companions. This is not a problem for her. She is a loyal warrior who is willing to die for Vlaakis. But the relationship these days is not fake. Even if it is a stone, it should be warm after being covered for so long.

Even though Raizel had always regarded these teammates as irrational and inferior beings, when things came to pass, he had to admit that they were capable and "cared" about him. This is a type of human relationship that does not exist in Githyanki society called friends.

"No." She raised the Divine Sword of Justice again, "They are not strangers. At least to me, they can be swords and shields, and my armor. It doesn't matter Vlaakis, I am willing to fight for them."

Her words to her teammates had mixed feelings. Some people found her disgusting, while others were sincerely happy.

"A sad villain, witness the power of friendship among the protagonists!"

Linde smiled and raised the magic contract gun. The magic energy of the silver magic network was transformed into a blazing invisible flame through the dedication oath, burning blazingly around him.

As the shadow of the gun came down, one strike, two strikes, three strikes, three consecutive 4-level Holy Slashes, let alone a Githyanki Inquisitor, even species with tenacious vitality such as trolls and red dragons would have to kill them. Half his life was taken away.

Vargoz died on the spot, his last words being: "Fuck your friendship!"

The last medical officer to fall, she tried every means to treat her own wounded, but even if she exhausted her life potions and healing spells, she could not save the defeat.

Shadowheart awakens the Medic's corpse.

"Did you tamper with the Zaysk Purifier?"

"No, that's my life's won't change..."

"Has anyone been successfully purified?"

"No...all are dead..."

At this point, no matter how stupid Raizel is, he still has a taste for it. The Zaisk Purifier is probably a scam.

Shadowheart tortured the Inquisitor's corpse again.

"What's in the relic?"

"A secret... used by the Gith to free us... from the shackles of the brain-eating bastards..."

"What secret?"

*The corpse is silent, it doesn't know.

"What do you plan to do with the person who presented the relic?"

"Decoy into... the astral prism... remove the contamination... and then kill..."

"Who gave the order?"


"Last question, how to enter the prism?"

"The astral projector... put it up... open the astral portal..."

At this moment, the voice of the old lich in Vlaakis sounded again.

"Stranger, I admit that you are very determined, far more determined than Vargoz. But you must obey my order, enter the prism, and cleanse the pollution inside it. Then, I will grant purification. No one can do it until the source of pollution is removed. Get out of this room!"

The dream visitor also hurriedly said: [Don’t listen to her! Go quickly! 】

The teammates looked at each other in confusion. In the end, it was up to Paladin to decide whether to leave or stay, live or die, and wait to see what Linde had to say.

Rather, Linde acts as the external brain of the team, and the others only need to be responsible for chopping and blasting.

Velakis had been spying secretly just now. She was probably sure that Lind did not carry the second wish scroll, and his condescending attitude was still so bad.

The attitude of the old lich is worth pondering. She attaches great importance to the astral prism, and even the high-ranking figures of the tribe such as the Inquisitor have no way of knowing the secrets inside.

Velakis needs a pair of disposable white gloves that can be thrown away to help her solve the "source of contamination" in the prism, and then kill the insider.

What exactly is being concealed by such an airtight line of defense?

Gale and Ying Xin looked at Lind at the same time and mouthed a name: Orpheus?

Linde nodded, the answer was not difficult to guess. The secret in the prism is related to the power that gave the Gith people to break free from the shackles of the mind flayers. It is most likely related to the Queen of Gith. She herself has disappeared into Hell, so this power may still be inherited by blood relatives, such as hers His biological son, Prince Comet. (End of chapter)

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