The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 635 Tower King Church?

"Gail, what are you doing on the roof of this house?" Karak raised his head and shouted.

The mage of Waterdeep has always been a mature and steady character. The reason why he is mature and steady is naturally because he has underdeveloped motor nerves and is a classic nerd.

It's really hard for him to climb up and down. Therefore, when he appeared on the roof of the temple, Karak and Raizel were really surprised.

The Temple of Mercy is very wide, and the slope of the roof is not very steep. Gale slowly walked to the edge and waved to his companions.

"I'm on the roof looking for Tara."

A cute gray and white cat head popped out from Gale's feet.

"It's a cat." Linde smiled.

Tourists in the cemetery also looked up to watch the excitement. Since ancient times, cats like to climb to high places, so it is not uncommon to see them.

"Is this uncle going to save the cat?" A child asked his parents curiously.

"Yes, the cat will be saved, don't worry."

To say that rescuing cats is also a very traditional and exciting event. Although most people don't really care about the life and death of a small animal, they will always associate this state of being trapped and worried with their own lives. If the cat is saved, in their eyes, it is a sign that life will get better. , so everyone will applaud the cat rescuer.

The staff of the Temple of Mercy came out following the sound, raised their heads and shouted: "Hey, sir, you can't stop on the roof, come down quickly."

Gale raised his hand and said, "Please step aside."

He took out a feather from the spell material bag, chanted a spell, and performed the Feather Falling Technique. Then he picked up the cat at his feet and landed lightly in the middle of the crowd. As expected, he received a burst of cheers.

"This cat has wings." The child exclaimed.

"Her name is Tara." Gale replied with a smile, "She is a winged cat. Strictly speaking, it is not a cat, but a magical beast."

The winged cat named Tara narrowed her eyes and spoke: "Ah, a human cub, noisy and noisy, I say, madam, sir, don't you think the cub is troublesome?"

The child's parents looked at each other, hesitantly unsure of how to answer.

"Tara, don't say that. Please forgive me."

After the crowd dispersed, Lind came closer and saw at a glance the white fluff stuck to the corner of the winged cat's mouth, which seemed to come from some kind of bird, so he smiled and joked: "It seems that your demon pet has just had a feast."

"Uh." Gale smiled awkwardly and whispered, "Tara ate the carrier pigeon of the express company. I am helping the boss to find out the cause of the missing carrier pigeon and send back the lost letters."

"It's understandable. After all, pigeons are delicious."

Tara, the winged cat, narrowed her eyes and covered her mouth with her little paws, "What a considerate cat. I kind of like you, big guy. I guess you are the one who takes care of Gale. Mr. Decarios is very difficult to deal with." Yes, he is like a delicate young master. If he didn’t have friends like you to help him when he went out, he would have died in the wilderness long ago."

Karakuri commented: "Gail, is this your cat, or is it your mother?"

"She is neither my cat nor my mother, she is a friend. Ah, that's about the unexpected reunion between Tara and I. Speaking of which, why are you here... Oh, it turns out So, no wonder I saw corpses flying in the sky. I have experienced so much in just a short time, and I feel that I will never be bored following you, Mr. Linde."

The staff member who urged Gale to leave the roof came over. He was a tiefling - most likely a refugee from Eltoril. Many of the refugees who poured into Baldur's Gate were from That holy city that fell into hell.

The tiefling man came over and said something: "You can't do this anymore, it will be too dangerous if you slip and fall."

Linde noticed that the holy emblem of the silver tree was printed on the back of this man's left hand.

His gaze lingered a little longer.

The tiefling noticed Lind's observation and was so embarrassed that he covered the back of his hand.

"Why hide it? Seeker of knowledge, you are blameless in your diligent study to seek wisdom from the King of the Tower."

Linde raised his hand and displayed the Silver Tree Holy Emblem. The Holy Warrior needed the Holy Emblem as a catalyst to cast spells, and he usually had it wrapped around his wrist.

The tiefling's eyes lit up, "Are you also his believer? Praise the King of the Tower, whose cold brilliance is like the divine city in the sky."

He made a prayer gesture - interlocking his fingers and holding up a pair of index fingers like candles.

"My name is Brig, sir. I am still just a guest, and have not yet become the king's candle bearer."

"The Tower King did not establish a church." Linde said helplessly, "I have never seen this etiquette of yours."

Brig changed his color slightly and said in an erratic tone: "But we need a god. The king's gift supports us to survive in the difficult years. We are all poor dandelions, and we can only fall on the soil of faith. Only then can it take root.”

"So you are establishing a religion in private." Linde raised his head slightly, as if he was about to sigh, but he still held back, "Who else is there besides you?"

Brig was hesitant, but for the sake of Paladin's [friendship skills], he still believed that he could be trusted, so he took the initiative to explain: "Our church mainly absorbs refugees. Baldur's Gate does not welcome poor people. The people here See us as a scourge. Father Logan helps the refugees and there is a hidden cave under the temple where everyone usually hides."

"...Well, take me to see it."

"I still want to help. I am needed in the temple. Father Logan gave me this job, and I should do my duty. You can go by yourself. The entrance is in the kitchen. You can go in by opening the trap door on the floor."

Linde nodded, went to the kitchen with his teammates, and indeed found the so-called trap door.

They gathered here, which made the temple staff look at them.

The trap door directly leads to the storage room under the temple. It seems that all large buildings have a wider hiding space, and the temple basement is also quite spacious.

The basements are connected to each other, and there are also institutional doors and secret rooms, making it quite complicated.

The temple on the surface is a place of solemnity, while the underground space seems to be a place of relaxation and rest for mortals, where empty wine bottles and cheese wheels can be found, as well as idle books. You can imagine the scene of the temple staff taking a break here after going through busyness and penance.

But Linde and his party were not the only visitors here.

As they walked through the torch-lit rooms, they heard a rustling sound.

"Is it a mouse?" Gale raised his eyebrows.

"No, it should be a wanderer. Let's go and take a look. Maybe we can catch a thief."

Following the noise, they carefully arrived at the source of the sound, only to see a familiar figure stopping in a tomb.

"Hey! Man, why did you come to someone else's cemetery?"

The man turned his head quickly, with a shocked expression on his face: "Who?!... Linde? You?"

This person is none other than Asdalen.

Everyone looked at each other and sighed that it was a special fate that brought them together.

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