The Heaven’s Jailer

Chapter 919: gambling

"With the words of Jade Emperor, I am relieved." Yuhong Tianzun nodded in satisfaction.

"Show it to Yuhong Tianzun." The Jade Emperor said.

"No need! I just come over and have a look, now I'm finished." Yuhong Tianzun waved his hand, and then turned to Liu Lang, "Six days later, I will wait for you at the entrance of Youyun Wonderland!"

"Good." Liu Lang nodded.

"Yuhong retire!" Yuhong Tianzun bends slightly, and walks out of the Palace of Lingxiao alongside Chen Guanlin.

"This Liu Lang! The first time he went to heaven, he provoked Yuhong Tianzun. Next time, will the old gentleman also come out?" The Jade Emperor gave Liu Lang a deep look, then turned back and walked towards throne.

The process of the Heavenly Court Commendation Conference is no different from that of the mortal world, basically summing up the past and looking forward to the future.

The Jade Emperor spoke the vernacular for more than ten minutes. Although his speech was extremely inciting, he couldn't stand the phrase every year. Some people have heard it three hundred and eighty times.

If it were not for fear that the Jade Emperor would go wild, it is estimated that many people would leave the venue under the pretext of peeing.

Finally, finally entered the theme, the Jade Emperor announced the list of advanced individuals that everyone already knew, and then ten advanced individuals took the stage to receive the awards.

Although Liu Lang ranked first, but the Jade Emperor started from the tenth place, he was the last.

Liu Lang stepped onto the stage and received the certificate from the Jade Emperor, "Xie Yudi."

After speaking, he wanted to turn around and step down like other people.

However, the Jade Emperor smiled faintly, "Wait a minute, Liu Lang, I have a question, I want to ask you?"

"Ask me?" Liu Lang stopped quickly.

"What do you think of the Heavenly Court Supervision Bureau?" The Jade Emperor said abruptly.

"Uh..." Liu Lang was immediately trapped.

He didn't expect that the Jade Emperor would ask this question. He is a small mortal prison warden, and he is in contradiction with the Heavenly Court Supervision Bureau. How to answer?

After a daze, Liu Lang's brain spun quickly. After thinking for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said four words, "Break and stand!"

"Broken and then stand..." The Jade Emperor chewed the meaning of these four words and nodded, "That's good."

Listening to the tone of the Jade Emperor, he seemed quite satisfied, and Liu Lang let out a sigh of relief.

His answer was derived from a careful analysis of the current situation.

It was the Jade Emperor who established the Tianting Supervision Bureau at the beginning. On the one hand, it was to place those gods whose life was about to die. On the other hand, it was indeed a function of supervision and management.

Personally, Liu Lang certainly hoped that the Tianting Supervision Bureau would completely collapse. After all, after several contacts, the Tianting Supervision Bureau did not give him a good impression.

But rational analysis, this is impossible.

If the Jade Emperor disbanded the Heavenly Court Supervisory Bureau, it would be to slap himself in the face, and the big man, the most important thing is face, so the jade emperor did not express any opinions after the troubles underneath for so long.

However, the Tianting Supervision Bureau is indeed counterproductive, pulling other departments back. At this time, profound reforms must be carried out.

What Liu Lang said is to remove all the existing personnel of the Tianting Supervision Bureau, and replace them with powerful gods, so that the Tianting Supervision Bureau will become a truly independent supervision department, not a nursing home.

I believe that the Jade Emperor has understood what he meant.

After Liu Lang retired, the Jade Emperor was still meditating. After a long time, he realized that he was still in the High Heaven Hall and there were so many people watching him.

Afterwards, the Jade Emperor laughed, "After the commendation meeting is over, everyone can leave. Ten advanced individuals, someone will lead you to take the Garan Flying Boat.

At this time, the audience's attention finally shifted to ten advanced individuals.

Jialan Feizhou, one of the few celestial immortal artifacts in the heavens, and the only celestial flying immortal artifact, is said to be made by the ancient genius art refiner Hang Jialan and named after himself.

The biggest feature of the Jialan Flying Boat is that it can travel through the void, tens of thousands of miles away, and its speed can even be comparable to the powerhouse of the Celestial Realm.

The Jade Emperor was able to take out the Garan Flying Boat this time, which was counted as an additional reward. It was actually very sincere. In the heavens, a ride on the Garan Flying Boat was just like an ordinary person in the world and a spaceship once, enough to blow for a lifetime.

The only pity is that only those ten advanced individuals have the opportunity to ride the Garan Flying Boat, and the others have no chance to even take a look.

The Jade Emperor exited first, and the audience complained and left. Soon, in the center of the High Peak Palace, only ten advanced individuals including Liu Lang were left.

At this time, the staff came over, led ten people through the side door of the Lingxiao Hall, turned left and right, walked for a long time, and entered a black hole.

The next moment, Liu Lang felt his body startled, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Obviously, it was a teleportation array just now.

Just looking around, they were in a big empty house, let alone Jialan Feizhou, Mao didn't even see one.

"Don't worry, everyone, Jialan Feizhou hasn't been opened for many years, so I have to overhaul it and wait a while." The staff explained next to it.

Liu Lang suddenly got a black line on his forehead.

The Jialan Feizhou is a heavenly celestial weapon, how to listen to the description is the same as a civil airliner that has been in operation for many years.

"Guardian Liu, when I was watching the awards, the Jade Emperor talked to you, what did you say?" While waiting, Xiaoxian Chen Xianbing, who was ranked tenth among the advanced individuals, approached Liu Lang and asked since he was familiar.

"It's nothing, just ask, I'm not used to going to Heavenly Court." Of course, Liu Lang can't tell the truth, after all, it involves the Heavenly Court Supervision Bureau, and it spreads too much hatred.

"That's the case." Chen Xianbing nodded, and followed the conversation with Liu Lang to chat.

Others also came together. Although Liu Lang's cultivation base was low, they all saw the battle just now. There was Yuhong Tianzun supporting Liu Lang behind him. Who would dare to say that Liu Lang was not smaller than the average person. Sin, Da Sin?

Before he knew it, Liu Lang became the center of this group.

Luo Qiuping and Hou Xunting looked at each other, both of them were dissatisfied, especially Luo Qiuping, who was the oldest and had the highest cultivation level, but no one paid any attention to him. I have to say that this is a shame.

Luo Qiuping thought for a long time, and felt that he must have a sense of existence, otherwise, the limelight would be robbed by Liu Lang.

"Everyone stay quiet, listen to me!" Luo Qiuping slapped his chin twice, and everyone's eyes were on him, including Liu Lang.

Luo Qiu smiled flatly and said: "Everyone should know that some time ago, when the cloud fairyland was not closed, many people got the power of the fire element in it. I think we have been in for so many days. It is not interesting to just watch the scenery. Make a gambling game. When it comes out, see who gets the most fire elemental power. The person who gets the most fire elemental power can get all the fire elemental powers of others. Of course, Warden Liu does not need to participate. After all, your cultivation level It’s too low to compare with those of us who are strong in the wonderland."

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