The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1015: The big demon makes a move and fights the fairy god


After knocking Toyoshiro Hideyoshi away with one blow, Sun Ce charged forward again.

He had never heard of the name Fengcheng Hideyoshi. He only thought that Toyoshiro Hideyoshi was an unknown person who died under his hands!


With one shot, the spear hit the Yata mirror.

Feeling the huge power transmitted from the Yata mirror, Toyonai Hideyoshi was blown away again.

"Go away!"

Toyoshiro Hideyoshi roared angrily, he was considered to have some strength.

While his body was still retreating, he once again aroused the power of the Yata mirror.


In an instant, another extremely strong white light shot towards Sun Ce.


Caught off guard, Sun Ce could only dodge the blow sideways.

This Yata mirror can also be called an artifact.

The attack power it exudes can threaten Sun Ce.

Of course, Sun Ce just didn't want to get hurt, he couldn't shed a single hair.

After learning that Zheng Zhilong had killed Oda Nobunaga with one punch, he, Sun Ce, would also kill this unknown man with one blow!


That is at this time.

When Toyoshiri Hideyoshi was about to continue using the Yata Mirror to show off his prestige, he suddenly heard a cracking sound.

The next second, the Yata mirror in his hand went silent.

He lowered his head and saw that the smooth mirror surface of the Yata Mirror had long since become fragmented!

"what happened?"

For a moment, Feng Chengxiu's guitar was sluggish.

His Yata Mirror is one of the three great artifacts of the Ying Kingdom, and the most powerful weapon of the Ying Kingdom.

But at this moment, the most powerful weapon he thought was broken?

It was the hidden crack left by Sun Ce's stabbing on the Yata Mirror just now.

And Fengcheng Hideyoshi shot Sun Ce with it again. Naturally, under the strong energy, the Yata mirror couldn't hold it and shattered!


Sun Ce didn't care whether Toyoshiro Hideyoshi was sluggish or not.

The spear in his hand flashed a stream of light.


When the entire body of the gun penetrated through Hideyoshi's body, Hideyoshi's body completely turned into a blood mist!

With one shot, the Yata mirror was torn to shreds, and Toyonai Hideyoshi was also wiped out!


Watching the blood mist fall, Sun Ce withdrew the spear in his hand.

Although there are many enemies on the sea, he generally won't attack easily.

Because these people are really too weak!

"Where is the God? Has the God come?"

Seeing that Oda Nobunaga and Toyonai Hideyoshi were both dead, Tokugawa Ieyasu, one of the three surviving heroes of Ying Kingdom, panicked.

He wanted to kill the enemy recklessly.

But when he thought of the tragic death of Oda Nobunaga and Toyonai Hideyoshi, he immediately hid himself behind the long army, not daring to take the lead again.

At this time, Li Sunshin, Shivaji and others also noticed something bad.

Even if the soldiers under their command occupy an absolute numerical advantage, they cannot achieve corresponding results.

Although some of the Apocalypse Navy were desperately killed, the soldiers of their East Asian coalition forces died the most.

"God please take action!"

At this time, Li Sunchen fell to his knees and begged the God of East Asian civilization to help.

At present, the gods and gods who can join the war from the East Asian civilization are mainly those big monsters from Dongying Kingdom!

"Hey! Go!"

Yuzao was dressed in a gauze dress, her enchanting and slender body looming.

She didn't want to come, but faced with the oppression of the three western kingdoms of God, she could only be forced to come.

"Hehe, it should have been like this a long time ago."

Daitengu wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and looked away from Tamamomae with difficulty.

The clothes on Yuzao's predecessor are useless to it!

But Tamamomae didn't mind either.

Everyone is a monster, just watch it!

"Uh~ hiccup!"

The wine-swallowing boy's attention was always on the wine barrel in his arms.

Hearing Tamamo-mae's words, it raised its head drunkenly.

With six pairs of horns on the flushed cheeks, it looks like a little devil in the western hell.

However, it has a thick back and a waist, and it looks like a little devil that has swelled several times.


Not long after, three great monsters from Ying Kingdom appeared on the battlefield.

Looking at the chaotic battlefield and smelling the stench of blood, Yuzao felt a little disgusted.

However, the big tengu had already changed its form at this time, with a bloodthirsty look in its eyes.

And the boy who swallowed wine even sobered up from his drunken state.

Looking at the layer after layer of corpses, it suddenly smiled and said, "What a good raw material for wine making!"

In its eyes, the dead body is an excellent raw material for its winemaking!

"Okay, let's make a quick decision!"

"Before the fairy gods of the Huaxia tribe rush over, retreat after the battle is over!"

Tamamo urged.

She doesn't want to fight the immortals of the Huaxia tribe, she has extreme inner shadows.

"The deity comes first!"

I saw the big tengu roaring.


In an instant, there was a deafening barking of dogs.

Under the dog barking of the big tengu, the soldiers of the Apocalypse Navy felt trembling all over.

Their strength suddenly dropped to a level.

From the initial stage of killing gods, it became a super god-level unit in an instant.

This time, their strength advantage is gone!

"Damn it! Open the army soul!"

Discovering that it was the strongest of the enemies who made the move, the admirals roared and activated their military souls!

Rumble! Rumble!

When the ten army spirits overwhelmed the battlefield, the originally relaxed Datengu restrained his expression.

Under the protection of the power of the army soul, the power of Ootengu was expelled.

The strength of the Apocalypse Navy has been restored again!

"court death!"

Seeing the military soul in the way, the big dog roared and rushed up.

If it can't tear up these army souls today, then it won't be able to hurt the Apocalypse navy soldiers below!

As the Gods of the Kingdom of Ying, the strength of these big monsters has also stepped into the initial stage of the Divine Palace.

Facing the spirit of the Apocalypse Navy, which was half as strong as the Shrine, Otengu had the upper hand when he rushed over.

It's just that the quantity advantage of the ten army souls makes it impossible to achieve results for a while!

"Let the deity come!"

At this time, the wine-swallowing boy made a move.

Since the strength of the Apocalypse Navy cannot be reduced, it will enhance the strength of the soldiers of the East Asian coalition forces.

"Come, come, have a drink!"

I saw it pour down the wine barrel in its hand!

The bright red and stinky blood wine flowing out of the barrels scattered on the battlefield in an instant.

Because the Apocalypse Navy has the protection of the military soul, all soldiers of the Apocalypse Navy are exempt from the erosion of blood wine.

At this time, tens of millions of East Asian coalition soldiers were receiving the baptism of blood and wine!

Rumble! Click click click!

After their bodies were stained with stinky alcohol, the soldiers of the East Asian coalition began to mutate.

Some people have grown a third eye, some have three heads and six arms, and some even turned into monsters that are neither human nor demon!

Under this extreme mutation, their strength began to soar!

After the wine-swallowing boy emptied all the blood wine in the wine barrel in his arms, the strength of the soldiers of the East Asian coalition had already risen to the top level!

Top-level state, super god-level peak strength!

Now the strength gap between them and the Apocalypse Navy is only one level.

The wine-swallowing boy in the Divine Palace Realm made a move, and raised the mortal soldiers by two or three big realms in the blink of an eye!

This is tens of millions!

Such a huge number is enough to show the strength of the wine swallowing boy!

However, after pouring out the blood wine in the wine barrel, the boy who swallowed wine also shrunk in size.

It told Yu Zaoqian: "Next, I will leave it to you!"

He can raise tens of millions of troops to the peak strength of the super **** level at one time, and his method is stronger than that of Han Xin of Han before!

If there were fewer people, maybe the wine-swallowing boy could raise the strength of the soldiers to the real god-killing level!

"pass it to me!"

The strength of Yuzaoqian is the strongest among the three monsters, reaching the strength of the middle realm of the shrine.

I saw that she broke off one of her own tails!


When the white fox tails were scattered on the battlefield, the strength of the soldiers of the East Asian Allied Forces increased by a bit!

At this moment, their strength has completely reached the level of killing gods!

This is the means of the gods!

A fairy **** with the strength of the palace realm can reverse the entire battle situation with just a raise of his hand!

"Kill! Kill!"

"Hahahaha! It's time for revenge!"

"Skui! Kill all these Chinese people!"

The strong strength made the soldiers of the East Asian Allied Forces start to fight back.

Although the god-killing level that was forcibly blessed made their strength a little unstable.

But at this time, there are still four or five times the number, allowing them to exert their absolute advantage in numbers for the first time!

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

In the face of endless enemies, the Apocalypse Navy suffered large-scale casualties for the first time.

The one-to-two battle damage caused the Apocalypse Navy to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Not enough! Not enough!"

But even so, Tamamomae was still not satisfied.

Although two soldiers of the East Asian Allied Forces who killed God at the beginning could replace an Apocalypse Navy soldier.

But it will take a long time to replace it like this.

In order to make a quick decision, she turned her head and looked at her remaining eight tails.

"If you want to improve the strength of this group of mortals again, then you have to cut off the four tails of this deity again!"

Thinking of this, Yuzao showed an extremely distressed look.

Cut off four more tails, and her strength will drop to the initial stage of the Jingu Palace.

But when she thought that Huaxia's reinforcements might be on their way, her heart skipped a beat.


This time, four huge and pure white fox tails fell down.

With the addition of four new foxtails, the strength of the soldiers of the East Asian coalition has officially stepped into the border of the country.

Although they didn't initially borrow the power of heaven and earth like the real powerhouses on the border.

But their strength is enough to crush the soldiers of the Apocalypse Navy.

Cheng Mu was right at the beginning.

He is not fighting against the earth star mortal kingdom, but is fighting against the gods who descended on the earth star.

The strength of the Immortal God of the Divine Palace Realm from the upper realm is really terrifying!

"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Seeing that more and more soldiers died at the hands of the East Asian coalition forces, the generals of the Tianqi Navy could only order to withdraw to the Tianlongfu ship.

It seems that they can only wait for the disappearance of the enemy's buff status!

The very high side of the Tianlongfu ship and the defensive formation engraved on the ship have become the last shelter of the soldiers of the Tianqi Navy at this time!

"Monster, die!"

But at this moment, the eleventh fleet of the Apocalypse Naval Corps finally arrived on the battlefield.

Zhang Shun inspired the spirit of the Tianlong Army.

The Heavenly Dragon Army is a mid-level unit of killing gods, and its strength has reached the initial state of the shrine!

I saw the Tianlong Army roaring and rushing towards Yuzao.

At the same time, Zhang Shun also killed the past with a broken knife.

Now among the gods of the enemy, there is still a wine-swallowing boy staring at him!

It's time for Zhang Shun, whose strength has advanced to the other side realm, to show his edge!


"Miss Zheng, are you ready?"

On the chaotic battlefield, Zhou Yu did not participate in the battle.

He has invited Mrs. Zheng out.

Although Zheng Yisao retreated behind the scenes, she became Zhang Shun's good helper.

But her strength is also steadily improving!

Now, like Zhou Yu, she is a strong person in the middle of the altar!

"Also ask Mr. Zhou to start."

Aunt Zheng raised her staff. After her strength was promoted to the middle stage of the **** platform, the power in her body became stronger.

"it is good!"

Zhou Yu nodded, only to see that he raised his hand and waved his feather fan lightly: "Fire Lianying!"

Rumble! Rumble!

In an instant, the endless fire burned the wooden continent on the sea.

Even the falling downpour dries up under his burning battalion!

Under the power of this raging fire, hundreds of thousands of East Asian soldiers were burned to death in an instant!

But even so, Li Sunshin was still sneering. At this moment, Zhou Yu actually wanted to set himself on fire?

"Hehe! Do you think this is Chibi?"

He had been on guard against the fire attack for a long time, how big waves could Zhou Yu's fierce fire cause?

"Extremely cold storm!"

With his stern shout, a hurricane began to surge across the sea.

Even at this time, layers of white snow have already begun to float in the sky!

"Haha! Let's see how you burn under my handsome's extreme cold storm!"

Li Sunshin laughed wantonly.

He saw that the defensive circle on the Tianlongfu ship could not last long.

Soon, he will be able to kill tens of millions of soldiers of the Apocalypse Navy!

"There is nothing that cannot be crushed in front of our 40 million soldiers on the border!"

"Although your Huaxia clan is strong, is it stronger than the immortal gods all over the sky?"

Yu Zaoqian waited for the big monster to make a move, and it seemed that the battle situation was about to be completely settled!


"Five layers of corrosion sea!"


But at this moment, I saw Mrs. Zheng waving her magic staff and shouting coquettishly!

Gulu Gululu!

Under her staff, the sea water in the entire stormy sea began to boil.

Next second!


The tumbling seawater turned into the most powerful fuel!

And Zhou Yu's burning company that was about to go out was strengthened by more than ten million times in this instant!

Burning waters meet wooden ships.

For a time, the sky was full of flames!

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