The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1076: Kill the God of War

"Intruder, die!"

Holding a golden spear and shield, Athena led hundreds of thousands of golden saints into the battlefield.

As the goddess of wisdom and war among the twelve main gods of the Olympian kingdom, Athena is resplendent in gold, dignified and beautiful, and heroic.

The moment she joined the battlefield, she chose Ye Xuan as her opponent.

"Little boy, die!"

In Athena's eyes, Ye Xuan with fair and bright eyes was just a little boy.

Compared with the rude Bai Qi Ran Min and others, she is more willing to fight Ye Xuan.

" are the little boy!"

Seeing Athena insulting him, Ye Xuan was furious.

This woman is too much.

"Don't think that you can be unscrupulous because you have a face that you can still see, go to hell!"

He, Ye Xuan, was beaten by only one woman, and that was Hua Mulan.

Today, this foreign woman still wants to bully him? He does not agree!


The sword is unsheathed.

The sharp long sword struck Athena's golden spear.

In an instant, both of them felt a powerful force of collision!

But then.


Athena, who had some combat experience, ran over with a shield in hand.

She has two weapons.

Kill the enemy with a spear, and defend the enemy with a golden shield!


Faced with this extremely fast shield attack, Ye Xuan's reaction was also very fast.

With a bang, he blocked the shield with his left elbow.

Although the powerful force knocked him back a few steps, he was still not at a disadvantage!


Then there was another loud bang, which was his counterattack.

After blocking Athena's shield, Ye Xuan took advantage of the situation and crashed into Athena's arms.

That hard right elbow gave Athena a hard blow!

In an instant, the towering armor on Athena's chest sank into it!

"You! Damn it!"

Feeling the pain coming from her chest, Athena gave Ye Xuan a fierce look.

Immediately, she attacked again with a spear.

She clearly felt that her strength was stronger than Ye Xuan's.

There is a difference in strength between the middle realm of the Divine Palace and the initial realm of the Divine Palace.

However, Ye Xuan in front of him doesn't know what's wrong? To be able to fight her evenly with the strength of the first stage of the Jingu Palace?

For a moment, the attack in her hand became more powerful!

"Hmph! What a brainless woman!"

Seeing Athena who kept rushing up to attack him without knowing life or death, Ye Xuan said angrily: "Just you? Still known as the goddess of wisdom?"

In her opinion, this Athena is simply big-chested and brainless.

He obviously possesses the divine power in the middle of the palace, but his melee attack ability is terrible.

They fought on equal terms with Ye Xuan, not only because of Ye Xuan's strength, but also because of Athena's own food!

"You, you are brainless!"

Ye Xuan angered Athena with a few words.

As the Goddess of Wisdom and War Goddess aloft in the Kingdom of Olympus, and as the daughter of God King Zeus, Athena has always been enshrined and praised by people.

Today, in front of her, this Ye Xuan actually scolded and mocked her.

For a moment, Athena wished to tear Ye Xuan's body into thousands of pieces.

During the rampage, her attacks became more and more fierce!

"Yes, that's it. Angry, more angry!"

Seeing Athena's offensive getting stronger and stronger, Ye Xuan finally felt a little satisfied.

He doesn't have any machismo thoughts, no matter how good-looking this Athena is, she is still an enemy.

And the reason for angering Athena was just to put more pressure on herself.

Only with pressure can he improve!


For Bai Qi's side, he chose Ares, the God of War known as the Kingdom of Olympus!

When the kingdoms of God first arrived, Ares, Thor, Michael and others arrived in the land of China.

As a result, the three of them were beaten to death by Sun Wu, almost losing their lives.

Today, Ares, who recovered from his injuries, made an oath.

He wants revenge.

Since he can't beat Sun Wu, he will seek revenge from other people in Huaxia.

Seeing Bai Qi take the initiative to deliver to the door, a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"Go to hell!"

He is a powerful queen of the shrine, with monstrous power.

And what kind of stinky fish and rotten shrimp is this? Just want to run rampant in front of him with the strength of just entering the Jingu Middle Realm?


With a halberd, Bai Qi was sent flying by a huge force.

Compared with Athena, Ares looks much more genuine!

"Hmph! Come again!"

Seeing the shattered tiger's mouth, Bai Qi was not afraid.

The stronger the enemy, the happier he is.

"As long as I kill you, the general is qualified to kill the two above!"

He is not a brainless barbarian in vain.

To challenge Poseidon and Hades at the peak of the Divine Palace with the strength of the Central Realm? This is something that people without brains would do.

According to his plan, after killing Ares and other main gods of Olympus, he will challenge Poseidon and Hades with stronger strength!

If these two powerhouses at the peak of the Divine Palace can be killed here, then one of them will surely set foot on the Divine Palace!

"It's ridiculous, if you want to kill me, dream about it!"

Seeing that Bai Qi, who was like an ant, uttered wild words, Ares laughed.

He is both happy and angry.

In the next second, "Death!"

Ares immediately suppressed the expression on his face, and his whole body turned into a golden light and hit Bai Qi's body.


The extremely strong power and extremely fast attack speed sent Bai Qi flying again.

This time, Bai Qi vomited blood, and a hideous and terrifying wound appeared on his chest.

A steady stream of blood flowed out from the wound, quickly staining his armor red!

"Hiss! Damn it!"

But at this time Ares is not feeling well.

The main reason why he was able to attack Bai Qi was because Bai Qi gave up his defense.

His War God's Halberd pierced Bai Qi's chest, and Bai Qi's sharp blade also cut the flesh around his waist.

Under a hideous knife edge, his flesh rolled and his blood flowed profusely. It looked extremely terrifying!

"You are looking for a dead end! You are looking for a dead end!"

Realizing that the ant Bai Qi had actually hurt him, Ares roared with red eyes.

This is a disgrace, a great shame!

"Today, the God of Japan will definitely tear your skin and cramp you, and smash your bones into ashes!"

No one can offend the dignity of the gods. Today's whiteness looks even more hateful to Ares than Sun Wu!

Sun Wu is stronger than him, he can't beat Sun Wu. So after being beaten up by Sun Wu, the resentment in his heart was actually not so deep.

But Bai Qi is different, Bai Qi is an ant!


In an instant, his offensive became even more violent.

Under the continuous and stormy offensive, Sun Wu could only block with all his strength.

"Haha, I feel it."

"Come again, come again!"

Facing the violent offensive, Bai Qi felt that his strength began to improve.

This is the gift of great oppression.

As long as he can persevere, he can keep getting stronger!


But the strength of Ares, the **** of war, is real.

Even though his own strength has been steadily improving, Bai Qi is still not an opponent in the face of absolute strength.

Under Ares' violent blow, Bai Qi flew upside down again.

His body was bloody, with wounds everywhere.

At this moment, no matter how he looks at it, he will not be able to hold on anymore!

"Die obediently, ants!"

Seeing that the blood had already stained Bai Qi's body, Ares let out a bad breath and angrily said: "Die early, less pain!"

In his opinion, Bai Qi is no different from a dead person at this time.

The God of War halberd in his hand has already broken countless bones!

It's time to end the fight!

"Ho ho... **** ho..."

But at this moment, Bai Qi's chuckle suddenly came from the battlefield.

The next second, under the surprised gaze of Ares, the scarred Bai Qi rushed over again.


With one blow, a huge force actually sent him flying.

"You! How is it possible?"

In his eyes, this Bai Qi was already a **** with severe injuries and broken bones.

But at this time, this useless man unexpectedly broke out with a strong fighting power.

Impossible, this is simply impossible!


Looking at the shocked Ares, Bai Qi didn't stop his attacks.

On the contrary, his offensive became more aggressive.

What is killing God?

Killing God means that when he is injured, his fighting power is stronger.

Now Bai Qi is covered in scars, almost to the point of death.

At this time, his strength is the strongest!

"you you!"

Facing the murderous Bai Qi, Ares couldn't help taking a step back.

He was afraid.

He felt a solid killing intent covering his The chill that penetrated to the marrow made his whole body stiff.

"It's too scary, what kind of monster are you?"

He, Ares, is also a majestic **** of war, but at this moment he trembled subconsciously under Bai Qi's killing intent.

Unbelievable, terrified!

Especially when he found that Bai Qi's strength could suppress him, Ares panicked completely.

When facing Sun Wu, he never felt such a terrifying killing intent.

"Apocalypse, kill God!"

Bai Qi told Ares his identity indifferently.

God of War vs. God of Killing?

Hehe, it seems that this Olympus God of War is dead.

From the moment Ares felt fear, he was doomed to fail!


With the last knife, when Bai Qi slashed at Ares, the killing intent from the entire battlefield frantically poured into the tip of his knife.

At this moment, under the piercing killing intent, the entire battlefield was frozen with frost.

Ares only felt cold all over his body and had difficulty breathing.

He wanted to resist, but under the overwhelming killing intent, he was so weak right now.


The blade of killing intent cut down, and the boundless killing intent cut off the halberd in Ares's hand, and cut him in half with a click!

Ares, the Olympian **** of war, die!

"Ho Ho! Kill, kill, kill!"

Seeing that Bai Qi beheaded Ares with one blow, the soldiers of the Killing God Army were full of fighting spirit.

Under the qualitative killing intent, each of the killing **** soldiers turned into the current killing god.

Facing the group of glittering gold saints in front of them, they raised the butcher's knives in their hands without emotion.

Click click click! Click click click!

In an instant, the golden saints suffered heavy casualties.

When the killing intent on the battlefield became stronger and stronger, the strength of the soldiers of the Killing God Army also became stronger and stronger!

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