The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1095: Zhan Yuanhong

"Hmph! Human ants!"

Yuan Hong sneered contemptuously when he saw the strong people of the human race flying up continuously.

Accompanied by his light drink.

In an instant, the extremely powerful power of the Golden Immortal swept across the entire earth, stars and sky.

next second.

Swipe, swipe, swipe!

Those strong men who sincerely wanted to protect the human race fell like raindrops.

They spit blood out of their mouths and were seriously injured.

There are even many weak and weak people whose bodies have been shaken into blood mist! There are no bones left, and the soul flies away!

In front of the strong in the Golden Immortal Realm, what kind of Shenmen Shentai Shrine? All are ants!

Even the Immortal Taiyi and the Profound Immortal of Nine Heavens above the Divine Palace could not withstand the power of the strong in the Golden Immortal Realm!

Fear begins to creep in.

When hundreds of millions of people of the clan watched their strong men fall like raindrops, most of them panicked.

Are the gods so powerful?

Will the happy life they created with great difficulty be broken again?

Immediately afterwards, the next second.


The boundless power and influence pressed on the earth star again, pressing all the people of the earth star to the ground.

Yuan Hong's voice sounded like Hong Zhong Dalu: "I am the head of the six sages of Meishan, those who worship me will not die!"

He was not stupid enough to kill all the earth and star races.

He came to harvest the power of incense, and he wanted the earth star race to build a temple for him and hold incense to worship!

The extremely strong coercion was on the human race, and all the races were so oppressed that they couldn't lift their heads.

Panic, anger, despair...

All kinds of emotions haunted the hearts of the human race.


But only a second later, Cheng Mu's cold voice came: "Get lost!"

In an instant, all the power that suppressed the entire Earth Star was dissipated.

The people of the human race only felt the pressure on their bodies suddenly loosen, and a gentle force lifted them up.

"My countrymen!"

At this time, Cheng Mu's voice was already sad: "Have you seen it? This is the ugly face of the gods!"

"They broke into our homes, slaughtered our brothers and sisters, and wantonly over our heads!"

"They are domineering and regard the lives of our human race as worthless."

"They want to break our peace and take away our happiness."

"All the sons and daughters of the stars, do you agree?"

This is the opportunity he has been waiting for.

Since the high-ranking fairy gods dare to come, then he will let the fairy gods see the unity and fighting spirit of the earth and stars!

"No! Kill them! Kill these intruders!"

Under Cheng Mu's mournful cry, the earth and star myriads began to roar.

They just saw with their own eyes that the gods slaughtered their compatriots, and saw the gods trample them under their feet and threaten them to kowtow to worship!

This is a great shame! It is a disgrace to all races on Earth and Stars!

"His grandma, these gods are too hateful!"

"Just now the gods pressed me to the ground, and I couldn't even raise my head. If it weren't for His Majesty the Emperor, we would definitely be oppressed by them again!"

"Kill them! Kill these ugly gods!"

"The earth and stars belong to us, why should the gods step on our heads?"

"Defend our homeland and kill these fairy gods!"

For a time, the entire earth and stars were furious.

The high fighting spirit of unity instantly formed a powerful force.

It was also at this moment that Cheng Mu broke through.

Under the common belief of the people of the earth and stars, and the common belief of hundreds of millions of people, and the fighting spirit of uniting to resist the enemy, his strength soared to the initial stage of the Golden Immortal in an instant!

Earth Star is the territory of the human race, and it is Cheng Mu's home field.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

Yuan Hong was horrified when he saw all the earth and star tribes stand up and resist him.

"Shouldn't you be in awe of this **** and kowtow? Don't you all fear death?"

In his memory, as long as he shows a little bit of divine power, the weak human race will definitely kneel down and kowtow in front of him.

But now, why didn't this scene appear?

"Death, of course I'm afraid."

Cheng Mufei came up to him and said coldly: "But compared to death, losing dignity and hope is actually the scariest thing!"

He was still worrying about how to make hundreds of millions of people abide by the ten-year ban on having children.

But now that Yuan Hong appeared, he immediately shifted the conflict to the past.

When the people of all races are aware of the current suffering and plight of the human race, they will understand Cheng Mu's good intentions!

"Bah! Keeping you ants alive is already the greatest gift of the gods!"

Seeing that Cheng Mu dared to lead the human race against him, Yuan Hong said angrily: "Don't think that you are blessed by the power of the human race, you are the real strong in the Golden Wonderland."

"In front of this god, you are still an ant!"

"Go to hell!"

In anger, he attacked Cheng Mu with two swords in his hand.

Cheng Mu's current strength is blessed by the power of the human race, so in Yuan Hong's view, it is extremely false.

A short golden fairy, that is not a golden fairy at all!


Facing the roaring Yuan Hong, Cheng Mu charged forward with a Hanchi Spear in his hand.

What is the rank of weapons above the fairy? By asking the Dragon King, Cheng Mu knew the current rank of the Han Chi Spear.

Acquired treasure.

In the prehistoric world, psychic instruments are generally called spirit treasures, which correspond to mythical weapons.

And the fairy level above the mythical level becomes the acquired spirit treasure.

The Houtian Lingbao can already be called a good treasure in the entire prehistoric world.

Most of the gods don't have the acquired spirit treasure yet.

And above the acquired spirit treasure, above the fairy-level weapons, that is the acquired treasure!

When a magic weapon reaches this level, it is already coveted by all the gods in the sky.

Today Yuan Hong was able to die under the spear of Houtian Zhibaohan, which can be regarded as Yuan Hong's blessing!


With one shot, Yuan Hong, who was originally full of murderous aura, was shocked back.

"Who said the power of the human race is false?"

Cheng Mu roared: "My compatriots of hundreds of millions of people, each of them has flesh and blood, thoughts, emotions, pursuits, and beliefs!"

"You, a mountain **** who can't stand on the stage, dare to deny the power of my human race?"


Another blow.

Furious, Cheng Mu slashed down with a spear, and the extremely powerful spear instantly sent Yuan Hong flying again!

His current Golden Wonderland is the real Golden Wonderland!

"You! Presumptuous!"

Since Yuan Hong was physically strong, his injuries were not serious.

He didn't remember one of the many words Cheng Mu roared out, but he remembered that Cheng Mu called him the Immortal of the Mountains and Fields.

For a moment, he was also angry: "This **** is the head of the six sages of Meishan!"

"Those who dare to insult me, the Six Sages of Meishan, will be killed without pardon!"


At this moment, the aura in his body became even bigger.

Fortunately, the strength of the ground and the stars soared after the fusion of the ancestor's land, otherwise the sky would have been shattered at this time.

"Go to hell!"

In fury, Yuan Hong slashed down with a sword!

Of course he sensed the extraordinary aura of the Han Chi Spear.

But as Yang Jian's younger brother, his weapon, the Heavenly Ape Twin Swords, is also an acquired Lingbao.

The gap between Lingbao and Zhibao? Yuan Hong is confident that he can use his own strength to wipe it out!

"This God is the real Golden Immortal!"


It was an earth-shattering blow.

The huge impact sound shook the ears of all races on Earth and Stars.

The collision of the two swords and the long spear swept the entire sky!

"Open the army soul!"

The commanders-in-chief of the Earth and Star armies have also led their troops to kill them.

Facing the power of Cheng Mu and Yuan Hong's battle, they could only activate their army souls to resist.

"The more the better!"

Han Xin stood up, raised his hand and fused together the souls of the ten supreme warriors.

Only by fusing these army souls with the strength of the initial stage of Xuanxian can they stand up to this boundless power!


At the same time, Auspicious Qilin also joined the battlefield.

It scattered endless power of protection, blocking all this monstrous power.

Now the sky is a battlefield, but how can the thousands of races on the earth and stars under the sky be affected by the war?


After seeing the auspicious unicorn make a move, Li Bai, Sun Wu and others finally made a move.

Without the worries of the people on the ground, they can kill the enemy wantonly!

"Kill them all!"

Xie Xuan, Xiang Yu, Lu Bu and other generals also led their troops towards the enemy.

There are only 100,000 enemy troops.

Even if they die today, all the enemies must be killed here!


"Shall we make a move?"

Seeing that the war had already started, Ao Shang asked Ao Guang for his opinion for the first time.

Now they have all arrived with their own army, ready to join the battlefield at any time.

"Until the critical moment, no need."

Ao Guang shook his head and said, "This is His Majesty's grand ambition battle!"

"If it wins, it will inspire the confidence and fighting spirit of the human race and the ten thousand races on Earth and Stars."

"So until the last moment, don't interfere!"

Ao Guang also wanted to lead his troops to kill the enemy.

But reason told him that the Dragon Clan can't intervene yet.

If this battle was won because of the Dragon Clan, the self-confidence of hundreds of millions of people would be hit hard.

So at this time, Ao Guang would rather his Dragon Clan not intervene in this battle.

The army of the Dragon Clan is like a protector, shouting for Cheng Mu and for the aspirations of the human race!

"This is probably a tragic battle!"

Ao Shang is,000 grass-headed gods don't seem like a lot, and they are vulnerable in front of millions of human immortal soldiers.

But the strength of these grass-headed gods is enough to crush the soldiers of the human race.

Whether it is Xie Xuan's Beifu soldiers, or maybe the soldiers of the Excalibur Army, Xiang Yu's Western Chu Army...

What is the difference between the initial state of Shenmen and the half-step altar? That is life and death!

As Yang Jian's personal guard soldiers, the Caotou Army's strength is at least half a step from the altar, half step from the fairyland.

Such a huge gap in strength may not be filled by human soldiers with their lives.

"What can we do? Even if it is tragic, we must fight."

Ao Guang said: "These grass-headed gods have been practicing for nearly ten thousand years."

"Hey, there is only a few small differences between the soldiers of the human race who have been cultivating for nearly ten thousand years and the gods who have cultivated for nearly ten thousand years."

"Tell me, is it scary or not?"

In terms of average cultivation speed, the human race is undoubtedly the fastest among the heavens and worlds.

Under the leadership of Cheng Mu, the human race was about to catch up with the immortal gods in just a few decades.

Such a frightening speed of increasing his strength, even Ao Guang would feel fear in his heart.

"So, we didn't make a mistake this time."

Ao Shang nodded: "If our Dragon Clan has the reproductive ability of the human race, and the speed of cultivation of the human race."

"Why are you unhappy?"

Although the dragon clan is powerful, its ability to reproduce offspring is extremely low.

Coupled with the oppression of the gods, even after millions of years, the strength of the dragon clan has not improved significantly.

So he, Ao Shang, is envious!

"Look, our dragon clan will be happy!"

Ao Guang patted him on the shoulder: "When the strength is strong, we will bring back the third and fourth brothers."

"And the premise... I hope His Majesty the Emperor can win this battle!"

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