The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1106: Changes in all directions

"That person is Jade Emperor Haotian?"

After returning from the underworld, Cheng Mu was still in a state of shock.

He didn't expect that in just half a day, he saw two big men.

Emperor Fengdu, Lord of the Underworld, Lord of the Myriad Worlds, Jade Emperor!

However, it appears that there is discord between them. Even, it will turn into a hostile attitude.

For a moment, Cheng Mu couldn't understand why such a thing happened.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

But at this moment, Zhuge Liang's call pulled him out of his thoughts.

I saw Zhuge Liang report with joy in his eyes: "Your Majesty, half of the centenarians in my human race have returned!"

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This is a great joy!

At first, everyone was pessimistic and believed that the elderly over a hundred years old had been lost.

But in just half a day, Cheng Mu rescued nearly half of the old man back!

"There are still half of those who have not returned, let's bury them alive!"

However, Cheng Mu was not happy.

On the contrary, it was the biggest failure he had ever encountered.

Half of the centenarians of the entire earth-star human race died in the underworld, their souls scattered.

This is a disgrace to the human race, and a blood feud that every human race must remember!

"Pass down my order, today is a day of suffering for my human race."

"Every year in the future, the human race will pay homage to the dead at this time and remember the suffering!"

Today's blood, Cheng Mu will never forget it, and neither will the human race!


Zhuge Liang was also infected by Cheng Mu's emotions.

Yup. Today is a day when the human race is suffering, and most of the old people of the human race have not returned, how can he be happy?

Soon, the entire Earth Star fell into deep mourning.

Some people rose up in grief and rushed out of their homes to join the army and serve the country.

There are also people who practice martial arts hard, strive to become stronger, and strive to be able to enter the underworld one day.

For a time, under the painful experience of the human race, the power of the human race rose again.

We all share the same hatred and vow to create a future for the human race.

And Cheng Mu's military department also turned quickly.

Although he was sad, he knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Now Emperor Fengdu has been suppressed, and the entire underworld has no leader.

If there is no more troops at this time, when will we wait?

Although Yan Luowang is a strong man in the Golden Wonderland.

But with the two dragon kings in the formation, they can kill the strong in the Golden Immortal Realm!

"It's useless to live in the earth and stars. We will still be lambs in the hands of the gods after all."

"If we want to become stronger, we have to go out and fight to support war!"

This is Cheng Mu's order!

What is the greatest advantage of the human race? It is the ability to reproduce and learn that is incomparable to all races in all worlds.

When these two are combined, Terran can always be stronger.

A steady stream of human people can provide endless soldiers for the battlefield!

Today, there are hundreds of millions of earth-star human races, and I don't know how many are determined to serve the country.

It is also time to let all races in the world see the strength of the human race.

The earth star race has never been an ant!



Haotian's mood is very beautiful.

At the beginning, he was still worried about how to sanction the underworld. Unexpectedly, Emperor Fengdu actually killed himself.

Now it is up to him to suppress it himself.

Not to mention a million years, a hundred thousand years. In ten thousand years, the Great Emperor Fengdu will not be able to figure it out.

And this ten thousand years is the opportunity that Haotian has been waiting for!

"Li Jing!"

Soon, Haotian summoned Li Jing, the King of Tota.

He ordered: "This emperor ordered you to form an elite army and be ready to go to the underworld at any time!"

He is waiting.

He knew that Cheng Mu would not be able to sit still, and would lead his army into the underworld to avenge the dead human race.

And this is an excellent opportunity for them to send troops from heaven.

"At that time, this emperor will also serve as the Lord of the Underworld!"

This is Haotian's initial pursuit.

Having been the Jade Emperor for millions of years, not only has he not made any progress in status, but he is also being watched by people all the time.

If that's the case, then he's also playing the big game.

He wants to be the Lord of Myriad Worlds in the true sense, not just a slogan in the mouths of the gods!


West, Lingshan.

Wutian Buddha sat cross-legged on the twelve-grade black lotus platform.

He knew about Haotian's action to suppress Emperor Fengdu immediately.

Immediately, when the hard attack on Xitianmen was fruitless, his thoughts changed.

"Pass down the decree of the deity, send troops to the underworld, and help Dizang save the souls of the underworld!"

This is also his Lingshan opportunity!

Now that Emperor Fengdu is not here, the strongest person in the underworld is his Buddhist Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

"This Haotian is making a wedding dress for my Buddhist sect!"

How could his Buddhist sect not accept such a big gift?


demon world.

Bai Ze, who had been asleep for a long time, opened his eyes.

He had a happy event in his heart, so he made a calculation.

In the next second, the long-lost excitement appeared on his face: "Come here, call the top ten demon commanders!"

"Also, invite the demon master Kunpeng... No, I will invite you personally!"

He counted.

There will be great chaos in the underworld, and this is an excellent opportunity for their monster race.

"It's time to save the souls of the Heavenly Emperor and the Eastern Emperor from the underworld!"

Their Yaozu has been waiting, secretly accumulating strength.

The purpose is that one day, I can welcome back my Heavenly Emperor in person.

Now, the time has come!


East Pole Sky Abyss.

Emperor Qinghua sits here, suppressing the eleven ancestor witches under the abyss.

But the strange thing is that these eleven ancestor witches don't have heads.

But the surging blood in the body told everyone that they were still alive!

In a certain corner of the abyss, a tribe of Wu tribes began martial law.

Inside the shed.

Holding the scepter in his hand, Kuafu said excitedly: "The underworld is in chaos now, it's time for us to retrieve the heads of the ancestral witches!"

In order to suppress the witch clan, Emperor Qinghua suppressed the bodies of eleven ancestor witches under the abyss of the East Pole.

But their heads were placed in the deepest part of hell.

This is a once and for all solution.

But he didn't want Haotian to take action suddenly to suppress Emperor Fengdu, causing the underworld to fall into chaos for a while.

This created an opportunity for the Wu Clan!

Their witch clan is the son of Pangu. If they don't cultivate their souls, their bodies will never die!

As long as the head returns to the body, the eleven ancestor witches will be resurrected again!

"Don't worry, be careful Emperor Qinghua!"

At this time Hou Yi said: "Our actions cannot be known by Emperor Qinghua."

Emperor Qinghua, Lord of the East Pole Heaven, one of the Four Emperors, also known as the East Pole Taiyi Save the Suffering Heavenly Venerable.

And as the God of Rescue of Suffering Emperor Qinghua's attitude towards other Wu tribes is quite friendly.

At least under this abyss, the remaining Wu clan can continue to live.

But it is not an easy task to go to the underworld under the eyes of Emperor Qinghua.

"Hey, I've got the news."

Regarding Houyi's worries, Kuafu explained: "I heard that Emperor Qinghua has gone to heaven."

"Let's escape first, and come back when we find the heads of the ancestral witches!"

This is their only chance.

Emperor Qinghua went to talk to the Jade Emperor. As long as there are no changes in the bodies of the eleven ancestor witches, Emperor Qinghua will not notice it.

Now that the secrets of the sky are in chaos, no one can spy on the future anymore!

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