The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 900: Enemy all over the world

Great Qin, Xianyang Palace.

The impatient guards galloped back and forth dozens of times, and the entire palace became restless.


"Yingbu, Chen Tang, and Li Guang died in Yizhou County of the Han Dynasty."

"The champion Hou Huo Qubing led his army to retreat three thousand miles, and handed over the huge Hannan to the Apocalypse Empire."

"Zhang Liang and Han Xin teamed up to deploy tens of millions of troops in the southern county of Jingzhou..."


One by one, the news reached Ying Zheng's hands, and the entire Great Qin Empire became dark clouds.

The domineering Ying Zheng frowned deeply: "Is this Tianqi Empire really that powerful?"

He has never seen the mighty soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire, nor can he imagine how powerful the Apocalypse Empire is.

In Yingzheng's consciousness, his Great Qin Empire is the strongest in the world. Even in the face of the coercion from Ji Fa of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, he still straightened his spine.


The Great Han Empire, which is no match for his Great Qin, is not the enemy of the Apocalypse Empire?

Yingbo died in battle, Li Guang died in battle, and Chen Tang died in battle.

Huo Qubing withdrew his troops, Peng Yue withdrew his troops...

Zhang Liang and Han Xin teamed up to deploy an army of tens of millions of troops......

He Yingzheng had never seen Liu Che so flustered!

"Your Majesty! Your lips are dead and your teeth are cold!"

"Now that the Apocalypse Empire has monopolized Chinese civilization, how can we sit still and wait for death?"

Li Si has been collecting intelligence about the Apocalypse Empire.

It was only when Cheng Mu started pushing the Han Empire horizontally that he fully experienced the power of the Tianqi Empire.

Every general is a peak-level powerhouse, and they are all in the realm of immortals and immortals.

Every army is a special-level unit, and the army of the Apocalypse Empire is not lower than the super **** level.

Li Si was deeply shocked by the huge amount.

Generally speaking, having a dozen or so famous generals in an empire is already a sign of prosperity and strength.

However, the generals of the Apocalypse Empire cannot be counted with two hands.

Being able to fight against the three great empires of the Sui, Song and Han at the same time is enough to demonstrate the strength of the Tianqi Empire.

How can Li Si feel at ease with such a vicious dragon and tiger?

"I didn't expect that one day I, Ying Zheng, would join forces with others to survive."

"Hehe, it's ridiculous!"

Ying Zheng shook his head mockingly, his eyes full of resentment.

Obviously his Great Qin Empire is the most powerful.

Sweeping heaven and earth, the four seas return to one. unprecedented. Comparable to Yao and Shun, close to Yanhuang...

How could Da Qin, who was so powerful himself, be reduced to the point of uniting with others to survive?

"Your Majesty! Don't hesitate!"

Li Si begged bitterly: "As long as the Tianqi Empire is defeated, our Great Qin will be the only one in the world!"

Sometimes a country cannot be too powerful.

Those who are too strong will make those around them uneasy. If the people around want to feel at ease, they can only join forces to kill this most powerful man!

"Good! Good! Few people know!"

At the time of the country's life and death, Ying Zheng will not act recklessly.

He really wanted to fight Cheng Mu in an upright manner.

But after realizing that he was doomed to end in a disastrous defeat and the country's destruction, he could only take measures to protect himself.

"Pass the widow's order to stop all wars in the Jin Dynasty."

"Great Qin soldiers, do your best to help the Han Empire!"

When the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom was unable to directly intervene in the war on Earth and Stars, holding together to defend against the enemy became the last hope of the nations.

If the Apocalypse Empire can be defeated, the countries will be in a long-term balance of power.

If not? It would be better to die in battle!

Neither Yingzheng nor Liu Che can accept that they are the king of subjugation or the minister of other countries!

"My minister... obey!"

When Ying Zheng decided to send troops to assist the big man, Li Si suddenly had a surge of emotion in his heart.

The Apocalypse Empire is a dragon.

They are about to join forces to slay the dragon!


"It's... interesting!"

In Xianyang Palace, every word and action of Ying Zheng and Li Si was in Ji Fa's eyes.

Hearing that Ying Zheng was going to assist Liu Che in defending against the Apocalypse Empire, Ji Fa didn't know what expression to show for a moment.

He didn't like Ying Zheng, but he didn't like Cheng Mu either.

But now the political leader Ying is on his side, attacking the Apocalypse Empire with Yang Jian and Zhao Kuangyin?

The news is generally a good thing.

"So, in the future, I only need to get rid of Ying Zheng alone!"

After thinking about it for a while, Ji Fa still didn't intend to spare Ying Zheng.

After driving Yingzheng first, when the Apocalypse Empire is conquered, then Yingzheng will lose its effect!

"Your Majesty, this is a god-sent opportunity!"

Jiang Ziya was delighted.

He not only saw the possibility of the collapse of the Apocalypse Empire, but also saw the opportunity for the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom to become stronger.

"As long as Your Majesty sends an order to assist the Great Han Empire, the generals of the Great Qin Empire will also see the strength of our Great Zhou."

"At that time, maybe Ying Zheng will take the initiative to bow his head and surrender!"

Yingzheng still has a glimmer of hope at this time, believing that his Daqin is still strong. So he was unwilling to belong to the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

But if the collapse of the Great Qin Empire is imminent, who would refuse the last straw in the boundless despair?

According to Jiang Ziya's intention, he wanted Ying Zheng to see the power of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom. On the other hand, Ying Zheng must be put in a desperate situation.

"I'm afraid the Apocalypse Empire doesn't have this strength."

Ji Fa shook his head.

Let Ying Zheng despair?

Doesn't it mean that Cheng Mu will be able to attack the city of Xianyang after fighting against the other five countries?

No, no, he doesn't think Cheng Mu's Tianqi Empire has this strength.

In his opinion, the war between the Apocalypse Empire and the three great empires of the Sui, Song, and Han Dynasties was already a desperate fight with all their strength.

How about adding the Great Qin Empire?

The battle is self-evident.

Today, on Earth and Stars, no empire can unilaterally resist the joint attack of other countries.

Song Sui Qin Han, this is not a small country.

Even Ji Fa's Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom had to put up 12 points of energy and go all out in the face of the joint attack of these four countries, which cost a huge price.

Apocalypse Empire?


Ji Fa sneered, and immediately prepared to see how the Tianqi Empire was destroyed!


"Head to revive Yingbu, Li Guang, and Chen Tang."

In Weiyang Palace, Liu Che's face was ashen.

Before the battle in Yizhou County started, he predicted the outcome of the battle.

A mere Yizhou was thrown nearly ten million troops by Cheng Mu...

There are also the Mingzhou Legion and the Navy Legion of the Apocalypse Empire...

"Are you really bullying me that there is no one in the big man?"

With such a huge army, Liu Che was really angry and angry.

For now, he can only take one step at a time. If it doesn't work, he intends to pray for the assistance of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

"Report...Report to Your Majesty."

But at this moment, an extremely panicked voice sounded: "Three generals...the three generals cannot be resurrected!"

Everyone is dumbfounded.

Nobody knew what happened.

Obviously, Yingbo, Chen Tang, and Li Guang died in battle for the first time, so logically speaking, they can be resurrected.


Liu Che was horrified.

Could it be that there is something wrong with his resurrection altar?

He didn't believe it, so he raised his hand and crushed the **** next to him to death.

The next The **** with a terrified face climbed out of the resurrection altar again.

"Cheng Mu!"

Seeing such a scene, Liu Che gritted his teeth.

Unable to revive the three of Yingbo and Li Guang, he knew that he must have something to do with Cheng Mu and the Apocalypse Empire!


But in the midst of despair, a new dawn appeared.

"Your Majesty, the Lord of the Great Qin Empire sends his greetings to you. The millions of Great Qin troops are already on their way."

"Daqin and I, Dahan, join hands to control the Apocalypse Empire!"

Message delivery is fast.

When Ying Zheng decided to send troops to help the Han Empire, Liu Che had already received the news.

"Send charcoal in the snow! Send charcoal in the snow!"

Liu Che swept away the haze just now, and his ambition was renewed.

Isn't your Apocalypse Empire very powerful? Then try what it's like to be the enemy of the world!

Today when Great Qin joins the battlefield, all countries in the entire Chinese civilization are enemies of the Apocalypse Empire.

The accusation of thousands of people, the enemy of hundreds of millions of people.

It's time to slay the dragon!

Amidst the turmoil and grandeur, Liu Che gave an order:


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