The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 902: Sword Qi! Dao Gang!

Between empires and empires, there are grades.

Naturally, rangers from different empires are also divided into ranks.

Meng Gong believes that the strongest ranger in the Song Dynasty [Song Shigui] can completely defeat Nirvana's [Ba Dao Army]. But in Ba Dao's eyes, what's the difference between these million rangers and chickens and dogs?


As soon as he gave an order, hundreds of thousands of tyrant swords and heavy cavalry rushed up to meet him.

Today, in the million-dollar sword army, everyone is a peerless powerhouse.

In terms of hard power, they will be stronger than the Rangers of the Song Empire.

The national power of the Song Empire was already weak, how could the rangers in the country be so strong?

Although the strongest ranger army on the surface of the Apocalypse Empire is the [Excalibur Army]. But with the years of experience in fighting on the battlefield, how can Nirba's [Bad Sword Army] lose to the [Excalibur Army] in strength?

Rumble! Rumble!

The heavy cavalry began to gallop.

The two armies showed their strongest power, and they collided in an instant.

Click click click! bang bang bang!

Between swords and swords, many soldiers on both sides were swallowed up.


In this kind of hand-to-hand combat, in the charge of life and death, there is not much difference between peerless and top-notch.

Soldiers on both sides filled the battlefield with their lives.

For one hit win.

Behind the army of the Song Empire [Song Shigui], there was actually another army following.

Song Shixing.

To put it simply, [Song Shixing] is the second team of [Song Shigui]'s army.

Two armies, the most powerful two million rangers of the Song Empire are here!

Today, Meng Gong will show the ambition of the Song Empire and the determination of the Song people in the first battle!


However, as the battlefield continued, more soldiers from both sides joined the battlefield.

The preserved preserved egg who was supervising the battle at the rear frowned.

The most elite army under his command is actually decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Ba Dao Army led by Nieba is like a black hole at this moment, devouring the lives of [Song Shigui] soldiers bit by bit.

"what happened?"

He took a look.

Immediately, a scene that shocked him extremely appeared.

The ranger of the second echelon of the Apocalypse Empire is actually stronger than the strongest ranger of the Song Empire.

When everyone was fighting together, the soldiers of the Tyrant Sword Army instantly gained the upper hand in strength.

That sharp sword was harvesting the lives of Song State rangers all the time.

Although the name of the Overlord Sword Army of the Apocalypse Empire is not as resounding as the Excalibur Army. But the strength, that is definitely not weak!

"Come here, order the Second Army to enter!"

Although he was shocked not to eat preserved eggs, he would not sit still.

Today he is here to rest and wait for work, waiting for Nirvana for many days.

For the victory of this battle, he has made sufficient preparations.

At the same time, when the second army of the Song Empire joined the battlefield, Do not eat preserved eggs himself also entered the field in person.

He was originally a lone ranger. When the Song Empire was fighting against the Tang Empire, he couldn't bear to see the Song Empire retreating steadily.

Ever since, he gave up his pursuit and resolutely accepted the official recruitment of the Song Empire.

And the [Song Shigui] army under his command did not disappoint Zhao Kuangyin.

As the strongest army of rangers in the Song Empire, [Song Shigui] played an extremely important role in resisting the rangers of the Tang Empire.

An army that could arm-wrestle with the [Chang'an Army] of the Tang Empire back then, as the commander-in-chief of such an army, the strength of not eating preserved eggs is also top-notch.


Nirvana had already been fighting high.

Holding the Scarlet Overlord Saber, he leaped forward.


The powerful aura emanating from his body made the situation on the battlefield turbulent.

He was originally the strength of the town.

But with the advancement of the Heavenly Qi Empire's road to the fairyland, his strength has also been promoted to the half-step township.

Although he didn't enter the realm of immortals in Zhenguo.

But its combat power is not at all an ordinary strongman in the country!


Don't eat preserved eggs and hold a sharp sword. As the flying body flickered, the sword light and cold shadow scattered.

Although he is not as domineering as Nirvana.

But the sharpness of the long sword is enough to split mountains and crack seas, and its power shakes the world.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

The sword qi collided with the knife gang, and the huge sound was like thunder in the flat ground.

In the case of Nirvana's main attack, he seized the opportunity with a backhand without eating preserved eggs, and turned back mainly with his dexterous posture and fierce offensive.

This is a sword that goes forward bravely.

Every time the long sword strikes, there is a sword energy that traverses the world.

That fierce offensive made Nieba feel the pain all over his body from being pricked by the sword energy.


Seeing more and more sword lights in front of him, and faster and faster sword speed, Nieba's heart skipped a beat.

In an instant, he tried his best to block and fight back with the blood knife.

This domineering and fierce knife carried enormous power.

Caught off guard, the long sword in Bu Chi Ji Dan's hand was almost knocked off.

At this second, after disrupting the attack rhythm of not eating preserved eggs, Nie Ba took the initiative again.

"Eight Styles of Overlord Sword!"

In the drinking room, the **** knife in his hand was bursting with blood.

That fierce and unparalleled offensive immediately put Bu Chi Dan at a disadvantage.

Ba Dao Ba Shi is the exclusive move of Nirvana, and its fierceness can kill ghosts and gods.

After launching the Ba Dao Eight Styles, Nie Ba's entire aura also changed.

Violent, cold-blooded, cruel, bloodthirsty......

At this time, his eyes were as red as a wild beast, and just one glance could shock the enemy's mind.

"go to hell!"

Under the ferocious face, Nieba used his most powerful move!


In the face of Nieba's continuous attacks, a little bit of anger ignited in the heart of Bu Eat Preserved Dan.

A person holding a sword should have a calm mind and guard his heart with the sword.

But in the face of Nieba's almost fatal attack, how could he sit still and wait for death?

A huge knife gang had already appeared on top of his head, and it was about to strike down and tear him into pieces.

crucial moment.

"Wan Jian returns to the sect!"

With a roar of not eating preserved eggs.

The sharp sword in his hand turned into thousands of handles. Countless sword qi began to tear the ground, and a huge sword made of pure sword qi appeared in midair.

This is the collision of Dao Gang and Jian Qi.

Nieba and Buchi preserved eggs tried their best at this moment.


The wind and cloud have changed color, and the sky and the earth have begun to neigh.

Although the strength of the two has not reached the realm of immortals. But the power of the fight between the two, even if the immortals in the town of the country meet, they have to avoid the edge for the time being, and stay away!


Nieba exhausted the last bit of strength in his body.

Under his control, the huge knife gang shattered Fengyun, and with the power of thunder, he slashed at the preserved egg.

At the same time, the sword energy in the hands of Bu Eat Preserved Eggs also began to shine.

Although Jian Qi looked small in front of Dao Gang, its power was not inferior to Dao Gang.

under one blow.

In an instant, the whole world lost its color.

The rangers on both sides who were fighting on the ground only saw a silver light across the sky.

Amidst the shining silver light, the fierce and unparalleled sword made a crisp sound of clicking.

This small sharp sword energy actually cut off Nie Ba's **** sword with one blow!

"go to hell!"

After a successful blow, a triumphant smile appeared on the face of the do not eat preserved eggs.

The sword qi had already flown to Nieba's body, passing across Nieba's body.

This fierce sword energy can cut even a fierce sword, let alone a mere body!

No need to look at the results anymore.

The long sword that does not eat preserved eggs has been sheathed.

After all, he won this battle!


However, in the next second.

A loud metal crash resounded through the sky.

Under the sword spirit of not eating preserved Nie Ba flew upside down.


The expected result of not eating preserved eggs did not appear.

Although Nieba was knocked into the air, he was still intact.

At the same time, the broken knife gang moved again.

When he was horrified by not eating preserved eggs, the remaining sword slashed at him fiercely!


In an instant, the world shook.

Although the tip of Dao Gang was cut off by the sword energy, its power has not been diminished in the slightest.

With one blow, the entire land was split in two.

Looking at the thick rising smoke, Nieba spit out:

"Bah! Don't you know that this general is invincible?"

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