The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 989: Both sides behind


Meng Tian's blow shook the flying stone away, and he flew back hundreds of meters.

At this time, his brows were deeply wrinkled.

He found a problem, his mid-level God Altar could only draw with Shi Da who was at the beginning of the God Altar.

shame! For a moment he was ashamed.

If he had known this, he would not have chosen this "shortcut" in the first place!

"Oh, want to run?"

Seeing Meng Tian retreating, Shi Dakai bullied himself and chased after him.

He had already discovered the problem with Meng Tian.

Meng Tian's altar middle stage is a fake altar middle stage.

It is estimated that Ying Zheng forcibly boosted Meng Tian's strength for this battle.

And the consequence of a rash increase in strength is that the realm is unstable and the strength is seriously inconsistent.

For Shi Dakai, this kind of opponent with high realm but weak strength is completely a tempting experience baby!

As long as Meng Tian is killed, he, Shi Dakai, might be able to touch the threshold of the middle stage of the altar.

"You really linger! Get out!"

Meng Tian roared angrily.

Seeing Shi Dakai chasing him to death, he was furious.

The long knife in his hand danced wildly, trying to chop Shi Dakai to death in front of him.

But Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

The rapid and intense impact sounded continuously.

Shi Dakai's pair of golden fists are indestructible.

Under the collisions again and again, the long knife in Meng Tian's hand had gaps.

Immediately, Shi Dakai punched fiercely.


Fist Gang Transformation Dragon!

The golden dragon fist roared, knocking Meng Tian flying with one blow.

Shi Dakai's initial state of the altar is genuine, it was sharpened by his fists and palms.

How could the unstable Meng Tian be his opponent in a close-quarters life-and-death fight?

"Cough cough! Cough cough!"

Meng Tian clutched his chest, a big mouthful of painstaking effort spewed out from his mouth.

He knew where he had failed.

In the next second, the breath in his body dropped rapidly.

He doesn't want the false power in the middle of the altar.

Today, he will use his true strength to fight Shi Da!


In an instant, the solid aura of the initial state of the altar burst out from Meng Tian's body.

All the injuries he suffered just now have recovered.


Feeling that he had finally completely controlled his body, Meng Tian roared and fought back.

When he led the army to attack Wang Mang's Xin Kingdom, he fought with the Xin Kingdom general Murong Ke until both sides suffered losses.

In that battle, his strength also fell from the middle of the altar.

However, before his injury fully recovered, Ying Zheng sent him to the Han Empire.

In an emergency, Ying Zheng raised his strength to the middle of the altar again.

It's just that there are hidden dangers in this kind of forced promotion of strength, and it even hinders Meng Tian's own strength recovery.

So at this moment, after Meng Tian dissipated the power that did not belong to him, his strength also stopped at the initial stage of the altar.

He wants to continue to improve? I'm afraid Shi Dakai will have to be killed to have a chance in the future!

"Hehe, die!"

Shi Dakai went up to meet him.

This time, he's going all out!

At this time, Meng Tian, ​​who was in the initial stage of the altar, was much stronger than Meng Tian who was in the middle stage of the altar just now!


Under the knife, Shi Dakai felt the sharp knife energy invaded his skin.

He looked down, and there was a scar on the golden fist.

Bright red blood was gurgling out from the wound.

After consolidating his own strength, Meng Tian's attack was already very fierce.

Shi Dakai, who was unarmed, couldn't stop it!


Looking at the wound on the fist, Shi Dakai groaned coldly and smoothed the rolled flesh.

In the next second, a golden knuckle appeared on his fist.

Meng Tian has become stronger.

Naturally, he must give Meng Tian enough respect!


above the ground.

When the heavy cavalry of the Great Wall and the heavy cavalry of the Wing King were fighting to the death, another heavy cavalry army rushed over.

This is Shi Dakai's backhand, the big gift he prepared for Meng Tian's Great Wall Legion last night.

Rumble! Rumble!

This is the 100,000 most elite winged king's heavy cavalry, and it is the top trump card among the 300,000 winged king's heavy cavalry.

After knowing that Meng Tian had only 800,000 troops yesterday, Shi Dakai hid 100,000 troops.

Fighting against the 800,000 Great Wall Legion with the 800,000 Wing King Army reduced Meng Tian's vigilance.

So Shi Dakai wasn't worried at all when the 300,000 Great Wall heavy cavalry besieged and killed the 200,000 Wing King heavy cavalry at the beginning.

His backhand is enough to wipe out Meng Tian's Great Wall heavy cavalry.


Soon, the 100,000 Wing King heavy cavalry crashed into the back of the Great Wall heavy cavalry.

The Great Wall heavy cavalry was fighting with the Yiwang heavy cavalry in front, but they didn't want to be attacked in the back.

They have long since lost their speed.

So in front of the menacing Hundred Thousand Winged King's heavy cavalry, the back road of the Great Wall heavy cavalry was instantly breached.

This is a **** road.

On the **** road, it is not known how many corpses of the Great Wall heavy cavalry were covered for a while.

"Block! Block them!"

"Revenge! Revenge for the brothers who died in battle!"

"They only have one hundred thousand people, they only have one hundred thousand people!"

The stormy attack caused the Great Wall heavy cavalry to lose their senses for a while.

They roared sharply one by one, trying to organize an effective force to resist.

However, the speed of the Hundred Thousand Winged King's heavy cavalry was far faster than their defense speed.

In just a quarter of an hour, the formation of the Great Wall Heavy Cavalry was pierced.

Dead bodies everywhere!

In fact, the strength of the Great Wall Army was forcibly raised.

In the first battle, they did have the strength to fight against the King Yi Army. But as the war raged, their shortcomings were exposed.

Kong has a lot of strength, but he can't play it perfectly.

In this case, the Great Wall heavy cavalry quickly lost half.

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

Fighting between heavy cavalry and soldiers of other arms cannot intervene.

Now all the infantry on both sides can do is to push in unison.

They also learned the lesson of the chaotic battle between the killing **** army and the flying tiger army at the beginning, so the two armies formed a shield wall to advance.

Behind the shield wall, archers from both sides shot at each other.

Under the interlacing of waves of arrows, Shi Dakai's Wing King Archers finally gained the upper hand.

They could draw their bows ten times, while the unstable Great Wall archers only shot six arrows.

The extra four arrow attacks established the victory for King Yi's army.

Under the sharp arrows, not only pieces of the Great Wall archers were shot to death.

Even the thick shield wall of the Great Wall became crumbling!

But just when the Great Wall Legion was in danger, another group of soldiers from the Qin Empire appeared on the battlefield.

It's Murong Ke!

He came to help Meng Tian!

The former has now become a teammate fighting side by side!


After Murong Ke arrived, hundreds of Thunderbolts were launched from his army!

This was their sharp weapon for defending the city.

But after learning of the strength of the soldiers of the Tianqi Empire, Murong Ke sent someone to forcibly remove the Thunderbolt Crossbow and bring them over.

Rumble! Rumble!

The thunder was raging, and its power was monstrous.

In an instant, under the roar of the thunderbolt, the shield wall of King Yi's army was directly smashed to pieces.

This is Meng Tian's backup, the super reinforcement he has been waiting for for a long time!

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