The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 993: Control the soul of the army and reverse the situation of the battle


Under the impact of the Shenzhou Heavy Cavalry, the barbarian begging army in the rear was overturned like straw.

Facing the charge of 200,000 heavy cavalry, even the barbarian giants can only be turned into flesh under the iron cavalry at this moment!

Soon, the rear of the barbarian beggar's army was torn open a **** path.

The broken flesh and blood has turned into a carpet of flesh and blood.

However, the Shenzhou heavy cavalry did not choose to continue in-depth.

When they realized that the speed of the charge was about to slow down, they turned their horses and rushed out from the left.

Although the power of two hundred thousand heavy cavalry is powerful, it is impossible to pierce through five or six hundred thousand barbarian beggars at once!

Only one-third of the way through the charge, furious barbarian soldiers surrounded him.

"Die! Die! Die!"

These barbarian beggars have no IQ and can only growl dead words.

They rushed over angrily and madly, and soon caught up with the Shenzhou heavy cavalry who wanted to turn back.


With just one blow, a Shenzhou heavy cavalry was smashed to a pulp with both men and horses.

In this chaotic battlefield.

The Shenzhou heavy cavalry can crush the barbarian beggars to death with the power of the charge, but they cannot resist the counterattack of the barbarian beggars.


In just a quarter of an hour, Shenzhou Heavy Cavalry left tens of thousands of corpses after this charge!

There are even roaring barbarians tearing the horses to pieces with their bare hands!

However, the results of Shenzhou Heavy Cavalry are also fruitful.

Nearly ten thousand barbarian beggars died, and this charge is still a big victory!

The commander of Shenzhou Heavy Cavalry calculated it.

"Brothers, as long as we charge a few more times, at least one hundred thousand enemy troops can be wiped out!"

They originally had 200,000 people, and the 100,000 barbarian begging army was their target.

At this time, only 60% of the barbarian begging army remained on the battlefield. As long as they continued to fight to the death, at least half of the barbarian begging army would be lost.

The third shield wall in front of the battlefield has surrounded them.

On the crazy battlefield, the soldiers of the Shenzhou Army are confident that most of the barbarian begging army will die.

Although the Shenzhou Army will be destroyed by then, Ran Min's barbarian beggars will also lose their ability to fight again!


"Although our Shenzhou Army is destroyed today, the soul of the army will live forever!"

"I am an apocalyptic man, not afraid of life and death!"


With a roar, the remaining 190,000 Shenzhou heavy cavalry rushed into the enemy's formation again.

All of a sudden, the sound of fighting, roaring, impact, and cracking could be heard endlessly.

All kinds of sounds are intertwined and become a unique note of death on the battlefield!

With the support of the Shenzhou Heavy Cavalry, the pressure on the Shenzhou Heavy Shields who resisted the barbarian beggars at the front dropped sharply.

The two-to-one battle damage left barbarian corpses everywhere on the battlefield.

Blood flowed into rivers, blood drifted oars.

The entire land was dyed red, and the remaining vegetation looked extremely coquettish under the blood!

"Ah, ah, I want you to die!"

Ran Min has completely entered the madness mode.

He personally saw the reduction of the barbarian beggars under his command, and saw the heavy cavalry of China wreaking havoc with his own eyes.

At this moment, he vented all his anger on Ye Xuan.

Boom boom boom!

Every cut of his made Ye Xuan's mouth spurt blood, and his internal organs were shattered.


As the battle continued, as more and more blood was vomited from his mouth, Ye Xuan, who was struggling to support himself, suddenly realized something.

"Hehe, is that all you can do?"

He felt as if he had grasped something, so he wanted to test it out.

"If you have this ability, you can die!"


In an instant, two extremely majestic energies flowed out from the Shenzhou Shield and the Shenzhou Sword.

After Ye Xuan absorbed these two energies, he felt that he was completely merged with Shenzhou Sword and Shield.

In other words, the soul of the sword and shield army of the Shenzhou Army turned into Ye Xuan's weapon.

He, Ye Xuan, also fused into the soul of the Shenzhou Army!


Under a sword!

Ran Min was immediately sent flying by an unrivaled force.

After merging the power of the army soul, Ye Xuan also possessed a mighty power comparable to that of a half-step shrine!

Now he is completely integrated with the Shenzhou Army.

As long as the Shenzhou Army is not destroyed, then Ye Xuan is immortal!

This is a completely different symbiosis system from Xie Xuanbei's army.

Xie Xuan is immortal, and the Beifu army is immortal.

And here, as long as the Shenzhou Legion is not destroyed, Ye Xuan will not die!


After Ye Xuan turned into the soul of the Shenzhou Army, the surviving soldiers of the Shenzhou Army also seemed to have divine help for a while.

The power of the military soul that was continuously scattered made the weapons in their hands stronger and sharper.

The shields of the Shenzhou heavy shield soldiers have been able to block the heavy hammers of the barbarian beggars.

And the sharp blades in their hands can also tear apart the armor on the barbarian beggars.

Under the fearless counterattack of the soldiers of the Shenzhou Army, the barbarian beggars who had the upper hand were completely overthrown.

Slowly, the number of barbarian beggars on the battlefield became less and less.

And Ran Min's aura is getting weaker and weaker!

"What kind of monster are you? What kind of monster?"

At this moment, Ran Min roared.

He retreated steadily under Ye Xuan's counterattack.

What about the barbarian king? After Ye Xuanrong became the soul of the Shenzhou army, how could he be Ye Xuan's opponent with only brute force?

"My name is Ye Xuan!"

Under Ran Min's horrified gaze, he cut it down with a single sword!

There was a click.

This time, the blood knife in Ran Min's hand also broke.

Ran Min, who lost his weapon, completely became a toothless tiger.

Facing Ye Xuan's Shenzhou Sword and Shield, his appearance was even more miserable at this moment.

"As expected of a fairy-level qualification."

Shi Dakai has arrived on the battlefield.

He galloped here, originally wanting to support Ye Xuan.

But after seeing that Ye Xuan can still maintain a human body and consciousness after being transformed into a Shenzhou army soul, he couldn't help admiring.

He had received news before that Li Ji of the Longwu Army melted into the army soul, and finally forged a powerful Xuanwu army.

But the Li Ji after the fusion did not have a human form.

However at this time.

Ye Xuan of the Shenzhou Army also melted into the military soul, but the result was completely different from Li Ji at the beginning.

Shi Dakai saw it.

Ye Xuan melted into the military soul and controlled the power of the military soul!

The ingenuity of opening up such a different path can only be imagined by Ye Xuan, who has a fairy-level aptitude.

"To completely control the power of the military soul, and not be affected by the power of the military soul, Ye Xuan should be the first person in this way!"


The moment Shi Dakai's admiration fell.


The Divine Sword in Ye Xuan's hand sliced ​​across Ran Min's body.

This time, Ran Min finally stopped resisting.

His body was split in half by the sword of Shenzhou, and Ran Min, the majestic barbarian king, was broken here!

"Soldiers, kill through!"

After beheading Ran Min, Ye Xuan roared and gave the final killing order.

The Shenzhou Army is going to die?

Do not!

It is the Shenzhou Army who let the enemy die!

In an the crazy counterattack of the soldiers of the Shenzhou Army, all the remaining barbarian beggars were killed.

What about going crazy?

At this time, the soul of the begging army [Tu Hu Ling] was also smashed by Ye Xuan's sword.

The barbarian beggars who lost their morale and fighting spirit turned into a defeated army and fled everywhere!

Ye Xuan won.

In the desperate situation, he found a way to control the power of the army soul, beheaded Ran Min in one fell swoop, and turned the tide of battle!

After this battle, he was able to stabilize his strength in the realm of the half-step divine palace.

In other words, as powerful as the Shenzhou Army in the future, Ye Xuan, the coach, will be as powerful as he is!

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