The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 147: : Origin of Light

"I am awesome…"

Looking at the narcissistic Ren Yi in front of him, Gorzan curled his lips and looked aside with disdain.

"Hey, hey? What's your expression? Believe it or not, your right to eat nuclear energy will be confiscated?" Ren Yi pointed at the disaffected Gorzan and threatened.

Sure enough, when he heard the threat about nuclear energy, Gorzan immediately faltered.

"That's about the same. From now on, I just need to wait comfortably for the mask and the devil to get me...Huh? Wait!" Ren Yi was going to lie flat on the sofa with peace of mind, but suddenly he was taken aback and realized something was wrong.

"I remember that in the original book, the first mask was in the palace of the Holy Lord. The area that the Holy Lord originally ruled should be Asia, and the palace should be built in China, so..." Ren Yi reasoned with a serious face.

"Oops...should go to's the wrong way."

Gorzan at the side observed Ren Yi's expression, and laughed involuntarily.

"Huh? Come on, keep Gorzan in the confinement room!" Ren Yi waved his hand towards the air with a smile on his face, and saw countless black shadows surrounding Gorzan and dragging him into the confinement room. into the shadows.

"Ya Butterfly!" Gorzan shouted with difficulty before being dragged into the shadows.

"Hmph, it seems that we need to find some time to train it properly." Ren Yi looked at the location where Gorzan disappeared, and muttered.

"Forget it, come here! Take my golden holy robe!" Ren Yi looked away and shouted at the shadow at his feet.

I saw two groups of dark shadows start to squirm, and two black shadow ninjas rose up from the ground, holding a black robe in their hands.

"Huh? Why is it black... isn't there gold?" Ren Yi asked as he took the robe.

"Well...Speaking of it, the Shadow Corps seems to be dark in all aspects, which is also understandable."

Ren Yi put on the robe casually, stood in front of the mirror, looked at it, and nodded slightly satisfied.

"Although it's not golden, it feels pretty good overall." Ren Yi stared at himself in the mirror and murmured.

Afterwards, Ren Yi put the hood attached to his neck on his head, covered his hair and eyes, and tapped the golden necklace on his neck with his hands.

"Back to Tokyo, Japan..."

Inside Papa's Antiques.

"Xiaoyu, you stay in the store to look after the shop. Tru wants to go with me to collect some materials." The father carried a few instruments, patted Tru who was carrying a large backpack full of items, and walked out of the house.

Watching the two gradually go away, Xiaoyu jumped up happily.

"Okay, there is no one around right now, it's a great opportunity to test my magic talent... wait and see, I want to let you know that I am very talented..." Xiaoyu shook the glass bottle in her hand and said to herself road.

After a while, looking at the bubbling green solution on the heater, Xiaoyu swallowed subconsciously.

"Okay... Now it's time to test the results!" Xiaoyu picked up the bottle with some trembling body and dripped a few drops of the solution on her head.

A few seconds later, with a flash of green light, a little loli who was exactly like Xiaoyu appeared beside Xiaoyu.

"Wow~ Cool..." The two Xiaoyu looked at each other with bright eyes.

"Okay, you stay at home and do your homework, and I'll go after Uncle Long." Ontology Xiaoyu gave another order, and at the same time ran towards the door without looking back.

"If I ordered me to do my homework, that means I can also allow myself not to do it?" The avatar Xiaoyu grinned and followed secretly.

Meanwhile, the airport location.

"The passenger plane to Tokyo, Japan is about to take off, please board the plane as soon as possible..." A sweet voice came from the radio.

"It's getting late..." Jackie Chan looked down at his watch, picked up his suitcase and walked towards the plane gate.

"Yes, Uncle Long, it's getting late." At this moment, a little loli suddenly appeared at Jackie Chan's feet and said with a smile.

"Huh? Ah! Xiaoyu! What are you doing again!" Jackie Chan looked at Xiaoyu who suddenly appeared, and didn't know what to say anymore.

"Oh, forget it, but remember not to cause trouble for me." After thinking twice, Jackie Chan sighed and said helplessly.

"Hey, promise to complete the task." Seeing this, Xiaoyu smiled and followed.

Tokyo, Japan at this time.

"Oh~ I didn't expect that we could still enjoy luxury packages in a five-star hotel... It's so pleasant to enjoy the sea view gracefully like this~" Ah Fen lay on the balcony of the room, looking at the sea in the distance, and sighed .

"Okay, go out and look for clues after eating! We must find the gate of **** where the demon Bo Gang is imprisoned as soon as possible~" The Lord stood behind Ah Fen and said faintly.

At this moment, a black glare flashed in the sky, and a dark black star gradually approached.

"Understood, boss, I'm going right now..." Just as Ah Fen turned around to leave, a gray-black giant suddenly appeared on the opposite seashore.

"This is..." The huge movement caused by the landing of the giant instantly attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

At this time, there was a man on the pier by the sea.

"Giant..." On the pier, unlike the others, a young man in a straight suit looked at the black giant standing on the sea in shock.

"Hey! Yuangu!" Just as the man was standing there blankly, staring at the giant, another man ran from a distance and shouted at the same time.

"Huh?" The man named Yuan Gu turned around when he heard the sound, and looked at the man running towards him.

"Yubutani, what are you doing?" The man was panting, while reproaching him.

"Giant...A giant suddenly appeared here..." Tsuburaya said as he turned around and looked towards the sea.

I saw that there was no trace of the so-called giant on the calm sea.

"What nonsense, don't hurry back to work!" The man looked at the empty sea and shouted at Yuangu.

"But..." Tsuburaya seemed to be planning to defend something.

"Stop Hurry up, or you will be fired!" the man roared ferociously.

"Okay..." Yuan Gu hung his head, reluctantly walked towards the building in front of him.

"Giant...obviously appeared...giant...Ultraman..." At the same time, he kept muttering.

On the other side, in the five-star hotel, members of the Mafia were already in shock.

"Did you see it?" Shengzhu asked Ah Fen with a solemn expression.

"Hmm... what the **** is this..." Ah Fen was the same, with a very bad expression on his face, and muttered.

"Could it be..." Just as the Holy Master was about to continue talking...

"What the **** is this! Cockroaches are not like cockroaches, mice are not like mice, it's so scary!" Ah Fen suddenly pointed at the corner of the balcony, where a dark creature shouted in horror.

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