The Holy Lord In the Comic World

: About this watery question

Recently, the plot seems to be dragging on again, right? In fact, this is just an illusion! Because I have added a lot of new settings, of course the plot will be relatively slowed down, and this book is expected to write about a thousand chapters. Is it possible that I will write dozens of worlds? tan90, and I still prefer to write more detailed, because my personal taste is to like the kind of very delicate, very relaxed, not very compact novels, such as Conan the wizard, funny loli, the kind that really resembles It's the feeling of being on vacation in the second dimension, rather than being rushed by the task, so you should have discovered it, right? The system issues tasks very rarely.

So, the plot is going to be sped up, but it won't go anywhere soon, and I don't have many opportunities to update this time. When I have a holiday, I will be in good condition. I will change three times a day and four times a day. Let's see if you still talk about it.

You guys think it’s watery, the main reason is because the plot is slow and the update is slow, I’m also helpless, if the plot is added too fast, I don’t want to write, and I don’t have time for more updates, so I’m entangled.

It seems that the new book plan is about to be released. There will be dozens of updates on the National Day. Let you see. After I graduate from high school, I have to open a few more books to accommodate my imagination and creativity flying around.

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