The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 273: : Taotie and Bazaar

"The current situation is normal, and no traces of enemy troops have been found..."

"Spaceship data is stable, has passed through the atmosphere..."

"No air response has been detected for the time being, and it is judged that the opponent has not grasped our landing position..."

Howl stood on the observation platform at the top of the control room, looked at the blue sky outside the spaceship and the endless sea directly below, and nodded in satisfaction.

"This planet seems to be full of vitality. There must be many living people. By then, my **** Karl can study it to his heart's content."

At this time, Bazaar, who was staying on the sea, noticed the spacecraft that was about to land, and looked around curiously.

"It seems that I was teleported by some kind of a certain place, a certain world..." Bazaar whispered.

"My lord, should we rest for a while first, or attack directly?" a Taotie soldier asked.

"Take a break? Give them time to do defensive work? Don't ink it, just attack!" Biting howled with a disdainful smile, and ordered.

"My lord, they don't seem to be aware of our arrival. If they attack rashly, they might startle the snake." A Taotie dressed like a military adviser said worriedly.

"Hehe...the group of proud angels probably notified them long ago, and besides...we startled the snake, which snake did it start? We directly attack with the whole army and cover the entire planet. Tell me which snake you startled?" Howling looked at the military adviser playfully, his tone deliberately slowed down.

"Hmph~ It's not that you said you had to rest for a while before you came... and said that in order to prevent the angel's resistance, it's good now, the angel left for some reason, and you blamed me instead..." The military adviser was a little annoyed. body, muttering quietly.

"I heard that when the king heard that the angel was on the earth, he went to the toilet several times the night before his arrival." The adjutant also echoed.

Of course, the two were talking in a low voice, so they must not be heard by Biting Howl.

"That's not right, didn't the king cut off the second child long ago?" At this time, the soldiers on the side heard it and came up to ask.

"You said seems right, then why..." The military division seemed to think of something, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Could it be that…"

At this time, a Taotie came over from the console.

"Military division, the chief said that he wanted to discuss the strategy of an all-out attack with you." The soldier who came from the console said.

Seeing that the business was coming, the military adviser stopped talking nonsense here, and hurried to the console, leaving only the adjutant and a gluttonous soldier idle.

"You said... what did the military commander think of just now?" The soldier asked the adjutant curiously.

"How can we guess what the military adviser thinks? Otherwise, we can all be military advisers. Okay, stop talking nonsense and go to business, or be careful of the king's punishment!" the adjutant reprimanded.

When the soldier heard this, his chrysanthemum tightened immediately, because the so-called king's punishment...

It is said that one day, due to a soldier's dereliction of duty, a laser cannon failed to activate in time, so that when he invaded a certain planet, he failed to destroy the enemy's fort in time and suffered heavy losses.

Such vicious dereliction of duty, of course, must be severely punished to correct military discipline, so King Taotie personally punished that soldier...

Legend... That night, the soldier was called into the howl's bedroom alone, and he didn't come out for a whole night, and was dragged out of the howl's room the next day.

It was horrible to look at like that, it is said that the lower body was unconscious, and even blood was flowing.

No one knows what happened that night, and no one wants to know. What people only know is that once they are found to have seriously neglected their duties, they will be punished by the Glutton King, and those who are punished... will be paralyzed, and even... can't speak. Will become yin and yang strange.

As a crazy and obsessed glutton who loves war and loves, no one wants to become like that.

"Yes! Sir, I was wrong. I will return to my post immediately." The soldier panicked and ran away.

At this moment, the spacecraft suddenly shook violently.

"What happened?" Biting Howl immediately came out of the room and asked.

"My lord, the mother ship seems to have been attacked." A soldier replied.

"Attack? Earthlings probably haven't figured out our whereabouts yet, could it angel?" Biting Howl was thinking, his expression a bit grim.

If there were any remaining angels, it would be a fatal blow to the gluttonous army. If Howl had a void engine, there would be no need to be afraid of these hot chicken angels, but the problem is...he doesn't have any! Karl said it took a while to make something that matches the Howl...

"Huh? This is..." The external screen of the spacecraft that the technicians have called up.

Right below the fleet, a blue mermaid-like snake-like monster constantly controlled the water flow to attack the fleet mothership where the Howl was.

"Is this an earth creature?" Biting Howl asked in disbelief.

"Don't worry about it so much, fight back first!"

After another wave of attacks, Bazaar stopped, looked at the fleet that was doing nothing, and thought suspiciously: Is there no one on board?

It didn't take long for the gluttons to respond to her, adjusting the angles of their cannons to point at her, and the flashing light inside heralded the impending attack.

When Bazaar saw that the opponent was preparing to attack, a gleam flashed in her eyes.

"Mirror of water!" With Bazaar's spell, a circular mirror made of water appeared above Bazaar, wrapping Bazaar on the sea.

Finally, the Gluttonous Legion launched the first round of attack. Since there was only one person on the other side, the mothership only used three laser cannons.

"Hmph, overthinking one's abilities." Biting Howl looked at the shot laser, mocking with disdain.

At this time, a miraculous scene happened. After the laser shot on the mirror above Bazaar's head, it suddenly disappeared. A second later, the laser beam, which was originally as thick as a pillar, instantly expanded three times and reflected back.

"This..." Looking at the huge laser cannon approaching gradually, Yan Howling was shocked and speechless.

"Turn on defensive measures!" At this moment, the commander standing aside hastily ordered.

With the appearance of the blue energy shield, the laser shot steadily on the shield, leaving a trace of cracks.

The shield of the gluttonous army fleet is still very powerful, although it was cracked a few times when they met... but it is harmless.

"Hmm... there seems to be some kind of defensive magic." Bazaar looked at this scene and silently analyzed it.

Although Taotie has a large number of people, but he is a newcomer, so he can't make any big moves. It's not worth spending so much time and resources on this unknown monster.

So... as the king, Biting Howl gave the order to retreat.

Seeing the enemy's retreat, Bazaar doesn't seem to want to stop it. After all, she is just waking up and is not familiar with this strange world, so she needs to lurk for a while...

At this time, Ren Yi, who has been hiding in the sea for a long time, is not happy anymore. I feel comfortable watching the show, why don't I fight?

So... just when Taotie was about to leave Bazaar's field of The mothership of the Taotie Legion was attacked again, this time it was a powerful flame attack, which directly smashed the mothership's protective cover, even It spread to the hull, and the surface of the spaceship was scorched black.

And the direction from which the flames came was exactly where Bazaar was.

Hey? I'm ignoring you. Are you excited?

Biting howl was annoyed immediately, and ordered to turn his head back, and continue to fight!

Originally, Bazaar also planned to escape directly into the sea and leave, but suddenly...

A bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the sky and hit the sea beside Bazaar.

Looking at the cloudless sky, Bazaar didn't even think about it, and directly locked the target on the gluttonous army that was about to disappear.

"Stupid people... I'm so merciful, you guys are so ungrateful..." Saying this, several whirlpools formed around Bazaar...

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