"Just some questions about you, just ask her for specifics."

Skaha didn't seem to want to mention that Holy Guardian Angel. So he said perfunctory.

"Does the rune of grace still have this effect?

Roy didn't want to talk to Skaha. He just changed the subject.

"Rune Rune is a very versatile magic, especially the original Rune Rune, which has a strong effect in daily life and combat."

After a pause, Skaha added, ".. I won't teach you about magic, I will only teach you how to fight with weapons and bare hands. Iwass is better at magic knowledge than me. I have to admit, although I don't know how good she is in teaching. But she insisted that I should not teach you any knowledge of magic. So why not let me promise her."

Roy didn't expect Aiwass to say this to Skaha, but now he trusts Aiwas more than Scarha, so he didn't refute Aiwas's suggestion, but pointed to the road, ": She is The angel in charge of 'knowledge transmission'. You can still trust her in the ability to impart knowledge."

Roy did not ask that his body was a godslayer. It is difficult to be influenced by magic. Odin's original rune should belong to the scope of power. It is normal to be able to act on herself. Skaha has a lot of experience. Since she said she can, she must be able to.

"Very good, I know from your tone that you have acknowledged my identity as your master and you are ready to accept my teaching."

Skaha's wine red eyes stared at Roy, and there seemed to be stars shining in them

"I don't want to go against my heart. In fact, in the battle in another world, I'm already longing for a teacher to teach me. It's my honor to meet you, Master, what are we? Time to start studying?"

Roy was full and wanted to find a tissue to wipe the corners of his mouth. But he found that there seemed to be no such thing as paper in the hair. I had no choice but to wipe my sleeves.

He can't wait to start learning now. Because Roy didn't know how long he could stay in the Land of Shadows. If the door across the world opens again. Roy will not hesitate to return to the world of godslayers

because there. He still has his own things to accomplish.. There is also an unfinished "destiny". Now is not the time for him to stay in this "Moon World"

"Learning starts now!"

Roy was stunned by the tenderness and coquettishness of Skaha's smile, the smile in her eyes gradually disappeared, and her tone became arrogant and cold "_. Even when eating, you should always be vigilant to prevent being attacked by others. This is the most basic quality of being a warrior _ this is.. the first lesson I teach you

Two blood-red spears floated up from Roy's back like flying Liu and shot at the speed of thunder. at this distance. Under Skaha's control of the magic spear, Roy could only barely escape the key points of his body. Then the blood splashed and was penetrated by the magic gun

'Is this way of teaching a little too cruel L,\'

Roy cursed in his heart. Jinbe took back what he thought Skaha was gentle before, the essence of this woman is still a queen of trembling S, and she has to educate people's strange hobbies

Chapter 121 Xingyue Heavy Industry, I am not interested in too young men!

(My dad had a myocardial infarction and is in intensive care. I'll try to update it now in the hospital:

"It's just a mere physical injury. It's just so-called pain. What's there to fear?" Don't cut off your pain nerves. That will make you weaker. The human body has undergone countless evolutions. The pain nerve has its important role, which will make you understand the damage of your body more clearly.

"You can only become stronger if you are used to pain and endure pain until you enjoy pain and make pain an element that motivates you to become stronger. Even if your performance is too strong, if you don't have the willpower and patience to match it. Power, if the enemy can't shield you from pain _ no matter how powerful you are, you will be defeated."

Skaha shouted sharply. The magic spear in his hand crossed the mysterious trajectory and penetrated Roy's bruised body again at an incredible angle. Roy's pain nerve made him groan, and then the pain spread from the nerve to the brain. Until it poured into his soul, Roy couldn't bear the screams anymore.


The heart-piercing pain was like tens of thousands of ants gnawing at it, and Roy couldn't wait to die because of the severe pain that his soul was torn apart. But the function of too brain can't affect the soul, and even the mechanism of coma can't be activated, it's just tearing Roy's will as a human.

Under this pain, Roy went crazy and started to wave his fists. Terrifying magic power poured out from the deepest part of his body, and the terrifying magic hurricane whirled and whistled above the sky and the earth. The earth of the country is cracked. Fill the sky of Shadowland with magic.

It seemed that only this instinct could allow Roy to vent the uncontrollable pain out Shaowu.

Even Skaha took two steps back from this sudden outburst. Then the slender and powerful legs of Celtic's women's battle are like two heavy pincers stationed on the earth. Let the storm and rain not move a bit

"Don't give up control of your body even when it's painful, don't let yourself go completely into the instinct of the beast. The Celts fought desperately. But it's not the romance of the beasts. The Celts are poetry and wine. It's glory and Blood, beasts that drink blood are no glory at all

"Ancient humans have exterminated many species that threaten their own survival.. They have a powerful killing instinct but that is just something that has been eliminated. The real development of human civilization relies on wisdom rather than the instinct of beasts. Roy, mine Disciple, remember that your best fighting method is not turning into a beast. No matter how painful it is, no matter how unbearable it is, you must maintain a sense of reason, otherwise you will fall into Asura. If this is the case, I will use my hands The gun knows all about your life."

"Don't let me down, Roy"

In the agonizing pain, Roy seemed to have heard Skaha's words intermittently. He worked hard to keep his will clear, and in the sea of ​​despair and pain, he forged an island of his own sanity. .

Seeing that Roy's waving fist gradually has a little bit of escape, Fascaha is walking in the courtyard. Although your fist is still soft and weak, it still doesn't mean anything, but you have gradually learned how to grasp reason under pain. , about combat skills that will be the subject later. What I'm going to teach you now is what it takes to be a warrior. It's the will of a hero, you have the potential to become a tyrant, don't underestimate yourself, Roy!"

in battle. at the time of education. Skaha will never show her gentle face, she is like an instructor in the army training recruits, stimulating Roy with extremely harsh and cold words

Skaha is two qualified teachers. Otherwise, she wouldn't have taught the famous Celtic heroes. She clearly knew what Indus taught, and knew that Roy was not the kind of person who relied on the instinct of beasts to fight, so she was putting him in "wisdom". . direction guide

The fighting instinct of the beast is powerful, and the fighting of wisdom is also powerful, and there is no difference in theory. Only what suits him is not suitable for himself. Therefore, Skaha will devalue the instinctive fighting style, just to let Roy go on the path that suits him.

The pain gradually disappeared, and Roy's sanity became stronger and stronger. His crumbling body barely stood, dripping with sweat. Facing Skaha's weak road. ": Teacher, Jf Craftsman L, I can't do it anymore:= I just thought my consciousness was poor -= point of loss."

If self-consciousness is lost, Roy will become a vegetative person, which is no different from death.

"I've been watching you. Even the pain of tearing your soul is approaching your limit. Let you break through the limit. It will never kill you :=: As a teacher, if you teach your disciple to death, it will be the best. Poor teacher, if I see such a person, I think I can't help but stab him to death, this is an insult to the title of teacher."

Skaha said calmly, probably meaning 'you are dying', this is just your illusion, anyway, I will definitely let you die

"Men can't say no!. Especially in front of women, come on, keep throwing fists at me, you have to believe that's not your limit

"Who said I can't work z:: I'm still very confident in men and women."

In the midst of absolute pain, people will not have the leisure to suppress their openness, Roy said fiercely.


Skaha sneered: - She looked at Roy contemptuously

The body. He spurned, "Second, your body that has never experienced exercise. In front of a real strong woman, you only have the material to be conquered."

Skaha knew exactly where men's pain points were, and in Celtic culture. Desires between men and women are not as well-known as they are in modern times.

Sure enough, Skaha's contempt made Roy furious. Even if he knew about Escaha's tempered body, he could beat him and lose his armor even in bed. But men can deny = everything, but they can never deny the ability to be a man.

"Then come try it, Master!

Roy angrily punched Skaha's pretty face.

"Sorry, Roy, I'm not interested in too weak and too young men!"

Skaha = A sideways is to dodge. Then, with a high over-the-shoulder fall, Roy fell to the ground.

The back is in firm contact with the ground. But this kind of pain was nothing compared to the severe pain of the split soul before, and Roy didn't respond at all.

"The wisdom of the magic realm tells me that you should still have the ability to explode, use it!"

Under Skaha's order, Roy didn't think much about it and directly launched_Isaac's Redemption LL

This is the power to return to the light when it is on the verge of desperation.

At that moment, Roy once again felt that his body was full of power, he jumped up on the ground with a carp, and fought with Skaha again.

The sound of the fist and the red shadow of the magic spear appeared again after the Land of Shadows, and this time Roy persisted for a shorter time. When the power lost its effectiveness, Roy was finally paralyzed and completely fell to the ground.

This is a side effect of Isaac's redemption J. After the power effect disappears, there is absolutely no strength.

""I know for a long time that this is your limit, you can't fight anymore, but stand up, Roy L, I believe you still have the strength to stand up!"

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