And the other party didn't even know where this place was. Saying that he was here as soon as he was conscious made Xiang Liang guess.

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He was not someone who would trust strangers so easily, but Fang Shi's words had made him preconceived before, and now he has the influence of Roy's "Seeing God's Face", which made Xiang Liang lose his vigilance completely.

ask for flowers

"Mr. Wu Yong, there is no second in ancient times and now the Qin state is tyrannical. The second generation is domineering. The world has suffered from Qin for a long time. Bravery. Why not pity the people all over the world and the world is still bright L”


Without thinking, Roy just said that he just needed a pedal to see the world_ The person in front of him was from Wu Zhong, and Xiang Shi Roy had already guessed that he was Xiang Liang.

In the late Qin period, it was the battle between Chu and Han. Roy needed to know what went wrong with human rights in this world. It was easiest to borrow the power of the state of Chu. With his ability, he could steal the power of the state of Chu with just his intentions. Justifiably.

As for what: the princes, generals, and Xiangning have a kind of peace. Forget it. In this era, people are very opinionated. People like Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are insurgents who don't understand shit. It was doomed from the beginning. fail.

Xiang Liang originally wanted to use Taiyi to oppress people, and even said a lot of good things, ready to fool the person in front of him, but he didn't expect Roy to agree directly, and he was a little stunned for a while.

But Jian was overjoyed to follow him. The reason why he wanted to fool Roy was because he completely believed in Fang Shi's words before, believing that as long as he got help from aliens, he could fulfill his big wish.

Immediately. In order for Roy to "return to his heart", he worshipped him in a big way. He completely trusted Roy, who was unsure of his footing, and how to make people suspicious. He couldn't see any doubts, so he said that the gods are harming people!

After that, Xiang Liang and Roy took the ten soldiers to leave quickly. It is estimated that the movement here will be discovered soon. If they are surrounded by the Qin army, they will surely die.

"Listen to what the general said, General Xiang is the queen of Xiang Yan?"

Walking quickly in the underground palace, the two talked a lot. After hearing Xiang Yan mention his family background, Roy asked in a cliché.

This "General Xiang" made Xiang Liang a little happy and a little ashamed. But he was proud of his ancestral lineage and said, "...that's my father. It was suicide when I didn't want to be captured during the war with Qin. I still have a brother and a brother. It's a pity that my brother died early."

Speaking of which. He sighed.

"Can that general's brother have a son?

Although Xiang Liang wondered why Roy asked these questions, he didn't think much about it, "-The elder brother died young. But he left no heir."

No offspring?

Xiang Liang's elder brother Xiang Chao. Although the name is controversial, Xiang Yu should indeed be Xiang Chao's son or Xiang Liang's nephew. Is there no Xiang Yu in this world or is there any other reason?

Roy glanced around and saw many immortal things in this underground palace. This made him warn himself. This is not the last year of the Qin Dynasty in history, but the Qin Dynasty of the 'Moon World', but there is a mysterious existence!

Xiang Liang clenched a bamboo slip in his hand at this time.

I found that the first emperor was actually in Kuaiji, and there is such a secret underground palace, I don’t know if there is any danger there. I hope you can accompany me to see it, sir.”

Chapter 10 Could it be that I am Xiang Yu? Could it be that the Qin Dynasty built Gundam?


"Don't let them run away!"



The screams of killing in the sky lingered near the gate of Xianyang City, - Qin Bing of the team held a torch. The fight was loud. Rounding up = _ team of more than fifty people.

These Qin soldiers were all excited and bloodthirsty. I just want to kill these people in front of Jinbe. To act as one's own military exploits to get promoted and make a fortune

"Protect the master!"

The dead men of more than 50 people were not afraid to face the thousands of troops and horses, showing the demeanor of the Chu people. From time to time, people riding horses were hacked to death by Qin soldiers, bloody.

The first person in the team was dressed strangely. He rode on a horse and held a spear to see the Qin soldiers as nothing. The spear was about to move and danced like a bull, like a dragon. Being cut off by him, murderous aura filled the sky.

At first glance, he looked like a handsome young man. But every Qin soldier who looked at him was shocked, and five fears came from the bottom of their hearts. Seeing that he killed a chicken and looked like a god, they all dared not stop him, and frequently retreated. Go to L "063" = Time The whole Qin army policy was trampled in chaos, there were cries everywhere, and the shouts in Xianyang city shook the sky.

Roy didn't want Xiang Liang to die here directly. He protected Xiang Liang and ran to the gate of Xianyang to shout loudly. Under the horror of many Qin soldiers, he forcibly smashed the wall of the city gate with him. Xiang Liang went away with the dead soil.

It was only when he ran out of Xianyang City that he saw that there were no Qin soldiers following him, he slowed down.

Roy glanced at the broken spear in his hand. He shook his head and threw it out. He was full of arrogance in his heart. He just felt that this horse leather was wrapped in corpses, and it was worthy of being a man's blood to fight on the battlefield.

This has nothing to do with him in the world of the godslayer or not

In the face of thousands of troops and horses, I slammed myself into a long spear like a dragon, killing him in anger and arrogance, scaring the opponent's heart to death, it was really exciting.

The only regret is that Roy feels that he is too strong. It's like a full-level **** outfit and returned to the novice village to kill goblins. No matter how many goblins you can break his defense, Roy has to tighten up a little. , I'm afraid that when I get excited, I can take action, and if I accidentally smash Xianyang, the capital of the Qin Dynasty, it will be no fun.

He knew that the world was restrained. With the beginning of the prosperity of humanism in the whole world, alaya finally has the capital to compete with Gaia. It may be fun to play the game of destroying the kingdom by yourself, but it will be bad if it attracts the attention of the inhibitory force. But to remove the curse of human nature. Instead of wanting to continue to be cursed by human rationality.

Xiang Liang managed to escape with his life, but he was still in shock at this time. After a long time, he took a deep breath and bowed his hands to Roy, "Thank you Xianniu for saving your life."

He saw that Roy was covered in blood. But the blood didn't -- it belonged to him and his face wasn't blushing or panting. He was clearly going through a big battle. He didn't even sweat a single drop of sweat on his body. Before thinking of him, he slaughtered Qin Bing as if he were mowing the grass. He was overjoyed, but fortunately, he treated him with great courtesy according to the words of the alchemist. Not only did he save his life, but if someone like this in Chu could help him—his ambition might really be fulfilled.

"Sir, this place is still dangerous, and there is someone in front of you. Let's go quickly!"

[Although Roy is not as strong as a human being. But Xiang Liang was still a human, and he didn't want to be surrounded by a group of Qin soldiers.

l. After they came out of the underground palace, they didn't know where they leaked the news. They happened to see thousands of Qin soldiers waiting for them at the gate of the underground palace.

Xiangliang Dalu - Count. He found that the death ten he had cultivated was already too many casualties, and he didn't have time to feel distressed, he just suggested to Roy

"What Xianggong said is true. There is nowhere to hide on this plain. Qin soldiers have strong bows and strong commanders. If they are caught up, it will be dangerous."

Although Roy didn't care what Qin Bing was chasing, he knew that Xiang Liang was just an ordinary person. He can't stand those fierce

With the decision, after a short rest, they continued to set off. After meeting with the people of Chu who responded to Xiang Liang a hundred miles away, they set off day and night again.

Xiang Liang knew that his identity was estimated to have been exposed, and making these incidents in Xianyang was tantamount to treason. He had to leave the switch and return to Wuzhong as soon as possible, so that he could reorganize his troops and face the pressure of Qin.

But now Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are uprising all over the place and burning the earth. There are also many lands of the original six countries through the mouth of the restoration of the country. Troubled troops will rise, and when this group of heroes is fighting, there is no shortage of his leader = a rebel.

= The people on the road did not delay, and went to Jiangdong from the land of Guanzhong, but people are not made of iron after all, even these well-trained soldiers can't stand such a hurry, and decided to take a good rest tonight, in- Camping by the river.

In the military tent, Xiang Liang recruited an old man in his 60s. This old man was the one who received him in Weiyang before, and he didn't know how old he was. How dare you cross most of the celestial dynasties and come to Xianyang.

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