It is precisely because of the first emperor's desire for immortality that the group called alchemists has grown again. It also made her a secluded and quiet life, and once again turned into such an annoying chase

Ah, I can't help it, I can't help it, go to L

She doesn't like fighting, she doesn't like killing - she doesn't like **** scenes, but that doesn't mean she's cowardly. She's weak.

on the contrary. She is a cruel person who obeys the law of nature that eats the weak.

It's been two hours⊥ These annoying and greedy guys are still chasing her.

Although her current physical condition is a bit wrong, if it's just a few people who have learned some immortal skills, even more will not be enough for her to kill.

The irritability in his heart finally stopped the 'yokai'.

Above the sky. The dark clouds dispersed. The bright moon hangs in Bai Yujing.

Under the bright moonlight, I finally revealed the true face of the _'monster'.

Immediately, even that chasing landed. People who are greedy for her undead life. Also amazed by her fairy appearance

Where is this monster. She is simply a fairy who descended from the nine heavens!

It's just that the fairy's beauty is like jade

"If that's the case, then you all die here, kid."

Sharp teeth, accompanied by her fairy voice and jade face

Chapter 15 The Sea of ​​Blood

"Ha one one one one"

"Kill ⊥"


During the Thai Dynasty, the population density of Kuaiji County was very low. Even until the end of the Western Han Dynasty two hundred years later, the population here was only about one million people. Although there were no household registration statistics at this time, Roy estimates that there are two Even if 300,000 people are not bad, this is still a county. If it is reduced to Wu Ju of Kuaiji, then there will be fewer entrances.

"Continue". ⊥ Don't stop, continue practicing for me ⊥"

Sitting on the Wuxian, Roy shouted to the ten soldiers in front.

."Yes! General Xiang""

"Hey =_=="


Roy was like an army instructor sitting on a horse and patrolling back and forth. Watching the soldiers sweat like rain.

There were about 2,000 soldiers in front of him, which was the limit Roy could find from Kuaiji as a professional soldier.

This is the future land of Suzhou. In this day and age, it's a wasteland. Although the entire Kuaiji area is vast and sparsely populated, the "Six Five Three" planting technology in the Qin Dynasty was not high, and many agricultural tools were not invented. You can be a soldier if you pick up a weapon, but if you put down your weapon, you are a peasant. There are very few real professional soldiers.

in this age of poverty. Even if Roy wanted to recruit more soldiers, he couldn't do it, which would cause food shortages. This would attract 2,000 strong men to provide them with food for professional military training, as well as military salaries. Also, enough.

The first emperor unified the six countries for many years. Even the Qin army, which was once invincible in the world, was neglected at this time. What's more, the first emperor also gathered the soldiers of the world in Weiyang, which made the second generation extravagant. The entire Qin Dynasty was also precarious

In fact, most of the army at this time were farmers. It is estimated that they didn't even have any decent weapons. They could go to the battlefield with wooden sticks. Even if it was an army of 100,000 people, it is estimated that the truly elite troops would be only a few thousand people. , the rest are all made up, you can only win and pay. You can't beat the pay.

So even if there are 500,000 troops, in fact, as long as you can break one-tenth of them, the 500,000 troops will collapse directly and completely. It is not difficult to capture 100,000 people or something.

The most dead and wounded in war is always the self-stomping when the army collapses

Today's war environment is like this. What Roy can do is only to train the real elites of 2,000 people. After that, he will focus on these 2,000 people. With his invincible strength, he can directly pierce the enemy's line like a sharp knife and overturn it with 2,000 people. The other tens of thousands of people is really a very simple matter.

"If it wasn't for the fear that when historians write history books in the future, they will feel that they are writing fantasy novels, how would I need to train ten soldiers to be self-disciplined. One person will destroy the opponent's army of millions. This is the myth of ancient and modern!"

Roy sighed secretly. To write history books for future historians, he, too, was heartbroken

He didn't come here to dominate the world, but to find the difficulties of human reason.

If Roy really wants to dominate the world, he will be able to dominate without mentioning him alone - Huaxia's force is only the knowledge in his mind. As long as he wants to, he can climb technology in this ridiculous place. It doesn't need to be too exaggerated. When others are still using wooden sticks and bronze weapons, he only needs to let his minions wear iron weapons in paper. They are invincible in the world.

No matter what kind of soldier you are, under the gap of science and technology, you can only hold your head and mouse inside.

In order to be more in line with this era, even Roy, the stirrup often used by travelers, was not invented.

"Hey, it's not easy for me. I can't do this technology, so I can only play Chu Han Wushuang."

Roy sighed.

The little **** of convergence, L Roy, started the inspection again.

For example, Xiang's family recruited soldiers and horses in the back ground of Kuaiji, and now there are about 10,000 troops. For a place like Kuaiji, it can be regarded as the end. Therefore, this Kuaiji is really not a place for Longxing. There is no comparison between population culture, affluence and Guanzhong.

However, at the end of the Qin Dynasty, the flames were everywhere. Most are refugees. At that time, as long as you make a random move, you will be able to make up an army of 100,000 people. After training these 100,000 people casually, you can bring them to the battlefield.

Although it is the people in the world who will suffer at that time, Roy can't do anything about it. This is history, this is the correct development of human principles. It doesn't matter if Roy can control the fish of Chu and Han. There will be countless national wars like this in the future.

Unless Roy can give up human rights. Give up everything about himself. Stay here forever to be the emperor of all ages, = to rule this land. Is it really possible to eliminate war.

"But such a human society will lose its possibility. The final outcome will be extinction after all."

Roy shook his head. He is not a saint, and he can't change the trend of history. Even if he is a real saint, he can't reverse the trend of civilization.

Prosperity, the suffering of the people: death.. the suffering of the people, the most suffering in the world. Just the ordinary people.


= A scout ran over on a horse raising sand and dust. He didn't need to dismount after seeing Roy, he just clasped his fists and bowed his head. He said to him, "A general found something unusual in the woods in front of him. Many people who looked like alchemists were running towards them. They looked panicked and seemed to be running away. I don't know who was chasing them. "

During the war, scouts are very important, so Roy also increased the training of scouts.

Roy's expression froze, and he whispered, "...+.."

Roy, an alchemist in this world, doesn't dare to underestimate it. It's not that they can make him feel dangerous, but that these alchemists seem to be really magical.

Roy once asked Xiang Liang carefully whether he really got Fang Shi's comments. Will go to Weiyang underground palace to find him Roy.

Of course, Roy knew that it wasn't that Fangtu could see through the wall of the world and predict that Roy would come from other worlds. But when Roy traveled across the world, he had a relationship with this world. So it can be predicted by others.

Roy was extremely suspicious of Fang Tu who told Xiang Liang that he probably had the same clairvoyant ability as Solomon, and it was the clairvoyant who could see the future that predicted Roy's arrival.

Although the first emperor burned books and pit Confucians, most of the methods of immortality and Shinto were lost. But there will definitely be some secret techniques from the Shang and Zhou dynasties that have been passed down among the people, and these alchemists should have obtained these or incomplete or complete secret techniques before they cultivated miraculously.

"Everyone, gather. Array!.!

Roy shouted loudly, and someone beside him raised the military flag to signal, not long after he heard the scolding from the grass-roots officers. Under the seemingly noisy but orderly sound of running. A team of 2,000 people formed an army formation.

Roy has read countless books in Godkiller World. I have learned countless knowledge, and it is not an exaggeration to say that I am pedantic. He also grasped this military method within his grasp.

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