That sound is insignificant, and in such a fierce battle, if you don’t listen carefully, you can’t even notice it, but Wang Chong heard it.

“Your Majesty!”

Wang Chong’s heart moves and swiftly sweeps Void, and Wang Chongs’s three Far Ancient twins are quickly searched in Void.

kā chā chā, another black temporal crack that appeared in Void, Wang Chong’s heart moved and immediately noted that one of the black cracks had passed away from the general looting of yellow dragon robe Epiphyllum.

Li Heng!

Wang Chong’s eyebrows, immediately identified.

Li Xuan’s map is strong, and Powerhouse in celestial dwelling can open an empty passage at random, while Li Xuan’s intention is to keep him directly in one of those temporal lanes in order not to allow others to rob Li Heng.

As a result, even Wang Chong has no plan.

However, Li Xuan charts and too early fighting have increasingly ripped up another time, and have also caused Li Xuan to hide Li Hengs’ temporal passage to be torn apart from time to time, and Li Heng’s hiding in it has also been given a unique breath.

Wang Chong, listen to me!

On the

other hand, seeing four “Wang Chong” suddenly sweep Void, Li Heng seems to understand that Wang Chong heard his voice, even busy:

“What I’m going to say next is very important!”

“Nine Heavens and Ten Earths under Taiji Hall have not been destroyed at all!”


Hear Li Hengs, Wang Chong shake up and rise up.

“How could it be?”

That brake, Wang Chong was shaking, and it was even more instantaneous to lift ten thousand zhang waves.

Li Xuan chart is a royal pride, even more forward to Crown Prince, and this is why he was found too early for the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, on the ground of Taiji Hall.

– Even though it’s too early to abandon them benefactor after achieving the goal.

Before Wang Chong saw Li Xuan fist into the ground, breaking the Triangular Front and indirectly breaking the little Nine Provinces line, Li Heng told himself that Great Array had not been destroyed, and Wang Chongs’s first reaction was never possible.

If the Three Kingdoms were not destroyed, why would Nine Provinces break the line?

What did Li Xuan Tutu do?

That’s not surprising!

But Wang Chong is also well aware that Li Heng was Crown Prince, who was a new emperor now, words of enormous weight, and that his sexual affection would never be possible to lie about it.

But Li Heng only Saint Martial Realm cultivation base, and how did Li Heng know that?

In the sky, Li Xuan maps and too early fighting, rays of light, too early to wave, directly seize Li Xuan’s map 100 zhang or so, with great power shocking Li Xuan’s map, invisible air, like giant waves, shakes the whole Imperial Palace.

And Li Xuan had a bullet in his body, and a horrible Sword Qi split up and immediately went down with incredible Speed towards too early.

At the

same time, Li Hengs again entered his ear:

“I don’t know what’s going on, but I just feel that there seems to be a Dragon Qi and I feeling each other in the three Crown Front on the ground of Taiji Hall. I don’t know what to tell you right now, but I’m sure the three Kingdoms have not been broken!”

Li Hengs only said half, groaned immediately, disappeared.

“If you don’t want to die, let’s split up the palace!”

In the sky, coldly snort of Li Xuan’s map was passed into the ear, and it seemed that Li Hengs had also been detected.

Wang Chong found out very soon that Li Xuan charts, while discovering Li Hengs, did not seem to know what Li Heng said in the fierce war.

“Dragon Qi? The three Kingdoms contain Dragon Qi!”

Wang Chong was in the heart of the shock and remembered what Li Heng said and understood immediately.

Li Heng, although less powerful and only Saint Martial Realm cultivation base, was the head of the Chinese soil, Emperor of Great Tang, who received Dragon Qi from the moment he was on the throne, if he felt through Dragon Qi that the three royal positions on the ground had not been broken, that was certainly the case.

More than that, if Li Heng was true, it could also be explained why only ancient Emperor and the Crown Reserve could control the Triangular Front.

Li Heng is Emperor, who naturally knows the truth of the three Kingdoms.

Li Xuan chart is a former Crown Prince and naturally the three Crown Front, which controls the ground.

And the three Crown Front and the yellow emperor of the Far Ancient era have much to do with, in themselves, Emperor, and the Great Array contains Dragon Qi. It would also be sufficient to explain why, for thousands of years, another king has changed, and from ancient times only Emperor has been able to control the Triangular Front and others cannot even touch it.

Just Li Xuan, why did you do that?

And he saw him destroy the Frente.

Wang Chong Seth is heavy, with each other in his head, and suddenly there are countless thoughts, but just a moment, Wang Chong is clear.

“Great Array failed to break only two possibilities, the first being Li Xuan’s intentional failure to destroy the Triangular Front, deliberately seeking to pit too early, or to retain this powerful Array for use in his future appearance.”

“Second Type, the three Kingdoms are too strong, the accumulation of thousands of years is impossible to break, and Array was created by the Emperor, and had been integrated into Dragon Qi in the Mediterranean, where the prohibition against the destruction of the other party itself was established. Later, they can only be used or closed, they can’t be destroyed!”

Crazy winds, sea fluctuations, like steel, flowing from Taiji Hall, Wang Chong’s head, moving and thinking dramatically in his head.

From now on, Li Xuan Tube after all is Crown Prince, who has always been very proud and has made a promise of $1 trillion, will never be able to repent and to go too far.

Well, there’s only one possibility left.

It is not Li Xuan’s intention not to destroy Great Array, but the three Crown Frente Front is simply impossible to destroy, and what Li Xuan has done is just to close it.

– If the French para Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are really so easily destroyed, in the past few thousand years, that Great Array has been destroyed, and will never continue until now.

Wang Chong’s brain is ambiguous and immediately feels a slight opportunity.

“Whether Li Xuan chart or too original, it is a threat to Empire, and in order to change the immediate front of the war, the dragon Token, representing Emperor, must be found from Li Xuan map and reopened through Dragon Qi and Dragon Token, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Front on the ground!”

Wang Chong looks at the sky, the depths of the hole, the steep flashes through the inconceivable sperm.

Wang Chong was not royal bloodline, nor Emperor Tang, normal, and should not have Dragon Qi on his body, but Wang Chong remembered the grand feast, Anya Luoshan stole Dragon Qi, and a part of Dragon Qi fell on himself when he was dealing with him.

Wang Chongs Dragon Qi naturally does not match Li Xuan, much more than Li Heng, but in the body there is indeed Dragon Qi.

As long as Dragon Qi is the key to opening up the three Kingdoms, as long as he takes the dragon tattoo Token himself, one tenth of his probability is once again open to the three Kingdoms.

And as long as the three Kingdoms’ energy support is available, the little Nine Provinces border, which covers the entire funder, can be reopened again, and then everything will be completely different.

Wang Chong looked at the beginning of the sky, and it was very different from before.

“We have to find a way to get a dragon tattoo Token and save Li Heng in Li Xuan’s hand!”

Crazy winds, Wang Chong, look at his head, and the nerve becomes so strong.

Late, then fast, and at this point, there was a sudden change in the fighting between the sky and Li Xuan map.


The sky shocked and heard only a single shake of the sky, and in the sky, it was too early to split his feet, robe flutters, his whole body of golden rays of light, just like Heavenly God, in a fierce battle, where he was standing under a fierce shelling.

the fist bombed the entire dark clock of Li Xuan’s map, the great power, the gravity of the barrier, the speed of the rush, the brutal impact on the chest of Li Xuan map.

At this point, Li Xuan’s map is no longer alive, and the whole person seems to have fallen from the sky like kite with the string cut.

Not good! ”

Seeing this scene, Wang Chong heart startled, the plan will not change.

Li Xuan map and too early to fight now, apparently power consumption has reached the limit.

If Li Xuan charts fall, Token and Li Heng will fall into the hands of too early, so that only Wang Chong will be left alone, and I’m afraid it’s not too early.

– The two are so shattered!

“Li Xuan map! You’re looking for dead end!”

Later, as soon as Li Xuan’s chart fell from the air, suddenly, the sound of a cold bone came from Taiji Hall, just behind Li Xuan’s skull, and a silhouette was light smoke, like a charm, suddenly appeared behind Li Xuan’s picture, and, in conjunction with the very beginning of the sky, it should be outsourced, together with moved towards Li Xuan’s wallet.

“The Goddess of heaven!”

Wang Chong pupils shrank, immediately identified.

Before the fighting, the attention of all was drawn to Li Xuan and too early, as for the goddess of heaven, who had been sitting on the wall and being out of business for a long time, even Wang Chong had not paid much attention to him.

But the goddess of the heavens were not completely outside, and he was looking for an opportunity, and at that time moved towards Li Xuan to launch an attack.

If it were in the past, Level, the power of the goddess of the heavens, was negligible in front of the Li Xuan map, but Li Xuan had been injured at that time, and in the face of the initial total oppression and domination, the Catholic monarchs had erupted and the attacks launched were absolutely deadly.

“Never let him succeed!”

Wang Chong pupils shrank, the nerve has become infinite.


In the meditation, as if the wind blows together, Wang Chong’s long and heavy take-off, in that brake, Wang Chong and the three gods took action in the instant, disappearing.

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