The latest chapter of the Emperor Ji, the 306th chapter of the Deflecting Blades Court riot! Floating astronomy
    Chapter 306

    The communication with Zhao Qianqiu was very smooth.

    It is the military instructor who teaches the art of the previous life Wang Chong. The position in Training Camp is much higher than that of other military instructors. Wang Chong quickly got Gao Feng and Nie Yan after they talked to him. solve.

    Gao Feng, Nie Yan, Xu Qi, Chen Burang, and Sun Zhiming had no order to quit the Training Camp. However, after Zhao Qianqiu's operation, the five quickly obtained the license.

    Although there is no limit like Wang Chong and Su Hanshan, Zhao Qianqiu is basically a policy of stocking, but the five are still licensed, and at least half a month of free time each month, no need to stay In Kunwu Training Camp.

    Wang Chong did not have a rogue, and sent them directly to Spirit Vein to practice, so as to avoid the recurrence of things like A'Butong.

    Second, it can also greatly enhance the strength of people around you.

    These people are all future executives of Wang Chong's fancy. The stronger their strength, the better they are for Great Tang, and the more they will play a role in helping themselves in the future.

    “Wang Chong !!”

    “Wang Chong !!”

    “Young Master Wang !”

    “Young Master Wang !”


    Three days later, Wang Chong was in the Deflecting Blades Court, soaking in the Tieguanyin, basking in the sun, and suddenly a shout of shaking from the outside came from outside.

    And with the excitement of these screams, there are dense footsteps, and the vocal vocals approaching the mountain top.

    "What's going on here?"

    Wang Chong and the opposite Zhao Jingdian face each other, and even the cups in their hands almost fell. Deflecting Blades Court is still some distance from Training Camp.

    In addition, Wang Chong has always been cautious and has not recruited people in the Training Camp. Therefore, in addition to his own people, there are no other people at all, let alone the shaking of the outside, obviously not a point.

    "Jingdian, have you seen it in the past?"

    Wang Chong looked across the road.

    Zhao Jingdian nodded and screamed, and went out with a teacup. He followed Wang Chong for a long time, and he was slowly influenced by Wang Chong's influence and liked to drink tea.

    Wang Chong originally thought that Zhao Jingdian would come back in a few moments. I didn't expect that Zhao Jingdian appeared at the gate of the hospital at the time of half a cup of tea, and his face looked unpredictable.

    What happened How have you been so long? ”

    Wang Chong frowned.

    "The son, there are many people outside. These people, all want to join Deflecting Blades Court! ”

    Zhao Jingdian whole thoughts, the expression is very weird.


    Wang Chong looked amazed and pressed his hands on the arm of the purple rattan chair and stood up.

    Join Deflecting Blades Court?

    He did not issue invitations at all, where did so many people come?

    "I am going out to see?"

    Wang Chong did not say anything and immediately went out.


    The mountain wind struck and went out from the door of Deflecting Blades Court. The boundless sounds surged. In an instant, Wang Chong seemed to step into another world.

    Zhao Jingdian has long said that there are many people outside. But when Wang Chong really went outside, how many people were there.

    At the semi-mountain side, the crowd is dense, not just hundreds of thousands. This is definitely the White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Profound Martial, and Azure Dragon.

    "Young Master Wang, let me go!"

    “Young Master Wang, I want to join your Deflecting Blades Court!”

    "And me, me, me!"

    "Young Master Wang is here, everyone is going up!"


    A large group of people saw Wang Chong appearing in the mountain top, and the excited faces were red. What surprised Wang Chong most was that there were still a lot of girls from Vermilion Bird Peak.

    However, these people are totally different from others.

    "It turned out to be Wang Chong, so handsome!…"

    Wang Chong suddenly got a mess.

    What on earth is going on here? How come suddenly there are so many people gathered here and want to join his Deflecting Blades Court?

    "The son, these people are coming to join Deflecting Blades Court. I don't know why, these people know that we have sent invitations to some people in the Training Camp. Some people who didn't originally agreed to join our Deflecting Blades Court suddenly changed their minds. The most important thing is, don't know why, let these people know that the son is the owner of a giant Spirit Vein outside Capital City! ”

    A long, lingering voice came from behind, and Zhao Jingdian didn't know when to follow it, while walking down the slope, talking about the news just investigated.


    Wang Chong suddenly turned back and looked at Zhao Jingdian behind him, and he looked surprised.

    Spirit Vein ! !

    How do these people know?

    The thing of Spirit Vein, he didn't tell anyone at all, he knew his own people. But Xu Qi, Gao Feng, Nie Yan, they are absolutely impossible to say.

    He maintains absolute trust in these people.

“……Moreover, outside the legend, the son found a giant Spirit Vein. The Origin Qi there is extremely strong, and it can last for several months after practicing for ten days. So now is not only the people of our Training Camp, but also the people of Divine Might and Longwu Training Camp. ”

    "That is, now people other than our Training Camp. People outside are also aware of it? ”

    Wang Chong Road.


    Zhao Jingdian nodded seriously.

    All of a sudden, Wang Chong's face became dignified.

    Things are more serious than he imagined. If the news is not limited to Kunwu Training Camp, that is to say, I am afraid that in addition to Three Great Training Camp, I am afraid that I will know the whole of Capital City.

    Wang Chong knows deeply what kind of effect a giant Spirit Vein exposure will be, and the Aristocratic Family, the right gate, no one can resist this temptation.

    Previous life, when the Spirit Vein broke out, everyone found such a close distance, there was such a big Spirit Vein, but no one found it.

    At that moment, I don’t know how many people feel the deep heartache and regret as Wang Chong.

    If it weren't for that, Wang Chong wouldn't be reborn until not long after, and ran over to find the Spirit Vein.

    But the question is, how did this thing get exposed?

    To know that even the Wang Clan guards are also a half-solution, only know that the young master is going to build things there, build that, build this.

    At the most, I know that the mountain that Wang Chong bought is as rich as Origin Qi. Nothing else knows.

    This is the degree of confidentiality of Wang Chong's.

    But now, the news is exposed at once, and it is not out of here than Wang Chong.

    Wang Chong suddenly got confused.

    In any case, he does not believe that Gao Feng, Nie Yan, they will betray themselves.

    "Someone must let the message out!"

    Wang Chong's heart is secretly thought.

    He is absolutely certain of this.

    Gao Feng, Nie Yan They just happened to go to Spirit Vein soon. To be honest, Wang Chong was very upset.

    “Who is the person spreading the news out?”

    Wang Chong has one after another in his mind.

    He doesn't like this feeling, he is taken away by the people, very passive.

    "Oh la la!"

    While meditating, the sky suddenly burst into a white pigeon, and Wang Chong stretched his arms and almost subconsciously reached out.

    The letter pigeon's leg was tied with a simple letterhead, and the two inks familiar to the above were seen. Wang Chong's heart moved and immediately recognized it.

    "It is Master's letter!"

    Master Chong's letter, when sent, will be marked with two thick ink slashes on the back of the letterhead, which is the unique mark of the Evil Emperor old man.

    Wang Chong at Kunwu Training Camp for a few months, this is the first time he received a letter from Spirit Vein.

    "Sure enough!"

    After reading the contents of the letterhead, Wang Chong's brow wrinkled more tightly, but his heart stretched out.

    The letter from Master Evil Emperor old man is not long, just mentioned that not long ago, a group of strangers suddenly appeared near the end of Spirit Vein.

    Wang Chong's Master's skill is not yet Recovery, and the distance is far away, so it is not very real. I only know that several people have a good cultivation base, and several people obviously wear the Imperial Palace escort costumes.

    One of them has a compass-like thing on his hand.

    Although Master did not mention more, the news has been very helpful for Wang Chong.

    "Sure enough, someone was deliberately giving up the news. It seems that this matter has even received news from Master. I am confused like this here, and there are certainly many people there to visit in the past few days. ”

    Wang Chong's heart is secretly thought.

    The thing of Spirit Vein is now a mess, and now the only thing to be gratified is that when my brain was strong enough, I spent tens of thousands of taels of gold in advance and bought the mountain together with the nearby mountains.

    And the Capital City Wang Clan's sign is also loud enough.

    There are the Imperial Guard military instructor on the Spirit Vein, plus the grandfather's gold signboard. In this Capital City's Border, no one dares to mess around.

    Spirit Vein's business, as long as he is not willing to sell, no matter what Aristocratic Family, Marquis Wang public, all hope to sigh, take him nothing.

    It is estimated that this is also the reason why the group deliberately pulled out the news and beat him off guard.

    "With a compass in hand, that is the celestial master. Only those who are celestial, who use the numerology, will use the compass. But the celestial divination, the person who calculated the numerology, how could it be divination to my Spirit Vein? ”

    Wang Chong was puzzled.

    Now that there is an astrologer appearing near Spirit Vein, this also explains the pass. But the key is that the previous life Wang Chong clearly remembers that there is no such thing as a celestial surgeon counting the giant Spirit Vein around the capital.

    The Spirit Vein has a huge amount of radon, which creates a huge influence on the divination. If this is not the case, the Spirit Vein will not be able to wait until the end of the collapse, explode, and the aura will be discovered.

    But now, I haven't waited for the catastrophe to come, and there is a heavenly master who has counted his own Spirit Vein, which is incredible!

    There have been changes in the future that are completely different from your own impressions!

    "Wang Chong !-"

    When I was meditation, suddenly there was an unpleasant voice in my ear. Under the mountain top, in the crowd, a heroic woman with a Hong Ying long spear floating on her back was separating the crowd. Rush to the mountain top.

    Several Deflecting Blades Court guards wanted to stop her, but they were waved by Wang Chong and quickly stopped them!

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