The Idol Group Pet Became a Final Boss!

Chapter 466: What he said is a fart

In the small kitchen.

The firewood in the pot stove still has some warmth, even after so long, the chicken soup is still hot.

Xu Tuzhen took the big spoon that was suitable for her, blew his breath, and then drank it, seldom that she clenched her small fist.

The old hen removed the most fat under the skin before cooking, and added freshly picked mushrooms to absorb the oil, so it didn't taste greasy at all.

The red dates and wolfberry not only give the chicken soup a bright color, but also add just the right sweetness.

After drinking the soup, take another sip of mushrooms filled with rich chicken soup, like a gift flower exploding in the brain, and all feelings are reduced to two words:

It smells so good!

"Woo, too fragrant, too fragrant..." Xu Tu's eyes were full of tears, not knowing whether he was smoked by the heat of the pot or moved.

As for the poisonous chicken soup that Bai Wuxia said, she had all left behind.

Bai Wuxia? Who is he? Is it important? ?

What he said is a fart!

Yimei's chicken soup is the best! ! !

Without Xiangyi and Xu Tumi, the atmosphere at the dinner table is even more weird.

However, Bai Wuxia was arrogant and talked about it again, trying to use derogatory methods to prove that he was right.

"Confucius said, father and son have relatives, emperors and ministers have righteousness, couples are different, elders and children are orderly, and friends have faith. The order of elders and children is said here. It seems that young people have forgotten them! It's ridiculous that he doesn't even have the most basic respect!"

He has always liked quoting scriptures, relying on the fact that many entertainers in the entertainment industry have low academic qualifications and often call themselves cultural figures.

Many young artists are stunned by him and dare not say anything. Instead, they feel ashamed because they are too ignorant.

Unexpectedly, Jun Han said: "This sentence was said by Mencius, right?"

Bai Wuxia's face was a bit unbearable, and she feigned angrily: "What do you know! You dare to refute the predecessors after reading a few books?"

Jun Han was speechless: "The Chinese language I read in my undergraduate course, I still have this literary common sense. Seniors don't think I don't even know the words?"

For a while, the comments in the live broadcast room diverged:

——【I just checked it, it is indeed in Mencius Quotations, but Jun Han points out this, it seems too lack of emotional intelligence! 】

——【? ? ? ? We Hanhan pointed out what was wrong with the mistakes of the predecessors, what age are they, and are still abiding by those feudal dross! 】

Just when the netizens were arguing fiercely, Shi Sui came back after feeding Xiao Xiji.

Bai Wuxia tried to pull him into the team, repeating what happened just now, and then he picked the side that was beneficial to him.

In the end, he said impassionedly: "You said, do you have to listen to Confucius and his old man? This is the reason, right?!"

Shi Sui said calmly, "Anyway, I know, Zhou Shuren has never said this."

Bai Wuxia: "..."

He looked dumbfounded, and did not understand why Shi Sui mentioned this person, and subconsciously asked, "Who is Zhou Shuren?"

For an instant.

The others at the dinner table tried to hold back a smile.

The live broadcast room has become a sea of ​​joy.

——【Hahaha This mouth when he was ten years old is too ironic! 】

——【Brother can talk, just talk more! Where can I buy your books? ! 】

——[No one doesn’t know, Bai Wuxia has been pretending to be intellectuals all these years? ? 】

In embarrassment, Jun Han said excitedly: "I know this question!"

He used the tone of a primary school student to read aloud, and said in a huff: "Zhou Shuren, a famous writer and thinker-Lu Xun!!!"

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