Lu Heng's heart also tightened, would she be suspicious of this? It stands to reason that with so many people around her, she may not be able to think of him at once.

Lu Heng thought quickly, and Wang Yanqing had already put down the bamboo stick. She thought to herself that the second brother had been staying in Jinyiwei for a long time, and she could not tell the signatures she didn't like, and the signatures that were beneficial to him would be distributed immediately. He also said that she couldn't distinguish between solving a case and life. In her opinion, the second brother called life completely invaded by official business.

Wang Yanqing was thinking about how to tell his second brother when a faint Qingqing came from the crowd.

She turned back subconsciously.

Outside the heavy lights, Fu Tingzhou accompanied Hong Wanqing to come here to see the lights. Hong Wanqing tossed and turned on the lights. He was bored waiting, looked around, and accidentally swept across a soft and beautiful silhouette. Fu Tingzhou was in a state of misunderstanding and shouted absently, Qingqing?

He thought he had made a mistake again, but at this time, the woman heard the movement and turned back. When Fu Tingzhou saw her face, it was like being struck by lightning in an instant.


Chapter 37 Illusion

On New Year's Eve, Lu Heng pierced Fu Tingzhou's fluke and told him that Wang Yanqing might have left by himself. Fu Tingzhou didn't want to believe it or wanted to believe it, but he knew that Lu Heng was right.

He didn't sleep all night, standing in the house where he and Qingqing grew up, thinking numbly that she had left him. She gave up their ten-year friendship and left without saying goodbye, just because he had the idea of ​​marrying another woman. She didn't even quarrel, she turned and left.

So cruel, so decisive.

He suffered all night, but at dawn the next day, he sent someone out of Beijing to look for Wang Yanqing.

She may go to a small town with beautiful mountains and rivers to live in seclusion, or she may return to her hometown of Datong. Fu Tingzhou focused on searching Datong. She was so ruthless that she gave up their ten-year relationship, but Fu Tingzhou refused. She took the initiative to come to him at the beginning. This is the most agreeable gift Fu Tingzhou has received in the past 20 years. Why should she just leave?

It's not easy to find someone at the border. The people who went to Datong Mansion haven't come back yet, but Fu Tingzhou went first in the capital and saw Yanxiaoyanyan's Qingqing.

Fu Tingzhou was stunned on the spot, everything in the world went away from him, and only the woman on the other side of the street was in his eyes. She was wearing a white and red dress, holding a glazed lamp in her hand, standing under the lamp, like Luoshen Heng'e. She was lighter than before, but the smile on her face increased, her eyes were gentle and bright, and she was calm, much more relaxed than when she was in Zhenyuan Hou's Mansion.

After she left the Fu family, she lived happier? It was his fault that Fu Tingzhou was stung by this knowledge. He shouldn't turn a blind eye to the rumors and rumors of the Hou Mansion, he shouldn't be afraid of trouble and let Chen shi's anger be irritated, and he shouldn't enjoy Qingqing's tolerance as a matter of course. As long as Qingqing gives him another chance, he will definitely rectify the Hou residence and treat her even more.

Fu Tingzhou wanted to step forward and explain to Wang Yanqing, but at this time, a group of dragon dancers came on the street. Young men with red ribbons danced two long dragons, leaping and overturning the river and the sea, accompanied by the fierce sound of gongs and drums. , and instantly overwhelmed other voices on the street. Fu Tingzhou was stopped by the dragon dance. He wanted to change direction, but the dragon dance attracted many spectators.

Hong Wanqing squeezed through the crowd, grabbed Fu Tingzhou's sleeve regardless of courtesy, and said, Marquis of Zhenyuan, why are so many people suddenly here, I'm so scared.

After all, Hong Wanqing is the young lady of Yongping Hou's mansion. Fu Tingzhou can't leave her alone and can only retreat to a quiet corner for the time being. After the dragon dance team left, Fu Tingzhou immediately walked across the street. However, the place just now was empty and there was nothing left.

Not far away, the gongs and drums of the dragon dance were louder and louder, the ten-mile-long lamp was full of people, and Fu Tingzhou was standing in the countercurrent, and he was in a trance for a moment. Was it true just now? Is he hallucinating?

Hong Wanqing was a little uneasy. She looked at the crowd back and forth and said, Marquis Zhenyuan, there are too many people here, I don't want to stay here anymore, let's go back.

Fu Tingzhou pointed to the position under his feet and asked Hong Wanqing, Did you see the people here just now?

Hong Wanqing quickly bit her lower lip, and finally showed a dazed and ignorant look, and asked, Who is it? Wasn't it just the dragon dance?

Fu Tingzhou frowned even tighter, could it be that he was hallucinating?

Hong Wanqing quietly looked at Fu Tingzhou and lowered his eyes silently. She actually saw it. The Dajue Temple and his party left a deep impression on her, and Hong Wanqing recognized it at a glance. It was Wang Yanqing, Fu Tingzhou's foster sister, who was rumored to be missing.

Hong Wanqing's first reaction was disappointment. She fell off such a high cliff and didn't die. Her second reaction was nervousness.

Fu Tingzhou was distracted all night. When he saw Wang Yanqing, his complexion changed greatly, his spirit was excited, and the light from his eyes could burn people. Hong Wanqing had long known that Wang Yanqing would be her rival, but now she realizes that Wang Yanqing's position in Fu Tingzhou's heart may be far more important than she thought.

However, Wang Yanqing has other men by his side, so what are you doing back here? At that time, Fu Tingzhou stared at Wang Yanqing intently and didn't pay attention to the surroundings, but Hong Wanqing saw the man behind Wang Yanqing. Hong Wanqing thought reproachfully in her heart, Wang Yanqing had a cold and beautiful face, but she had a slender and romantic figure, all of which stabbed in the door of man's life. No matter where she is, there will be men who like her, why do she have to fight with Hong Wanqing?

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