Wang Yanqing has been very cautious since entering the palace, and kept her face down the whole time. Fortunately, she did not reveal the expression on her face.

Wang Yanqing was quite shocked in her heart. Didn't she agree to let her enter the palace in the name of the Lu family's guard, why did the second brother still play on the spot? Moreover, what Lu Heng said was so good that Wang Yanqing almost suspected that she had indeed been practicing Taoism in Qi Yunshan before she lost her memory.

Ever since Empress Dowager Zhang hit the ghost, she had already found a Taoist monk and asked for a peace amulet and a Buddha statue, but it was of no use. After hearing Lu Heng's words, Empress Dowager Zhang looked up at Wang Yanqing. After seeing Wang Yanqing's appearance and figure clearly, Empress Dowager Zhang couldn't help showing contempt.

What kind of ability can such a young half-baked person have, but it is better than nothing. Empress Dowager Zhang waved her hand and let Wang Yanqing stay.

Wang Yanqing stepped forward to salute the Empress Dowager Zhang. With her salute, she raised her eyes and swept across the top quickly.

The Empress Dowager Zhang sat on the red sandalwood lotus throne in the middle, leaning on the armrests as if exhausted, with her right hand in front of her brow bone, and her fingers covered with long armour, covering most of her face. There was a woman standing behind Queen Mother Zhang. She was wearing a blue-purple collar, and her face should be around thirty-five, but she always had a straight face and looked more than ten years older than her age. There were also some palace maids standing around the throne. They were wearing ordinary palace dresses, their faces were pale, their eyes were panic, and they all bowed their heads.

Wang Yanqing just glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze, and stood back behind Lu Heng with low eyebrows. Empress Dowager Zhang had trouble eating and sleeping for several days, and her temper was very bào. Lu Heng saw that Empress Dowager Zhang was impatient, so he sent Wang Yanqing to him, and he did not stay in front of Empress Dowager Zhang to make trouble, so he quickly retire.

Wang Yanqing sent Lu Heng out. She followed him all the way just now. Wang Yanqing didn't think there was any difference between the palace and the family. Now that Lu Heng was about to leave, she finally felt a little flustered. Lu Heng was not at ease. As he walked out, he whispered to Wang Yanqing: I will be patrolling the palace tonight, although I can't come in to see you, but I am outside the wall. If you are in danger, call out and I will immediately Come in and find you.

Of course Wang Yanqing wanted Lu Heng to stay, but with Lu Heng's position, he didn't need to patrol in person. She hesitated a little, and whispered, Second brother, you didn't rest much last night, and you're staying tonight, isn't it too hard?

Lu Heng shook his head: I'm fine. I don't worry about you being alone in the palace. I won't be able to sleep when I leave the palace anyway, so I might as well watch you in the palace. Empress Dowager Zhang has been frightened recently, so she shouldn't have the energy to trouble you. Wait for her. After falling asleep, you can ask anyone at will, mainly to find out about the relationship in the Ciqing Palace. If you ask anything, don't come in, come out to find me first, and if I'm not there, go to Guo Tao.

Wang Yanqing knew that he should persuade the second brother to go back, but he was still no match for his selfishness, so he nodded in response. As long as he thought that Lu Heng was outside, Wang Yanqing immediately felt at ease. She stopped in front of the Ciqing Palace, smiled at Lu Heng, and said, Second brother, I'm fine, go and do your business.

Seeing her standing at the door alone, Lu Heng really regretted it, he shouldn't have promised her yesterday. Lu Heng said, There are many people in the palace, so go back first.

Wang Yanqing shook his head: Now you are the commander and I am the guard. How can you let me go first? Second brother, you go, I will see you here.

When it was over, Lu Heng regretted it even more. He glanced at Wang Yanqing lightly, said nothing, turned and walked out. Wang Yanqing watched Lu Heng go away, and saw with his own eyes that he approached a group of Jinyi guards. The Jinyi guards were talking, but they immediately stood upright when they noticed that he was approaching. Lu Heng turned her back to Wang Yanqing, she couldn't see what Lu Heng said, but soon, Jin Yiwei separated and walked in different directions.

Only then did Wang Yanqing return to Ciqing Palace with confidence. After she turned around, Lu Heng, who was speaking with her back to Wang Yanqing, turned her face slightly, and his eyes fell silently to her direction.

Lu Heng looked back, and Guo Tao followed. He had noticed this woman for a long time. It was her who interrogated Zhao Huai last time. He didn't expect the commander to bring her again this time. Full of curiosity, Guo Tao quietly asked: Commander, where did you recruit the female spy, why haven't you seen it before?

Lu Heng looked back and glanced at him coolly: Are you free?

Guo Tao immediately became awe-inspiring, saluted and left. He didn't dare to leave, he ran away quickly.

Wang Yanqing found that she was like a child who went to school. Before her parents left, she cried all the time, but after her family left, she could actually handle everything.

Empress Dowager Zhang now only dares to sleep at ease during the day. When Wang Yanqing returned, Empress Dowager Zhang had already rested. Wang Yanqing didn't have to speak in front of Empress Zhang, no doubt greatly relieved. Others in Ciqing Palace knew that Wang Yanqing was a talented person invited by Lu Heng, so they did not dare to stop him and let Wang Yanqing go around.

Wang Yanqing did not rush to ask questions, but strolled in the palace first, and stepped forward to help when the maids were doing things. After a while, Wang Yanqing made everyone familiar. Empress Dowager Zhang rested inside, and the palace ladies quietly knelt outside to clean the windows. Wang Yanqing helped them carry water and twist the handkerchief, and asked, Does this place have to be scrubbed every day?

Yeah. The palace maids originally avoided Wang Yanqing, but after getting along for a long time, they found that Wang Yanqing's attitude was kind and his speech was gentle and gentle, and they couldn't tell that it was sent by Master Lu. The guards of the palace ladies disintegrated before they knew it, and said, Sooner or later, once in the evening, if you don't finish, the aunt will punish you.

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