Including the grand and gorgeous wedding dress not far away, the new house where people come and go, and even herself, who is about to become the bride, all make Wang Yanqing feel unreal. She was played around like a puppet in front of the mirror for a long time, and finally, the maids said, Okay, help the girl to change.

Wang Yanqing wore a cumbersome and heavy hair crown on her head, so she didn't dare to make a big move. She could only spread her arms and let the maids swirl around her, dressing her in bright and cumbersome wedding dresses one by one.

The maids unfolded the woven gold horse-faced skirt, changed the laces, wrapped them tightly in circles, and carefully tied the horse-faced skirt around Wang Yanqing's waist. Then came the red jackets, the maids half-kneeled on the ground, flattened the edges of their clothes, and backed away softly. The two maids filled the vacant seats with long large shirts. The red shirts reached the ground. The chests were fastened with three gold-studded pearl buttons. Up, dignified and solemn. On top of the big-sleeved shirt, there was also a cyan robe, which hung above his knees, and a cluster of pearl tassels adorned the lower end of the robe, swaying gently with the wind.

Several layers of clothes were pressed down inside and out, and the bride had to walk slowly even if she was a lively character. Wang Yanqing put both hands in front of him, and sat on the wedding reception with the support of the maids, waiting for the welcoming team.

The red dress was as bright as fire, Wang Yanqing sat on the bed, the skirt neatly hung down beside his feet, and only a pair of cloud shoe tips adorned with pearls were exposed on the feet. Her skin is whiter than snow, her eyes are bright and her teeth are bright, and even the rich bridal makeup can't cover the silence between her brows. She sat quietly like this, like the lightest and most wonderful blank space on a thick and colorful picture.

When Mrs. Quanfu and Xi Niang met, they secretly praised the beauty of this woman, which they have only seen in their lives. It's no wonder that as a civilian woman, Lord Lu is attracted to her. Such a face is worth tens of thousands of family wealth.

In addition to the emotion, everyone saw that the woman who was about to be promoted to Mrs. Lu was neither impatient nor impatient in such a grand occasion, and her face was neither proud nor timid, so they couldn't help but give her a high look. However, in fact, Wang Yanqing didn't have any extra expressions, she was just too hungry to have the strength.

The wedding ceremony takes a whole day. In order to prevent the bride from wanting to change in the middle of the ceremony, the bride is often not allowed to eat the night before. Wang Yanqing had only drank a few sips of water since waking up, and after being tossed about by them for a long time, she had to wear a heavy hair crown and Xia Pi, how could she still have the strength to think about things.

Wang Yanqing has no relatives in the capital, and Xi Niang sees that there are no sisters from her parents' family to add makeup, so she keeps talking flattering things around her, for fear of being cold. In fact, Wang Yanqing didn't care. No one was going to marry her, so she saved the effort of socializing.

She waited for a while, and gradually the auspicious time came. She vaguely heard the sound of chuī outside, the maid came to cover her head, Xi Niang raised her hand and tossed it while saying auspicious words, Wang Yanqing's line of sight fell into a fiery red .

The hijab blocked his vision, and he could only see his slender white fingertips on his knees, his sleeves symmetrically stacked on his side, and a solemn and luxurious blue knee covering in the middle. The sound of joy was getting louder and louder, Wang Yanqing seemed to just shake her head, and Xi Niang's happy shouts rang in her ears. At the same time, the maid supported her arm and walked out of the house with her.

The embroidered shoes fell on the hard and cold floor tiles outside, and Wang Yanqing was shocked by the cold wind, finally giving birth to a sense of reality. She is getting married, and her second brother is not far away. What she had been looking forward to for many years was finally fulfilled today.

However, why did she not relax at all, but was scared instead?

Wang Yanqing walked out of the new house surrounded by the crowd and went to the main hall to say goodbye to the high hall. Wang Yanqing's parents and grandparents have all passed away, and today she bid farewell to the tablets of Wang Cong and Shen Lan. The tablet was brought back by Lu Heng from Datong Mansion, and since then it has been enshrined in this house, which is regarded as Wang Yanqing's family.

Wang Yanqing was stunned again, all this was arranged by Lu Heng. Although it was their wedding in name, Wang Yanqing didn't worry about anything other than trying on the wedding dress, and Lu Heng arranged it all before she knew it. Wang Yanqing felt a little more at ease. This is the brother who has been considerate and caring to her for many years. He is really good to her. If his parents and grandparents knew about it, they would also approve of this marriage.

Wang Yanqing moved the lotus step lightly, but the hem of the skirt did not move, as she walked towards the main hall. Lu Heng was waiting in front of the hall in red clothes. He usually wears red clothes, and the flying fish clothes are extremely luxurious and arrogant, but today's clothes make him feel extra grand.

The red cloud brocade is embroidered with dark patterns, and the rhinoceros belt ties up the crimson clothes high, outlining a neat and slender waistline. He stood under the eaves of the corridor, the outside wind was howling, and the broken Qiong was flying, and she covered the red hijab and walked towards him step by step in the crowd.

The heart that Lu Heng had mentioned for half a year finally fell, the things he was guarding against did not happen, and everything was the best. She waited obediently where she was, looking forward to waiting eagerly for him to marry her. Now that he has successfully received the marriage, there will be no more twists and turns along the way.

Wang Yanqing's eyes were flushed, and he couldn't see where he had gone. Xi Niang motioned her to salute, and Wang Yanqing walked upright and blessed. After she stood up, she didn't know which direction to go next, and her hands were suddenly wrapped in warmth.

The hand covering the back of her hand was slender and strong, with tiny thin calluses on the pulp of her fingers and palm, and Wang Yanqing immediately realized who it was. Wang Yanqing was a little puzzled. When she heard Xi Niang talk about the process yesterday, she didn't remember the new couple holding hands. Did she forget?

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