The Industrial Giant Reborn

Chapter 389 Internet Operation Model and Super Building Plan

"Can't we directly ask the other party for exclusive authorization?" Lei Shengli asked after thinking for a while.

"This won't work, we must give them the right to choose." Chen Zhiwen shook his head and said, "We are already in the most successful position in Europe and America. If this third-party game development is successful, it will be more like a monopoly. Once we have the Overlord agreement, The consequences of being targeted by European and American anti-monopoly agencies are unimaginable. We do not have the background of European and American consortiums.

The water here is also very deep. As long as we do well and the hardware scale is the first, then these game development companies will not have a better choice at all. This is not only the difference between 70% and 30%, the channel is also ours. , if it is not an exclusive agreement, then no matter how fun the game is, how many sales can it have? "

Although it has not yet entered the Internet era, the operation ideas of many monopoly enterprises can refer to the model of large Internet companies. Mastering the channels is equivalent to mastering the traffic entrance, just like Tencent.

All kinds of games are all kinds of content ecology. If they meet their ecological strategic positioning, they will give traffic. If they don’t, they won’t give them, or they will give very little.

And limited by the promotion of the hardware platform, when they are in a strong position, the three-party games can only follow their own needs, otherwise, they will not make much money at all! On the contrary, you can share money and get soft hands.

"That is to say, we don't need to care about the profit of game cards, we just need to maintain our position in home game consoles, that's enough." Lei Shengli understood.

"Who doesn't care about the profits of game cards? We all know that game cards are more profitable than consoles!" Chen Zhiwen said with a smile: "But there is no game in this world that can sell well for two or three years. years, but it is not a problem for game consoles to exist for at least a dozen years. We need to think about it in the long run, and we need to give up enough benefits to the third-party development companies. Let such a large group of people help with our interests. Don’t think about it. We eat meat and they drink soup, we want to eat meat together, but our meat is bigger, more stable, and can last longer!"

"I understand." Lei Shengli nodded and said, "Then I'll go to the United States first to acquire the talents of Atari, and then release the news to attract third-party development platforms who can join!"

"Well, it's better to hold a developer conference." Chen Zhiwen thought for a while and said: "The grade must be good, choose a five-star hotel or other high-end places.

The first time it is a technical introduction, you can figure it out on your own. After the second time, in addition to technical aspects, you need to introduce various incentives. Bonuses, US dollar cash will be distributed at the meeting site, the more shocking the better, so that everyone's heart can be moved, so that they can work harder to make money for themselves! "

It's a pity that in this era, there is no Internet video, and this type of meeting is too small. It is impossible to have the opportunity to be on a certain TV station, even his own TVB, and he will not engage in such things. Ordinary people will not watch it.

"Then how about we build a large venue in Hong Kong?" Lei Shengli said suddenly: "Actually, I have this idea for a long time. Not only Midea's games, but also Midea's other businesses, there are many dealers, suppliers Suppliers, Galaxy Trading, there are so many suppliers of all kinds, if there is a large-scale exhibition center or press conference center in Hong Kong, it will be much more convenient.

Otherwise, with Midea's current position in the global electronics market, every time we hold a large-scale exchange meeting, we have to go to the United States or Japan to hold it. "

"What you said makes sense." Chen Zhiwen nodded and said, "Let's settle this matter like this. You go to Li Haonan, and together with him, apply to the Hong Kong government to choose a piece of land in Hong Kong with a decent location. We bought it and built such a large conference room, which can also be used as an exhibition, Midea’s various products, and Xinghe Trade’s various industrial products also need such a place.”

"Don't you leave this to Hutchison?" Lei Shengli asked. The boss has long stipulated that one of his subsidiaries is in charge of specific things, such as Midea is in charge of the electronic business. You can try to make all kinds of electronic products, as long as the scale is not large. Then he can decide for himself.

In the same way, Red Bull is responsible for food and beverages, and the two companies are prohibited from participating in the real estate business.

Hutchison is in charge of large-scale investment, infrastructure, real estate, etc. Hong Kong Electric is responsible for power generation, Wharf is responsible for large commercial plazas, Galaxy is responsible for trade and occupation. The business division of these four companies is quite obvious, but the real estate business is the one that overlaps. They are all mixed businesses in Hong Kong, and it is hard not to have something to do with real estate. This may also be related to the acquisition of these companies one by one when the boss made his fortune.

"This is not considered real estate business, but Midea's assets. You also need the headquarters, R\u0026D base, and exhibition hall to hold it yourself." Chen Zhiwen said.

As for the companies under his umbrella, he doesn't want Midea to be a technology company, because he was lured into the real estate industry after he got rich. Based on the real estate situation in Hong Kong, if it grows bigger, the profit may not be lower than that of the electronics industry.

After the restriction, even if Midea has too much money to spend in a short time, it will be arranged by Chen Zhiwen to lend the funds to other subsidiaries.

Lei Shengli thought for a while, and then said: "Chen Sheng, if this is the case, can we also plan to build a headquarters building in Hong Kong for Midea?"

A few years ago, Galaxy Group built a building in Admiralty, which was specially used by Galaxy Group. However, the scale of Galaxy Group was not large at that time. The same is true for Midea and Galaxy. The three companies moved into office together, and the entire Galaxy Group There was still room in the building. At that time, Xu Jinhong of the Galaxy Group suggested leasing out the vacant part. The rental market price at that time was not low, but it was directly rejected by the boss Chen Zhiwen.

Obviously, only the boss can predict the future development speed of Midea, Xinghe, and Red Bull. Xinghe mainly focuses on orders for various light industrial products for large overseas supermarket chains. At that time, it was only supplying to Wal-Mart and Costco. , but with the development, they have successively entered the American supermarket giant Celtic and some European supermarkets, and the surge in orders has increased the number of Galaxy Group personnel several times.

The same thing happened to Midea and Red Bull. Relatively speaking, Midea may grow faster, especially in recent years, it has quickly monopolized the game market and made huge profits.

"Of course it is possible. However, my idea is to build a super building for Midea in Central, but there should be no new land. This kind of land is rare." Chen Zhiwen said: "Hilton Hotel, I am going to demolish it. Well, that location is very good, let Midea build the headquarters building."

"Hilton Hotel? That location is indeed very good, but it seems that we don't have to build Midea in Central, right? Even in Yuen Long, it doesn't matter, or we can build a few more buildings together." Lei Shengli said, Midea It's a technology company, so it doesn't really matter where the headquarters are.

"Since it doesn't matter where it is, why can't it be in Central?" Chen Zhiwen smiled and said, "My requirement for Midea is to become a world-class electronics company. You can arrange where other R\u0026D departments and testing departments are, but the headquarters is still Need to be in Central.

In fact, not only Midea, but also Red Bull, Wharf, HK Electric, and Hisense Bank, which are my core businesses, will move their headquarters to Central. This will make it much more convenient for me, and it will be much more convenient for the various branches to communicate with each other. "

"Okay, if that's the case, we need a large number of buildings in Central. It's probably not enough to build a building at the location of the existing Hilton Hotel," Lei Shengli said.

"There's no need to worry about it now. The Hilton Hotel was built relatively early, and the area is large enough. There is no problem in building an eighty or ninety-story building. In fact, it is almost enough. After all, it is only the headquarters, and the core departments are fine. " Chen Zhiwen said with a smile.

"This is also, but, would the Hilton Hotel be willing to enter into a mid-range operating contract?" Lei Shengli asked. He knew the boss's origin very well. The boss’s first building in Central, although many real estate people were not optimistic about it at the time, but now, even if the land price has been halved in the past two months, the price of Central has only dropped by 20-30%, and the value of the Hilton Hotel land is lower than when it was purchased Not only is it several times higher, but now even if you have money, you can't buy a location like Central.

The only trouble is that this international hotel chain group must be strict with the maintenance of the contract.

"Don't worry about it, Li Haonan, you are already working on this matter. You should send someone to the United States to find Mr. Bei Jinming, and this time you will also find him to design our new building." Chen Zhiwen said, Bei Jinming When Jin Ming designed the Xinghe Building for him, he gave him a discount, and Chen Zhiwen also verbally promised that his own project would be given priority to him.

"Okay." Lei Shengli nodded.

That afternoon, Chen Zhiwen looked at some recent newspapers in Hong Kong. Today, Hong Kong is full of little chaos, and all kinds of inexplicable news are flying all over the sky. Although he knows that some of them are false, Chen Zhiwen still has to read them, maybe there will be some Some useful information.

"Chen Sheng, the Hilton Hotel sent back news that they rejected our request to buy out the contract." After Li Haonan knocked on the door and walked in, Hui reported.

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