The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 236: : I hope you don't know what to do!

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Mark cautiously looked at Li Wei, whose face was full of disappointment. The medical system on Earth seemed to be deeply despised by the Martians. He didn't feel anything, he was a botanist anyway.

After the disappointment, Li Wei's desire to go to the earth Kangkang in this world also faded. He just spent a few years in New York in the monster universe, and now he wants to do something positive!

Finally, confirm again to see if this world is normal or not. If there are aliens or something, he can also catch a few aliens with a higher level of technology and let them study, as long as they disguise themselves as aliens That's it, it's pretty much the same anyway.

"Okay, after answering my next question, I can send you out of here." Li Wei said seriously.

Mark didn't believe it, but he still had that "careful" smile on his face, "You say you say it!"

Just leave after asking, I don't want to be sent to see God!

Li Wei asked, "Are there any aliens in your world?"

"Ah, you don't... no!" Mark almost said you weren't, but fortunately changed his words in time.

"Is there a 5G network?"

"Just starting to spread..."

"Have you heard some strange rumors about where there are monsters?"

"Uh, no..."

"Is there any space for teleportation in the Iron Curtain Triangle?"

"It's been refuted."

"Is there a big biotech company called Umbrella!"

"Have not heard……"


In a question and answer, Li Wei can finally confirm that this is a very, very ordinary world, except that it can send people to Mars, there is almost nothing special.

He quickly fell into thought. This seems to be the ordinary world he has been looking for, but he doesn't seem to want to stay here.

Maybe this is just a habit of waves, don't want to settle down?

Mark answered more than a dozen questions in a row, and now he feels dry, but he doesn't dare to drink water.

Even if he behaves like a person again, the man in front of him can't be a person, and he can't guarantee that he will suddenly turn into an alien and smash his face!

After a long time, Li Wei sighed, looked at Mark and said, "Is there a space suit, I'll send you back to Earth, so you don't have to hang around here."

"This..." Mark was stunned, his eyes widened as if he had heard something incredible.

Are the Martians sending him back to Earth?

Is this a deportation order?

If so that would be great!

"Yes, yes, yes! I'm going to wear it now?"

"Go, let's go." Li Wei looked helpless, and waved Mark to put on the space suit.

Send him away, he will run away, there is nothing in this world to treat.

Mark still stood there, and said with some embarrassment: "The spacesuit is on the spacecraft outside, there is a short distance, that..."

"Put on the protective clothing and go quickly, I don't want to stay here." Li Wei said weakly.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Seeing Li Wei's appearance, Mark hurriedly put on the protective suit again, daring not to delay, for fear that Li Wei would get angry.

After he put on the protective suit, Li Wei pinched the back of Mark's neck again and left the Mars base.

After walking to the loess desert, there is no need to ask Mark for directions, the trace of the big rocket has been found within the range of the pulse induction.

Switching to the armored form, Li Wei opened his wings, and the end of the wings spurted a crimson light, driving his body to fly into the air.

Mark, who was being carried, was a little caught off guard and waved his limbs in a panic. Why did he suddenly fly up? !

He turned his head to look at the top of his head, and what he saw was a dark figure with fine lines, and now he finally calmed down.

Ah, sure enough!

Of course he's not human!

After seeing Li Wei's "ontology", Mark's hanging heart finally fell to the ground, and there is no need to guess what Li Wei's main body looks like. It's very ordinary, it's dark, and it's acceptable.

The flight lasted only two minutes, and Levi sent Mark under the huge rocket.

This world is really magical, and it is possible to put such a small rocket on Mars, and it can be launched directly without any auxiliary equipment.

After landing, Mark immediately turned to look behind, only to find that the Martian had returned to the appearance of a human.

"Go, go, hurry up, you can stay in this place where birds don't **** and grow potatoes, I have no problem!"

"Let's go!" Mark hurriedly walked under the rocket, pressed the sensor, the hatch at the bottom opened, and the ladder fell.

Although there are still many doubts, it is good that the Martians can send themselves back to Earth!

After climbing the ladder, Mark closed the hatch and changed his land suit to a heavy white space suit.

After putting on the heavy space suit, he was in a bit of trouble.

The spacesuit is too heavy for him to go down...

"Is it replaced?"

At this moment, the Martian's voice sounded in the earphone, which startled him.

After calming down, Mark responded, "Alright..."

After preparations, Li Wei expanded his size a little and switched to armored form again.

He flew to the top of the rocket, looked through a window, and stared at Mark, who was stunned inside, "Just sit in your seat, fasten your seat belt, I'm taking off!"

Mark looked at the huge face outside the window and fastened his seat belt without saying a word.

The rocket took off without starting on its own. Li Wei held the rocket, his wings sprayed with red light, and flew all the way. It took a short time to fly into space.

Mark sitting in the rocket felt weightless. After seeing the starry sky outside the window, his body was shocked and he couldn't believe his eyes.

He always thought that the Martians were going to send him away in a spaceship, but he didn't expect it to be so simple and rude. !

After leaving Mars, Li Wei went straight to Earth. He is a principled person. Mark answered his question. Then he will help this poor **** get back to Earth~!

The speed of flight became faster and faster after entering space, and soon flew out of tens of thousands of kilometers per second, and the speed was still increasing.

After flying for a while, Mark actually saw a moving space station in the sky!

His eyes followed the space station for a distance, and he shouted in a hurry: "Stop! I..."

Just after shouting, Mark closed his mouth again. He wanted to say that his companion was inside, but soon thought of another possibility...

The purpose of the Martian is still unclear, will he harm his companions?

But it doesn't need Mark to say that Livy has seen the space station and is gradually slowing down to connect the space station with wireless telecommunications.

"Open the door and deliver the courier!"

A stranger's voice suddenly sounded inside the American Space Station, and the astronaut who was about to sleep was shaken, so scared that he lost sleep.

"Open the door, you have something on Mars!"

The unfamiliar voice came out from the loudspeaker again, completely awakening the five of them.

Then there was a big chaos. What kind of sound is this, Astronautical Hallucination Syndrome? !

The five dressed and ran to the control room of the space station to conduct a self-check on the system.

But the mysterious man's voice was still ringing, and through the retrieval of the signal, they captured a signal channel.

"Look!" Rick Martinez, the technician responsible for the navigation and movement of the space station, exclaimed, and quickly asked his companions to come and check.

A few people came to the console and found an abnormal video just now. A spaceship flew past them, and then flew back with a man in a space suit!

"WTF!" Several people met and said swearing.

"Open the door, your companion is in my hand, I will throw him if I don't open the door!" Li Wei reached out and knocked on the exit door of the space station, urging impatiently.

Mark, who was held by Li Wei, smiled bitterly, hoping that his companions would not be implicated by him, but at this time, he had no choice but to connect to the spacecraft's communicator and said, "Commander, it's me, Watney!"

The five people who were clamoring about whether to go out and have a look suddenly heard a familiar voice and couldn't help but look shocked.

"I'm not dead, I met a... uh, enthusiastic Martian, we're out of the hatch, can you do me a favor!"

Mark's voice came from the radio again, causing the five people in the space station to look at each other, unable to recover from the astonishment of their companions returning from the dead.

"Mark? Is it really you?" The commander pressed the communication button and asked Mark outside.

Li Wei did not speak to disturb, waiting for Mark to communicate with the space station.

"It's me, open the door first, and I'll explain to you later..."

After some communication and confirmation, the hatch of the space station finally opened slowly.

Li Wei threw Mark inside and wanted to open the portal and run away, but at this time, two arrows popped up from the key, pointing in the direction of the earth...

"What are you..."

Just know that the key won't take him to any normal place!

Li Wei made an inhalation action in space, then retracted his wings, and got into the space station, ready to go and ask carefully what was going on.

For some reason, after seeing the arrow that popped up from the key, his mind instantly became clear, and the faint sense of irritability disappeared.

The few people who were hiding behind another door and looked out through the glass looked horrified. When they saw Li Wei who got into the cabin, they also gave birth to some kind of terrifying conjecture. If they can survive in space, this is not a human!

After entering the cabin door, Mark also saw his little friends who were lying on the inner door window looking at him. Noticing the horrified expressions on the faces of several people, he tried to give them faces, hoping that they would understand what he meant.

It's a pity that several people have never learned the "eye" language. Although the eyes can read a person, they really can't do it.

When the hatch was closed, air filled the small circular seal.

The second hatch opened, and the stunned astronauts finally hugged their companions and asked about Li Wei.

In "Knock: Space", there are only five people on the space station. At this time, the dead companion is suddenly knocked on the door of the space station by a "human" who can survive in space!

What the **** is this guy!

"Watney, welcome back! We thought you were dead, this..." The commander of the astronauts, Melissa Lewis, greeted Mark reluctantly with a smile, and then looked vigilantly at stepping on the ground Like Li Wei who is not affected by the weightless The other three companions also anxiously surrounded Mark, but their eyes were on the stranger behind Mark.

When common sense is broken, everyone will be very concerned.

Li Wei is the unusual variable. This is an anomaly with a human appearance and disguised as a human being!

The more human-like a thing is, the more it will be feared and disgusted.

They are like this at this time, and only Mark who has seen Li Wei's body is slightly better.

"Cough cough!" Their whispers were naturally hidden from Li Wei's ears, he cleared his throat and let a few people look at him, then introduced himself with a smile: "Forgot to introduce myself, my name is Li Wei, I am a ...Interstellar traveler, now I'm going to come to your planet to stay for a while, I hope you don't know what's wrong!"

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