The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 247: : save lives

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Three rusted warships launched an unreasonable attack on the huge cruise ship, with shells and bullets falling one after another on the side of the cruise ship.

The survivors who hid in the cabin wailed away from the shelled side, like a herd of lambs in the sheepfold facing the gunners outside the sheepfold, unable to do anything but walk in a panic.

Li Wei was also in the crowd. He took out his mobile phone from a person's body and called 911 to seek help from the outside world.

Those three warships may also be something unethical. There is a hint from the Octopus Monster's performance just now that even it was blown off by the three warships, which is very dangerous!

The phone was dialed, but the phone had no signal, the shell damaged the cruise ship antenna, and it was far from offshore.

If he wants to be rescued by the people of this world, he may need to go to the captain's cabin to find the satellite phone.

But the captain and those crew members all died in the attack just now, and now it is estimated that they have returned to the embrace of the sea...

The passengers kept screaming and howling, running around like flies without their heads. Only a few hundred passengers were aware of the direction of the cannonball's attack, so they kept running to the other side of the cruise ship where the cannonball couldn't reach it.

Finally, when the survivors escaped to the other side of the cruise ship, finally free from the wave of shells, the bottom of the ship began to leak...

The cruise ship tilted significantly, the torpedoes fired by the warship blew several cracks in the bottom of the ship, and the cruise ship was leaking!

The woman's desperate scream was definitely more piercing than the sound of artillery fire. Li Wei didn't stop his footsteps.

After getting out of everyone's sight, he even used the skills of flying over the eaves and walls, and easily came to the captain's room that was blown into ruins...

"Are you he..." Li Wei only glanced at him and turned decisively.

The captain's room was destroyed, and there was no way to talk about satellite phones. Except for the captain's room, he couldn't think of where there would be satellite phones.

In this case, he can only take a small boat to run first!

Just before he could put the kayak down, the three warships that were turning were attacked!

There was the harsh whistling of jet fighters in the sky, and five fighter planes fired missiles at the three warships.

The phalanx of warships resumed operations, and the metal storm tore apart the fragile missiles, detonating these powerful missiles early in the air.

Seeing the arrival of the support, Li Wei stopped and breathed a sigh of relief. It would be fine if someone came to clean up the mess, and now his identity can continue to maintain a perfect disguise.

After that, he returned to the place where the survivors were staying. Facing a group of people who were crying and didn't know what was going on outside, Li Wei shouted: "Listen to me!"

There are more than 3,000 passengers on the cruise ship, but most of these more than 3,000 people boarded the high places of the cruise ship under the control of the big octopus to enjoy the so-called performance.

When the dilapidated warship arrived, the people who climbed to the heights were killed by the phalanx and shells, and there were only more than 300 surviving passengers on the cruise ship.

These 300 people were still in a panic, and this shout immediately made the overwhelmed people look at Li Wei who was standing on a rollover sofa.

"I just went outside to see, the army has come, and now the ship is sinking, we have to go up! Don't stand here like an idiot, come with me!" Li Wei continued to stalk his neck and roar, making sure all the Everyone could hear his voice amidst the cannon fire.

After a group of panicked people had a leader and a hope, they all stood up and followed behind the rambunctious Li Wei.

The inclination of the hull became more and more serious. Li Wei took the survivors to the top floor, and further up was the position of the deck. At this time, the floor had been raised at least 20°, and ordinary people needed to support the wall when standing. Fear of falling.

At this time, Li Wei gestured for everyone to stop, and then said: "I'll go up and have a look!"

"I'll go as well!"

"Take me!"

Several men in the crowd stood out, saying they were going to see it too.

In the end, Li Wei and the other five climbed out of the stairs. The sound of artillery fire and the whistling of jet fighters became clear, and the poisonous sunlight seemed to be obscured by gunpowder smoke, making it less dazzling.

The five people carefully grabbed the nearby things, and looked in the direction of the three tattered warships on top of the blown-up cruise ship.

The three tattered warships were scattered, and the sky above was constantly streaked by fighter planes, and the shells were fired at will as if they didn't want money.

The super-intelligent Phalanx almost defends the warship sky against the wind, and the tattered warship does not need to replenish ammunition at all, let alone worry about the barrel overheating.

This is the real weapon of war!

The sky is full of artillery fire, and the seabed is also turbulent. Torpedoes are constantly being launched, and a submarine with the badge of the Global Occult Alliance is wrestling with three warships.

The underwater torpedoes reserved by the submarine kept firing. While intercepting the torpedoes fired by the warships, they were also looking for opportunities to deal a heavy blow to the three warships.

Just three rusted warships, stunned to play a large-scale war with fighter submarines on the sea.

"The terrorists are being held back, we can go back to save people!" Li Wei just glanced at it roughly, and judged that the battle between warships and so many modern fighters had reached the limit.

The other four were taken aback, and all looked at the warrior who stood up in times of crisis.

Li Wei thought they didn't hear clearly, and said again: "Go back and save people! There will definitely be people alive on the other side of the boat, and we can't give them up!"

The four who followed Li Wei suddenly showed respectful expressions, nodded and returned to the bottom.

In order to get some convenience for himself, Li Wei stood up and said, "The terrorists outside have been held back, and now we have the opportunity to rescue those who may be trapped. Who wants to go with me!"

His eyes swept across the faces of the more than 300 people who crowded the aisle, and what he gained was admiration and respect one after another, as well as the gazes of many people who were sad or crying in grief.

Infected with blood and perfect acting skills, the warriors in the twenties stepped forward and came to Li Wei.

After gaining the fans of these people, Li Wei immediately began to arrange, "We don't have much time, with the current sinking speed of the cruise ship, fifteen minutes is the limit, but for safety, we only have ten minutes to search the area. Not big, this area from the deck to the cabin! Can you!"

His words were very firm, infecting these two dozen men and When the battle was not stopped, Li Wei took these people to rescue more than thirty people who were still breathing in the sinking cruise ship .

After they searched twice and determined that there were no survivors, an aircraft carrier battle group also appeared on the seashore, imposing final sanctions on the three tattered warships with unlimited ammunition.

As a lot of gun smoke rushed into the sky, the three warships were destroyed and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

Rescue helicopters and a large number of water search and rescue teams also came to the cruise ship to rescue the only 300 lucky people left on the cruise ship, as well as dozens of injured people.

Before the cruise ship sank, everyone boarded the American warship, and the survivors all fell to the ground in relief, and even cried with joy.

Li Wei had already put on a military uniform. For some reason, everyone was isolated, and too much communication was not allowed.

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