The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 278: : Wouldn't it be better to die honestly?

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Li Wei originally wanted to slap the people of the motherland to the side, and then use flesh and blood to form a pair of bat wings instead of wings to safely send the plane to the open space.

This may be a touch with these superheroes, Queen Maeve doesn't act like the evil camp.

Although there are heroes in this world, the real world is not comics, and when the heroes are always overwhelmed, the two seem more real.

Just as soon as he stood up, Queen Maeve reached out and pushed him back into the chair.

The people of the motherland have got rid of the pulling of the passengers and came to the tail of the plane, and there is a hatch at the tail of the plane.

"Maeve!" The native turned back and urged.

Even if she didn't say the latter, Queen Maeve already understood the meaning of the motherland.

She looked at the begging eyes of the passengers around her, trembling in her heart, and finally she saw the little girl and walked quickly to her.

"Take off your mask and follow me!"

The little girl and the little girl's mother left the seats and were led towards the rear hatch by Queen Maeve.

The natives smashed the cabin door with one punch, and when I looked back, I saw that Queen Maeve actually brought two oil bottles!

"what are you doing?!"

Queen Maeve embraced the mother and daughter tightly with both hands, begging: "Take these two, please!"

The people of the motherland hated iron and steel, and said angrily: "No, they go out, and they will tell everyone that we let the other passengers die! Leave them behind!"

"Please, don't do this!"

Queen Maeve was still pleading, but those who heard the conversation between the two approached them like crazy, hoping that the motherland would take them away from this flight to hell.

"Back up!" The natives saw the people behind them squeezing forward, and stopped them from approaching loudly.

But how could the despairing people give back so easily with weak words, they are still moving forward until they are close to the danger line.

The people of the motherland were also completely annoyed, their eyes glowed red, and they walked up to the man who was closest to him and shouted: "Fuck you back, or I'll shoot you! I'll shoot all of you! Back off!"

This time, everyone not only stepped back, but fell directly on the ground, or hid behind the seat.

The eyes they looked at the people of the motherland were quite frightening, and there was also despair at the collapse of the idols.

The natives glanced around at the passengers who looked like quails, with a satisfied expression, turned around and walked to the open cabin door, and then urged: "Maeve, let's go!"

Queen Maeve, who has witnessed all this, has no choice. Now, for saving these people, they will no longer have any gratitude. The Water Company will not allow such people to exist. They are already doomed to death.

Even so, her heart was still very uncomfortable.

After letting go of the mother and daughter's hand and saying sorry a few times, Queen Maeve took the hand of the motherland.

Seeing this, the people in the plane were completely desperate.

The little girl who always believed in Queen Maeve and the people of her motherland cried very sadly, and she was pulled by her desperate mother.

The people of the motherland have already hugged Queen Maeve's waist and are about to take off. The plane has been down for a long time, and they have to leave quickly.

Queen Maeve wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and took one last look at the passengers in the cabin.

She saw another person standing in the cabin, the Asian who was by the toilet before.

The Asian was wearing a pure black suit, holding a silver suitcase in his left hand, resting his right hand on the armrest of the seat, and looked at her quietly.

That look is very deep, and it seems to contain some kind of special meaning...

"We walked!"


The motherland jumped off the plane with Queen Maeve, and Queen Maeve failed to read the person's eyes in a short time.

After they left the plane, they were suspended in the air, quietly waiting for the plane to crash to ensure that no one survived.

The plane is still taxiing, and it is estimated that it will take a minute or two to make intimate contact with the sea.

Dogs can't change eating shit, and keys can't change shit, I'm used to it...

Li Wei used the pulse to see the motherland and the Queen Maeve staying still in the sky, and knew that they were not superheroes at all, a bunch of **** clowns!

At most, it is a person with a chaotic camp, and this is not the world he expects.

"Fuck superheroes! F**k!!!" The middle-aged man who had previously handed Li Wei a breathing mask collapsed and shouted, and more and more people were crying and waiting to die.

"Everyone!!!" Amidst the desperate cry, Li Wei let out a loud roar, and after everyone looked over, he grinned, "You are lucky, maybe not so lucky... I don't like it Those two guys, they are very annoying, aren't they!"

A collapsed young man looked at the strange Li Wei and shouted: "What the **** are you trying to say, we are all about to die!!!"

"No, you will die, but at least not now, help me get it."

Li Wei handed the silver suitcase to the crying middle-aged man, and then his body exploded dozens of tentacles that penetrated the bottom and top of the plane.

The people around were frightened by this scene and screamed, and the expression management was almost out of control, and then they found that the windows of the plane were gradually covered by something.

After the cabin fell into a brief darkness, a golden light converged on the top of the cabin.

Catching the light, everyone saw the strange man clearly again, and stunned expressions appeared on their faces.

They saw that many spikes appeared on the back of the man's body and hands, connecting the top and bottom of the cabin. The scarlet tentacles and the strange state of the restraint system made many people turn pale with fright.

A white man pointed at Li Wei in horror and asked, "You...what the **** are you!"

Everyone instinctively stayed away from Li Wei in this state. Even if they knew that he might be saving people, they were still instinctively afraid.

Li Wei joked: "I am the devil sent by God to save you."


No one cares about this **** remarks, most people only care about a little, they are saved!


"What the **** is this!" The natives felt absurd when they saw that the plane that was about to crash was suddenly wrapped in a dark red flesh film.

Queen Maeve also opened her mouth wide, watching the plane go from crooked to being covered with a dark red flesh membrane, and then stabilized was so surprised that she was completely speechless.

More amazing is yet to come!

After the plane was completely wrapped in fleshy wings, several jets appeared at the tail and behind the wings, and blue flames spewed out from them, which forced the doomed plane to speed up and avoided the fate of being crashed.

Then, the plane began to accelerate and continued to fly towards the destination.


Seeing that the plane was restored by something magical, the people of the motherland couldn't help but swear, and the plane was still flying to its destination!

If the passengers above had survived, they would have told those pesky reporters everything they said and did!

"Why can't you just crash into the ocean, Fuck!"

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