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No, he has to chase after him to see if the people of the motherland are playing hard-to-get!

Li Wei bent his knees and jumped up more than ten meters, switched directly to flying form, and left the head of the stunned crowd again.

His appearance made the group of marchers below who had not recovered from the shock of the people of the motherland leave the venue in a state of excitement again!

"OMG! It's the sword bearer!"

"He's right, the sword bearer is always by our side!"

"Sword Bearer!"

"Sword Bearer!"

The cheers like a tsunami of mountains and tsunamis disappeared along with the tail flames that disappeared in the sky. After a series of operations, Li Wei was like a native of the motherland in the past, and was deeply loved by the American people.

The individual heroism complex and anti-authority characteristics that have existed since the founding of the country have made people in this land extremely worship those mavericks.

If this weirdo is anti-authority, pro-freedom, has superpowers, is a handsome man or a beautiful woman, he will get countless flowers and applause.

Li Wei completely hit the G spot of this group of people. Now who doesn't like swordsmen?

Although the power outage in New York City does not hinder the subsequent spread of the matter, unless the Federation can delete everyone's mobile phone information, the matter here will eventually spread, and the strongest superhero, the motherland, will no longer be the one. Superhero news will grab all the headlines!

The superheroes don’t know what to think after watching it. Anyway, the Federation is absolutely happy. As the backbone of the superheroes, the motherland has announced a strike. What can the remaining superheroes say? In the end, they must obediently accept superhero supervision. bill?


In the office of the Water Building, Shen Hai has already learned all the information of the monitoring, but he still does not know where the woman named Beja is. He only knows that Beja was a former employee of the Water Company.

To find that woman, he needs to make a trip to the technical department of Walter Corporation!

Shen Hai, who had made up his mind, turned around and walked out of the office, only to bump into Queen Maeve in cool leather armor, startling him.

But then, he became nervous, and after blocking Queen Maeve's way, he asked, "Where are you going?"

Queen Maeve's expression was very ugly. She had just witnessed the scene of the motherland's departure from calm to magnanimous by the window of the open conference room.

So she came to Medellin and wanted to know why the people of the motherland suddenly went crazy. Could it be another suggestion from the president of Medellin?

"The natives have left, and I have to go to Medellin to find out about the situation."

"What do you know? You can tell me, maybe I know!" The deep sea blocked Queen Maeve's direction again. Although the expression on his face was normal, cold sweat was already oozing out of his forehead, because he remembered just too much Excited, forgot to turn off the monitoring.

Because Queen Maeve saw that the deep sea came out of Medellin's office, she thought about it and said it: "The motherland just tore up the clothes below, and then flew away after scolding the people below. Go, do you know what he's doing?"

"Ah this..." Shen Hai also stopped in Bengbu, and asked back with a look of astonishment: "What?"

Seeing his appearance, Queen Maeve sighed, pushed the deep sea with brute force, walked into the office, and saw Medellin's miserable body.

"Wait!" After recovering, Shen Hai chased into the office and tried to struggle, but was picked up by Queen Maeve.

"Tell me what happened!"

"Put me down, I'll do it!"

Deep Sea was lifted in mid-air by Queen Maeve with her burning eyes, and she gave in stubbornly.


On the other side, the sky chase drama started, and Li Wei quickly caught up with the magnanimous motherlanders. When the motherlanders saw Li Wei, they directly shot their hot eyes without saying a word, but the power was not great.

Obviously, the people of the motherland have also realized that their attack is not Li Wei's opponent, and they have not tried to do useless work.

"Your performance surprised me too much. I'll give you a chance to tell the truth, otherwise I'll have to beat you and take you back for execution." Li Wei said very confident words in very arrogant words.

The natives of the motherland were flying in the sky, with red eyes staring at Li Wei, who was walking alongside him and couldn't get rid of him even if he wanted to, but his hatred for him was not as big as before, he said, "I'm not a superhero anymore, you and him. Damn it, don't bother me!"

This performance made Li Wei even more surprised. The people of the motherland seemed to be very serious about telling him about it!

But this is strange, what happened?

"It's okay, I'll get this information from your head!"

"Damn it!" The native cursed in a low voice, and immediately turned around, dodging a whip thrown by Li Wei.

Li Wei followed, and tormented the people of the motherland for a while.

The people of the motherland are also very tough, and they dealt with him in the sky for more than half an hour, until the whip hit his two balls, and the chase changed.

The motherlander, who was twitching in pain, curled up and fell from the sky, accompanied by grunting pain after gritted teeth.

It was a town where they fell, and the people of the motherland crashed directly into the garden of a house, and smashed a deep hole in the garden that the owner had worked so hard to cultivate.

The loud noise alarmed the two middle-aged white people who were watching the news in the room. They walked out of the back door and looked at the big crater in the backyard. The first thing they thought of was the meteorite outside the sky, and the money they made by selling the meteorite. A case of those lucky people who are full of bowls.

"We're going to make a fortune!" The fat white man raised his hands and cheered, awakening his distraught wife who saw the garden being destroyed.

But soon, the white man's dream was shattered. What was in the pit was not a meteorite, but a fruit man!

Then, Li Wei landed in front of them, startling them again.

"Ms. Madam, I suggest you go to hide elsewhere, there is a vicious criminal who needs to be punished!" Li Wei changed back to his original appearance, turned his head, and showed his shining white teeth to the middle-aged couple. .

"Why are you targeting me!" The middle-aged couple didn't respond, but Guo Nan's motherland shouted at Li Wei.

Li Wei turned his head again~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Looking at the motherland whose expression was still a little distorted, he smiled crookedly, "Why don't you guess?"

"Fuck!!!" The motherland's body was covered with whip marks, and his face was red from roaring, and he walked towards Li Wei step by step, "I have been a hero like a fool for more than ten years, and now I don't want to do it anymore, I I just want to stay away from everything, including you, why are you pestering me, am I **** your wife, or your mother making strange noises! Get the **** out of me! Get the **** out of me!"

The hoarse roar of the motherland contained infinite anger. He walked in front of Li Wei, his face was only a dozen centimeters away from Li Wei, and his saliva was about to spit.

After the motherland finished speaking, Li Wei shot directly and pressed him to the ground with his backhand.

The natives tried to struggle, but found that their hands could not break free no matter what, their bodies were pressed to death on the lawn, and they were still falling a little bit.

The middle-aged couple on the side have long been stunned...

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