The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 304: : Li Wei is a simple and kind good person

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Wagbaum walked out of the manor's mansion, looked up at the sky, and saw a fruit man who fell from the sky.

"Ah!" Wagbaum screamed in horror at the fruit man who fell from the sky, and then the fruit man smashed in front of him, smashing a pit in the bluestone floor.

Dr. Wagbaum, who was hiding aside, took a closer look and was almost scared to death!

This is the native John!

He watched John grow up with his own eyes, once his most outstanding work, surpassed the strongest superhero of the wisdom of countless predecessors!


Seeing Li Wei, Wagbaum knows the power of the motherland best. He can fly to the speed of sound when he is ten years old. The influence of Compound No. 5 is far-reaching. Now he is only strong and not weak!

And what happened to his miserable appearance?

At this time, Li Wei also fell to the ground, and the tentacles of his body rolled back to his original appearance.

Did he do it?

Dr. Wogbaum was shocked, ignoring the motherlander who woke up Yoyo, and came to Li Wei flatteringly, "Boss, you are back! My experiment has already achieved results, you can rest assured that you will never be disappointed. Ehehe, this..."

Seeing Wagbaum walking to his side to flatter, Li Wei was a little surprised, isn't this Dr. Wagbaum! Originally, it was still a look of grievances with high self-esteem. I haven't seen it for a few days.

It's not that little Godzilla has piqued Dr. Wagbaum's curiosity. If Livy thinks he's not doing a good job and doesn't let him continue his research, it will make him more uncomfortable than killing him.

In the field of science, exuberant curiosity is the basis for achievement!

"Let's talk about the experimental results, etc. First, explain to me how Compound No. 5 turned people into this. What I want to know is the mechanism of action." Li Wei clapped his hands, and then pointed to the awake motherland and asked.

After waking up, the sight of the natives was a little blurry, but he heard a familiar voice vaguely, and he quickly thought of that person, "Doctor, you didn't tell me I still have a son. , you know I don't like being deceived!"

A hot line of sight was shot at Wagbaum in a white coat.

The hot sight was blocked by Li Wei with one hand. He took two steps forward and kicked the motherlander's chin. The motherlander flew into the air and smashed into a flowerbed behind.

Watching this scene aside, Wagbaum drooled, and now he can be sure that Li Wei must have done the miserable situation of the motherland!

Unexpectedly, this man was so ferocious, and Wagbaum was extremely shocked. The strongest superpower born through his hands did not expect to be so vulnerable in front of this mysterious man!

Is he the mysterious warrior of China next door? Or the top killer of a secret organization?

Wogbaum couldn't imagine how such a person was born. From the beginning of Compound No. 5 to the present, the strongest superhuman who was artificially spawned was the superhuman project he took over, that is, John, a native of the motherland.

If there is a superhuman stronger than John, there is only one possibility, that is, other forces have developed a potion stronger than Compound No. 5, and it was very successful, creating a new monster!

This monster stole the research project in the organization and gave it to him to study, that is, the little Godzilla in the laboratory!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this logic!

"go in!"

Li Wei walked to the motherlander, pinched the motherlander's neck, knocked him unconscious again, and then looked back at Dr. Wagbaum.

"Yes! Yes!" Wogbaum was quite in awe of Li Wei, and followed Li Wei into the manor castle.

Then, he took the initiative to explain the working principle of Compound No. 5 to Li Wei. In order to make Li Wei understand, Wagbaum did not say complicated technical terms, but briefly summarized it.

"Injecting Compound No. 5 into the spine during human infancy can make the brain that has not yet developed to undergo targeted mutations and affect the growth direction of the body. This kind of growth is completely random and difficult to intervene, so the ability to evolve It's also varied..."

"Where is your laboratory, take me in." Li Wei nodded, then looked for the laboratory.

"Oh! Here, I'll show you the way!" Wagbaum hurriedly led the way to Li Wei. In order to obtain more research materials and research materials, he continued to conscientiously explain Compound No. 5 to Li Wei, "Compound No. 5 It does not allow people to directly acquire superpowers, but it can affect the brain and control the body to mutate. Mutation is not a good thing, but Compound No. 5 can make the mutation move in a direction that is acceptable to people!

Just like John's eyes, a new type of organ that emits red, high-temperature beams of light grows in his vitreous, and all those who have been injected with Compound 5 and survived have similar changes! Its action process is very complicated, even I don't know exactly why it is like this, I only know that it will be like this..."

While listening to the lecture, walk into the underground laboratory.

"That's it?"

Li Wei understood the working principle of Compound No. 5, but it seemed to be of no use to him. Compound No. 5 was to deceive the brain and guide evolution. He has no brain, and evolution can control itself without guidance.

When he assimilated the black color, he couldn't feel what was so special about the black color of one of the seven superheroes. Now he really listens to your words, like listening to your words!

If so, wouldn't the five unconscious embryos he cultivated be useless?

At this time, the people of the motherland woke up chaotically again, this time he didn't resist, he looked at Wagbaum on the side with hazy eyes, hehe sneered: "Doctor, you seem to be getting younger, you have been deceiving me. , maybe I have always been a tool in your eyes, a tool that can be discarded and replaced at any time, look around, how familiar it is!"

Wagerbaum couldn't bear to look at the natives who had begun to talk nonsense. He didn't know what the natives had been through these days, but he didn't really want to see the dead look of the natives.

This will remind him of the mistakes he made on this child, treating a baby as an experimental subject. When ordinary children are innocent in school, John can only face the cold experimental equipment.

Few of the experimenters would talk to John except him, and it was a time no one wanted to recall.

Li Wei ignored the ravings of the motherland. Seeing him wake up, he raised his right hand into a sharp claw in disappointment, ready to assimilate the motherland.

Originally, he didn't have much interest in Compound No. By assimilating the natives, he could get a new mimetic organ, which was somewhat rewarding.

Seeing the gleaming claws, the natives began to struggle again, and Wagbaum was also shocked.


The motherland and Wagbaum spoke at the same time, neither wanting to let life pass away so easily.

Li Wei stopped his raised claws, he wouldn't listen to the words of the motherland, but the conscientious Dr. Wagbaum's words made him listen.

When he worked overtime in 1996 to despair, he swore that if he were to be the boss, he would definitely give employees enough respect. Only migrant workers understand the pain of being a worker...

What an honest and kind man he is!

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