The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 409: : higher energy

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Li Wei had already been hidden in the sky for a long time, silently observing the battle performance of the abyss lords. When he saw that the demon was building a portal, he also thought of stopping it, but he thought of the better role of the portal, which is to put The screaming ancient **** sent it in.

Although he also believes that there is a way to solve the ancient gods in this world, he feels that relying on those unreliable people, it is better to send the screaming ancient gods away and send them to the world of Azeroth.

It is much safer to let the world with illegal combat power deal with it than to stay here and continue to seal it, and it can solve the trouble once and for all.

The explosion disappeared, and the body structure of the abyss lord was much more special than other demons. Although they were flesh and blood, they contained a lot of evil energy in their bodies, and they belonged to special beings with ordinary flesh and blood energy.

When the body is destroyed, the evil energy in the body will also be disordered and eventually explode.

But this does not mean that Li Wei did not obtain the body tissue of the abyss lord. When his fist fell, his tentacles pierced into the body of the abyss lord first and absorbed a lot of flesh and blood.

There is no extra component in these flesh and blood, no bacteria or viruses. Compared with any life, it can be said to be clean, and in this cleanness, a special somatic cell caught his attention.

If Li Wei still has a heartbeat now, his heart will definitely be pounding, because this special somatic cell is like a treasure, far beyond the scope of those ordinary life, the structure and function of this kind of cell are very special And magic, there is a high probability that it will become an important path to enhance the black light virus.

This somatic cell can use the form of a magnetic field to affect the evil energy that is the core of the Burning Legion's energy, or it can control a higher level of energy and carry out a deeper level of control.

Fel energy is a very special kind of energy that can make life stronger, but it also affects the sanity of life eroded by fel energy.

Fel energy has also changed from being a disturbing thing in Azeroth, but no one will deny its power, because the leader of the Burning Legion, Dark Tita Sargeras, was also affected by fel energy, and gradually moved towards fallen.

No one can tell where the fel energy came from. Even ordinary demons and abyss lords don't know how the fel energy was born. Its nature is like a mixture of light and shadow. It can do many things, but It also comes with huge side effects.

Portals that can be opened by arcane magic can also be used with fel energy.

Arcane can create flames that can still use fel energy, and it also has the property of being unable to be extinguished by water.

Even the blood elves' life-force-draining spells can be done with fel energy.

Powerful evil energy can barely be regarded as a high-level energy. The special somatic cells in the body of the abyss lord can control this special energy to the point where it is handy, but evil energy is not the only control method.

And what Li Wei wants is not evil energy, and its side effects may affect him.

He didn't want to be a madman who could only destroy, that life was easy to get tired of, and it wasn't very interesting.

What he wanted was a method for special somatic cells to control special energy.

Nucleus is not a special kind of energy. There should be nothing wrong with the several kinds of energy that Li Wei has at the moment, which boils down to electricity and heat.

The controllable nuclear fusion technology of the biological reactor allows him to freely eject and retract, and the gravitational rays are nice to say, and the strongest effect is to let him fly at the speed of light in the universe.

Evil energy is different, there are too many things that evil energy can do!

If you can't say it, then don't say it.

In his vision, more advanced energy should be able to do many things that ordinary people can't imagine.

If I'm going to give you a random example... Space Jump!

Science fiction is just a science that has not yet been realized. Li Wei now believes that he will meet the Trisolaran civilization one day.

The fantasy time was over, and the chaotic noise in his ears came into his ears again.

After looking around, Li Wei found that the number of demons did not exist in ten, and the number of infected bodies had grown to a terrifying level. All the small tentacle monsters had returned to the body of the large tentacle monsters.

Only the portal is still running out of violent orcs riding wild boars. These orcs are looking for enemies like crazy, and even launched a trebuchet from the portal!

An orc stood on the trebuchet, his companion cut off the rope, and the orc flew towards Li Wei in a series of roars.

The battle axe in both hands was raised above his head, like a heroic warrior, slashing at Li Wei's body, which was 400 meters tall.

Li Wei watched speechlessly, most of the orcs in Azeroth actually had flesh-colored skin, and the green-skinned orcs turned green because they were contaminated by fel energy.

The green-skinned orcs who still exist in reason indicate that they are not deeply polluted.

Looking at the green-skinned orcs below, Li Wei guessed that they were obviously polluted at a very high level, or else they would not just stand on the catapult and launch them stupidly, and they would come to chop him...

Li Wei didn't even need to pay attention to them, and controlled the tentacle monster to bring the ancient **** to the side of the portal. There were many fighting beasts on the tentacle monster's tentacles holding blue stones to suppress them in all directions.

The giant only has the share of screaming, and it has no ability to resist at all.

"Damn, what are you, let me go, what are you going to do to me!" The ancient **** seemed to have noticed Li Wei's difference, and his voice became a little more nervous.

The mysterious and mysterious language system made his message well conveyed to Li Wei's ears.

The giant seemed to know this too. He watched himself approaching the portal a little bit, and his tone began to loosen. "You don't mean to send me somewhere, do you?"

Li Wei ignored him, but looked down at the orcs who were attacking tirelessly on the ground, and couldn't help assimilating one, wanting to know how much their brains were polluted by evil energy.

"Hey! I'm talking to you! How dare you not answer! Damn Outer God!" Seeing that Li Wei ignored him, the ancient **** raised his voice a little, and his tone returned to a state of anger.

Um? !

After assimilating a piece of Wei got a message that surprised him, these orcs are not animals!

The crazy orc structure below is more like a complex spore, and they are not from Azeroth, but from another world!

This is far beyond Li Wei's expectations. The demons from Azeroth opened a portal but did not connect to World of Warcraft. What are they trying to do?

He searched again for the memory of the fel lord absorbed by him, and came up with an answer they didn't know either.

The demons don't know why the teleportation array they made is not connected to Azeroth, and Li Wei is even more unclear!

He thought for a while, then let go of the tangle.

No, no, he didn't go in anyway, it was just the fake ancient **** who went in, and it didn't matter to him.

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