The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 420: : Goth ** field

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The invisible werewolf was attacked by two power-type monsters, and soon hated the northwest. The cockpit was smashed by the fists raised by the leatherback turtle with strength expertise, and the signal disappeared completely.

"Damn it!!" The Baker brothers, who were driving the dangerous homeless, shouted angrily, and their rescue was a step too late after all.

In the sanctuary in the Tokyo area, all the citizens screamed in horror, and their mecha invisible ronin was destroyed!

And the battle situation is not optimistic. Among the four mechas that played, the invisible ronin was destroyed, and Cherno Alpha was also paralyzed. Only the dangerous wanderer and the storm crimson were left with relatively complete combat effectiveness for the time being.

This is just a short five-minute result of the first contact, which can be regarded as very tragic!

So much so that the moving citizens hiding in the shelter could not help but feel a little panic. If the mecha is placed, the monsters will enter Tokyo and destroy the city again. How will their lives be? !

For a time, fears of panic began to spread inside the shelter.

Although the spread exists, the mecha hunters have not completely fallen, and they can still be restrained for the time being.

The tail rat saw Cherno Alpha swaying, and instead of spitting out the strong acid substance, it suddenly stepped forward, hit Cherno Alpha with its body, and stabbed its huge claws into the cab of the mecha.

At the critical moment, the mecha's power recovered, raised his hand and overturned the tail rat, and stood up again on the bottom of the sea.

Just as they stood up, the dangerous wanderer was thrown away by a burly leatherback turtle, and the mecha body weighing 10,000 tons flew over Cherno Alpha's head and smashed into the distant sea water.

At the same time, Storm Crimson was also successfully attacked by the Thunder Beasts who specially attacked the bottom lane, and the mecha lay directly in the sea.

The leatherback turtle's eyes stared at the scene, and his fists slammed into the bottom of the sea. The exposed special organ behind it was still condensed with energy. The brewing lasted only three seconds, and an invisible electromagnetic wave suddenly spread out, making a few square meters. All electronic instruments within a kilometer fail briefly!

Storm Crimson, who was preparing to fight back, lost power, and Cherno Alpha, who had barely stabilized his body, fell to the ground, and the helicopter that was broadcasting live in the sky also lost power and fell to the sea.

The underground shelter in Tokyo, which lost its screen and power, fell into a panic, but due to the distance, electromagnetic waves had little effect on the urban area, and the power was quickly restored.

In order to appease the public, the shooting had to continue, but the equipment was changed from helicopter + photographer to drone shooting...

The dangerous wanderer who flew far away was not affected very much because the system used was different from the other two mechas, and the internal electric sparks flickered for a few times before recovering.

After recovering from the disturbance, the Baker brothers immediately contacted Pacific Rim Joint Defense Forces Command to report the difficult situation here and hope for assistance.

Command has mobilized the Australian Mecha Eureka Raider, as well as a new heavy Mecha Phoenix Guerrilla fighter.

Hearing that the support would arrive in at least 30 minutes, the Baker brothers gritted their teeth and could only bite the bullet and try to challenge the limit with one against three.

"hold head high!!"

Just when the mecha was about to rush out, a huge figure appeared in the sea behind the side, and a long roar instantly attracted the attention of the monster and the Baker brothers.

The gigantic Godzilla swung his powerful tail and moved slowly from side to side toward the three surviving monsters. His fierce eyes contained a little bit of excitement.

Leatherback put away the electromagnetic transmitter that was no longer useful, shook its head bones that could be opened and closed, and stared fiercely at Godzilla walking slowly.

The Thunder Beast and the Standing-tailed Rat also gave up the paralyzed mecha and walked to the leatherback turtle, staring at the slowly approaching male lion like three lone wolves.

In the monitoring room of the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force Headquarters, the atmosphere gradually became tense, Godzilla appeared, and then it was time to verify the monster force field problem.

Marshal Scott pulled his bow tie slightly, and by the way glanced at Li Wei and Zemu Xingxin who were watching with interest.

The drone that took off once again transmitted the captured footage to the sanctuary in Tokyo. When the citizens of Tokyo saw Godzilla for the first time, they soon fell into deep despair, and the four mechas were defeated. Four-headed monsters, such a result has already made them nervous.

Now there is a monster as big as never before, almost to extinguish their last hope, and everyone is in a state of memory before death.

The cries gradually spread through the shelter...

The three-headed monsters were quite vigilant in the face of Godzilla, who was three times their size, and did not ignore the threat posed by the terrifying creature because of their numerical advantage.

The memory-sharing monsters have already done a little research on Godzilla, and they know very well that Godzilla has a long-range strike ability.

"Roar!" The Leatherback Turtle roared at Godzilla, as did the Thunder Beast and Tailed Squirrel beside him.

When the atmosphere was tense, the dangerous wanderer on the side began to retreat, preparing to hand over the battlefield to these four monsters.

Godzilla's slow-moving figure paused, and one of the dangers in his eyes became more and more exuberant. No creature could violate his majesty. This was the imprint engraved in the DNA of the Godzilla family.

Either die or become king!

Unless it is a creature that is not harmful to nature, unless the other party surrenders and obeys, there is only one end!

dong dong dong!

The Baker brothers and many onlookers were shocked to see that Godzilla, who was 300 meters tall and weighed 300,000 tons, seemed to be running!

The speed from the original slow walk of 25 kilometers per hour suddenly accelerated to a speed of nearly 180 kilometers per hour!

What does it feel like to watch a slamming thing with a height of more than 300 meters run?

The Baker brothers watched Godzilla running past. The two seemed to see a moving mountain. Even if they stayed in the mecha, they could feel the overwhelmed trembling of the earth when Godzilla fell!


The leatherback turtle is a warrior, and without hesitation, it fell on all fours and began to run, with a fierce look in its eyes.

"Roar!" The Leatherback Turtle roared at Godzilla, as did the Thunder Beast and Tailed Squirrel beside him.

When the atmosphere was tense, the dangerous wanderer on the side began to retreat, ready to hand over the battlefield to these four monsters.

Godzilla's slow-moving figure paused, and one of the dangers in his eyes became more and more exuberant. No creature could violate his majesty. This was the imprint engraved in the DNA of the Godzilla family.

Either die or become king!

Unless it is a creature that is not harmful to nature, unless the other party surrenders and obeys, there is only one end!

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