The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 30 Great Scribe

Chapter 030 The Great Secret Technique

The evening of the tenth day.

The last two people after dinner came to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

After all, what Keilal wants to give to Hermione is magic and witchcraft.

In fact, most witchcraft is extremely dangerous, including transfiguration.

Transfiguration, whether it turns a living thing into a dead thing or a dead thing into a living thing, is extremely dangerous. Even if a living thing turns into another living thing, there is a high chance that it will never change back. .

Therefore, the transfiguration technique should only be used on living people before the fifth grade, including yourself.

There are actually many such dangerous witchcrafts, including the mandrake in the medicine garden class. After the soil is pulled out, the scream will kill people, the potions in the potions class may explode if they are mismatched, and even the defense against the dark arts class If the wrong spell is used incorrectly, it can kill someone.

That's why Keilar said that first of all, they should teach magic defense classes. At least let the students learn how to protect themselves before talking about this education. Otherwise, if this continues, sooner or later something will go wrong.

Keilar is not joking. Students in Hogwarts die inexplicably every year. Although the teachers try their best to suppress and suppress these news, Keilar, as one of the teachers, is a complete insider. Something he had been told when he became a teacher.

In his opinion, this was a completely unnecessary death, but the students who were dealt with by this system were really unjust souls.

If Keilal wants to change this bad custom, the qualifications of a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher are not enough!

But now, he was going to teach Hermione a little magic trick.

The two stood face to face, both wearing short clothes, in order to be able to pull out the wand easily and quickly, or to increase mobility.

Kelar smiled slightly in the face of Hermione's expectations, The spell I'm going to give you today is called the Great Scribe.

Hermione looked at Keilal, with several questions clearly popping up in her head.

Great scribe, what is that?

There was a nostalgic expression on Keilal's face.

Great scribe, everyone in Gensokyo, how are you? Is Patchouli still in good health while reading in the underground library?

Yes, he got this spell from Patchouli.

The powerful thing about Patchouli's writing skills is that not only can she record what she wants to write down as soon as she thinks about it, but what's more important is the reading ability of this great writing skill.

At her peak, Patchouli could write thousands of books at the same time.

As for this kind of writing, she just needs to scan it once, and those quills will write down what she sees.

It's like writing it down in person.

Perhaps Patchouli's Nine-Aperture Exquisite Heart did not give her a strong memory, but she directly increased her memory ability in this way.

As the saying goes, a good memory is not as good as a bad pen. If you copy something three times, you will have to remember it no matter what.

What's more, Patchouli's secret writing skills are to write at least three copies at a time.

The power of this copying technique is that Patchouli can copy it first and then read it!

She read a page with ten lines at a glance, then copied the entire book, and finally read the book again. Because she had copied it before, she knew it by heart. After finishing the book and then using the copying technique again, these books would basically last forever. Impossible to forget.

It is precisely because of this that Patchouli was so powerful that she recorded all the more than 100,000 books in the entire library.

As for Marisa's coming to steal things, it's just some small adjustments to her daily reading of books. Do you think she really cares about those books? She memorized it all!

Kelar saw Patchouli's magic before in the Scarlet Devil Mansion and thought it was very useful, so she wrote it down.

When facing Hermione now, he felt that Hermione was very talented and suitable for this spell, so he decided to give her this little thing today.

What are extraordinary skills for other mages are actually meaningless to Kelal.

If he wants, he can read thousands of books at the same time. As long as there is light, he can receive the content and information of the book.

This magic is of no use to him.

Just like he was a genius with photographic memory before, but he can still create magic to help him read after becoming blind. For people like them, if it is inconvenient, then create convenient tools. If it is not convenient, just Make these things easy.

This is a fundamental difference in thinking.

Hermione, a child, doesn't have this idea yet, and Keilal will slowly shape her outlook.

Shaping a person's abilities and outlook is a slow and huge project. In the past, Keilar used a free-range model after shaping abilities. He didn't care about the students' outlook at all. How far they can grow depends entirely on the individual.

Of course, some of them fell down, but there were also some who stood out. Back then, he simply cast the net as wide as possible, catching as many fish as he could.

When Hermione finished learning the Great Scribe, she was looking at a book excitedly, with the Scribe quill and parchment floating around her. These were all prepared spell-casting materials. Obviously, this was a magic that required spell-casting materials.

But who cares about him!

Hermione had just started school, but she was not a fool. With a clear mind, she could see the value of this spell keenly. For someone like her who loves to read, it was an efficient tool.

What's more important is that the way of casting spells is completely different from other witchcraft, which is unique.

Although Kelal has improved it, holding the wand and drawing the floating quill down the sentence on the page will write the sentence on the parchment. For ordinary wizards, it is just a simple copying technique. , but for people like them, it is an artifact of memory!

This is a matter of talent and perspective.

If Dumbledore knew this spell, he would probably cry and want to learn it.

Hermione laughed like a little fox that had stolen the chicken. She was thinking about the most powerful mage in the world, and she was extremely happy.

Keilal patted her head and said: Okay, that's it for today. You have worked hard during this period. I will give you a holiday in the next four days. You can go home or stay here. It’s fine here, anyway, let’s take a rest.”

Hermione pursed her lips, as if thinking about something...

PS: I got up at 7:30 in the morning to code words for you. Do you love me?

PS1: But I don’t know if it’s because I really woke up early all day long, and I feel like it’s not very efficient. After dinner at 8:30, I haven’t written a chapter until now...

PS2: Today there will be at least 3 updates and a maximum of 4 updates, including 8,000 recommendation votes for additional updates, 2,000 collections, and 3,000 collections for three additional chapters. If your recommendation votes exceed 9, I need to update 10,000 words per day?

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