The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 36 Hermione’s Wrath

Chapter 036 Hermione’s Wrath

Kelar had just joined Hogwarts and had no idea about such pejorative names as mudblood.

Even the most courageous person would never call a Hogwarts professor Mudblood, right?

The name Mudblood is a scornful term for students born in Muggle families. Simply put, it is contempt for pure-bloods. When faced with Malfoy's words about Mudblood, Hermione raised her eyebrows.

She pulled out her staff, pointed at Malfoy and said, Say that again?!

Mudblood. Malfoy said with arrogance, head held high, looking at Hermione with disdain.

La! Hermione took action without hesitation.

But Keilal waved his hand and blocked her blow.

She looked at Keilal in disbelief, but Keilal blinked at her gently.

The anger in her heart calmed down in an instant. She didn't know why she felt relieved when she looked at Keilal's expression.

In the wizarding world, the strong are respected, even as powerful as Voldemort. Even if he controls the wizarding world, no one will say anything. Since you have grudges, just let the duel speak for itself. Kelar raised his hand and said loudly .

The air that had been condensed just now because of Malfoy's words Mudblood slowly relaxed.

Ron came to Harry Potter's side and asked softly: Are you okay?

Harry Potter shook his head, but he felt uncomfortable in his heart. He thought that he was Voldemort's nemesis and the savior of the wizarding world. He was not afraid to face Voldemort, but he did not expect that even Malfoy could not defeat him. This contrast was really It was too big, and his whole body looked a little bad.

While he was regretting it, Hermione and Malfoy were already standing, ten meters away from each other, with their hands slightly lowered, ready to pull out their wands at any time, just waiting for Keilal to start.

Hermione's wand had already appeared in her hand. As she pulled out the wand, she pointed it at Malfoy and shouted: La!

To be honest, she wasn't aiming, but the deflection spell still hit Malfoy half way.

Half of Malfoy's body was hit by the deflection spell, and he was sent flying up. He spun half a circle in the air, and the effect was amazing. If Kelal hadn't caught him with magic in time, he would have just fallen down. The strength is enough for him to drink a pot.

Hermione put away her staff and came to Malfoy who was lying on the ground with a proud face. Without hesitation, she stood in front of Malfoy with the same tone and attitude that Malfoy had used to disdain her.

Oh~? Is this the ability of purebloods? It seems that purebloods are just more powerful with their mouths! Hermione had been scolded by Malfoy, so how could she miss the opportunity to mock Malfoy? Her words were simply harsh. Mean, unreasonable and unforgiving.

Keilal can understand her mood, and more importantly, she is a girl. It is very normal for girls to hold grudges.

But there are really not many people like Hermione who can report it on the spot.

I didn't expect that a pureblood couldn't even defeat a mudblood like me. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk? Hermione was unforgiving, and her teeth were terrible.

You!! Malfoy blushed, and his whole body felt like it would explode. This was an unprecedented humiliating experience in his life.

Faced with such humiliation, he just felt a rush of blood rushing to his brain, and he got up and wanted to give Hermione a slap.

But obviously, since Kelar blocked Hermione's spell to attack him, he would naturally block his spell to attack Hermione.

Okay, among wizards, the strong are respected. Since Hermione has won, you must be willing to admit defeat. Kelar waved his hand to disperse his deflection spell and said.

Malfoy looked at Keilal with a red face, an angry expression on his face.

I just protected you, and now I'm protecting her. Any private fights outside of duels are not allowed.

I can arrange a duel at the end of each class if you have personal grievances, but you can never duel in private without authorization, so come on, young man. Kelar stretched out his hand to pull Malfoy up and patted him. Dust on his body, he spoke.

Then that's the end of today's lesson. Boys and girls, your homework today is to practice the stick-drawing technique 20 times, and then practice the deflection spell 20 times.

So, goodbye, little ones.

The students who used to rush out as soon as get out of class was over felt like they had something to say this time.

They saluted and greeted Keilal one after another, and then talked with their friends about what happened in class today.

They found that too much happened in class today

Handsome teacher, practical holster, new spells and attack methods, plus the duel between Harry Potter and Malfoy in class, Malfoy killed him instantly, and the duel between Malfoy and Hermione, Hermione killed him instantly.

All of these are topics, gossip, and very interesting things.

Hermione could guarantee that within ten minutes these things would spread throughout the campus, and the second-year students would become the center of the conversation.

I can't believe Malfoy can't beat Hermione, but why? Ron was chattering beside him about what happened in class today, but Harry was obviously not in a high mood.

Because Harry's attack speed is slower. Hermione replied absently, and she suddenly said: I suddenly remembered that I have something in the classroom. I will be right back.

Then before Ron and Harry could say anything, she ran away like the wind.

Harry and Ron watched her run away in a hurry.

What's wrong with her recently? I always feel like she's a little weird. Ron looked at Harry and asked.

I don't know. Harry shook his head. Boys are always slow on this kind of thing.

When Hermione returned to the dueling classroom, Kelar was still there, using magic to clean up the dust in the dueling classroom.

He had noticed the dust before. This should have been Filch's job, but Filch had too much work, Hogwarts was too big, and many classrooms that were in use or had not been used for a long time had not been cleaned.

But Kelal will be using this place a lot in the future, so he should clean it himself.

But his cleaning was very simple. A layer of light curtain spread and the dust was swept away, making it look like new.

Teacher... Huh. Hermione came to the door, leaned on her knees, took a breath, and calmed down her rapid breathing.

Then he looked at Keilal and said, I have a question.

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