The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 42 Red Dragon (4000 bonus)

Chapter 042 Red Dragon

Run? Why run? Keilar smiled.

He looked very handsome, as if he had traveled back thousands of years.

He felt the blood boiling in his body, dopamine was being secreted crazily, adrenaline was surging, and his heart was beating fast.

He had to admit that modern wizards were really interesting.

After thousands of years of evolution, it has become an independent magic system.

What Kelal found most interesting about this system was not the spells, the black magic, the potions, or the herbology, but the transfiguration.

Few people know that Dumbledore was the Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts.

And McGonagall, the current Vice-Principal of Hogwarts, is actually the Transfiguration teacher...

The principal and vice-principal of Hogwarts are actually teachers of transfiguration, and they are well versed in transfiguration, and are even considered masters of transfiguration...

This situation was enough for Kelal to delve into transfiguration.

What exactly is Transfiguration?

Polymorph can be cast on objects, on living creatures, or on oneself.

What Keilal is most interested in is the transformation technique used on himself.

Animagus transformation.

The transformation technique used on oneself can turn oneself into an animal and possess magical abilities. It is the best and most advanced transformation technique among wizards.

This kind of transformation technique has certain risks. Firstly, it may turn into a different person and never change back. Secondly, after turning into an animal, it is easy to become insane and think that one is that animal and never change back into a human again.

All in all, you have to practice elementary transfiguration, intermediate transfiguration, and advanced transfiguration at Hogwarts, and only after graduation can you be qualified to practice transfiguration.

But who is Kelal?

As a teacher at Hogwarts, he has access to most magic books. Because of this, he has already mastered the Animagus transformation technique.

He had long wanted to try this transformation technique.

But now, isn't it the best time?

A wave of heat suddenly erupted all over him.

Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione watched in stunned silence as Kelal's body slowly expanded, his robes turned into scales, and his body slowly became huge. , a tail slowly spread out from his body.

He got down on all fours and then expanded to fill the entire space.

Harry Potter, Ron, Hermione, and even Voldemort when he was a student, all watched in amazement as this huge fire dragon, which was more than ten meters long and six or seven meters high, appeared in this narrow space. Breathing out flames.

To be honest, this place is by no means narrow. The ceiling of more than ten meters high and the open space are enough for this basilisk of more than thirty meters to move around here. But even so, facing a height of six or seven meters, For a small red dragon, it only takes one raise to hit the ceiling.

Even the basilisk was dumbfounded. It just watched the man in white clothes expand into a fire dragon even bigger than itself.

The fire dragon's eyes are opposite to its four eyes, both of which are snake pupils, but the dragon's eyes have four layers of eyelids to deal with the sky, the sea, fighting and sleep.

The golden pupils were wrapped in fighting eyelids, looking down at the reptile like a king.

Bursts of dragon power emanated from his body, strongly suppressing the basilisk.

The three children near Kelal's abdomen were surprised to see the four claws on all fours, which were like four pillars, protecting them tightly, and the four claws that looked like real ones, slowly swinging from side to side, accidentally The tail of those stone sculptures that were smashed into pieces, everything is so real, just like a real dragon.

Tom Riddle looked at the fearful basilisk and cursed loudly in snake language. After all, it was a basilisk tamed by Voldemort and had to obey his instructions.

The coiled basilisk raised its head high, spit out snake messages, and opened its big mouth to threaten the fire dragon.

How could Kelal be afraid of it?

The scales of the red dragon exploded in an instant, and even the folded wings were opened. It rushed out suddenly and slapped the standing basilisk to the ground with a slap of its right paw.

This blow was very heavy. The basilisk's head hit the ground hard, and the whole Hogwarts heard the loud noise. Then, the red dragon's two claws pressed down on the basilisk's head. It opened its mouth, and flames spit out from its mouth like a flamethrower. The flames thicker than the two people combined were sprayed like magma. The basilisk screamed crazily and struggled, its huge body Twisted and wrapped around the red dragon's body.

Harry Potter, Hermione and Ron seemed to be watching a monster movie, watching two huge monsters fighting in this huge space in an earth-shattering way.

Whether it was a snake tail or a dragon tail, if it accidentally swept them, they would be seriously injured. During this battle, they retreated again and again, but they were still affected by the rolling heat waves. Even if they were more than twenty meters away, it was still so hot. The hair of the three of them was dry and slightly curly, not to mention the basilisk that was being held down by the red dragon and spraying dragon breath at the center of the battle.

The three of them even smelled the aroma of meat.

The basilisk's body was pressing harder and harder on the red dragon, trying to strangle the red dragon before it was cooked, but the red dragon just spread its wings as far as possible, stretched its body, and then breathed not even a moment. stop.

Gradually, the basilisk's body became weaker and weaker, and its struggles became smaller and smaller, until it finally stopped moving. The dozens of meters long snake body fell heavily to the ground, causing quite a shock.

The red dragon was not polite. He lowered his head and bit down three inches of the basilisk. You saw that the monster movie suddenly turned into a horror movie, with blood splattering everywhere. Even if the bite was burnt black, But still a lot of blood gushes out like a fountain, making people look very scary and disgusting.

It wasn't until the entire basilisk body was separated that Kelal slowly transformed from a red dragon into a human.

As if the bloody battle just now was all fake, he looked extremely clean and his whole body was dusty.

This is impossible! Who are you! Who are you! How can you defeat the Basilisk? Tom Riddle screamed in disbelief and madness.

He finally deceived the three of them here. He only needs to kill them with the basilisk, and he will be reborn. If he takes the body of any one of them, he will leave the soul state and become a real living person!

But all of this was ruined by Keilal. How could he not be angry, how could he not hate? !

A mere remnant soul... Kelar snorted coldly, and a piece of light shone down, and Tom Riddle screamed and melted like snow in the sun.

Keilal picked up the diary, looked at the three people who came forward, snorted with a cold face, turned around and walked out the door.

PS: Alas, I have worked so hard to update, but I still only have 300 votes... I need 500 votes to get an update...

PS1: Forget it, find an excuse to collect and add more updates.

PS2: Everyone, please vote. There are only 800 votes per day, which is even less than before!

PS3: Oh, by the way, thank you all for the Qidian red envelopes, but don’t initiate any more red envelopes in the future. Everything my readers can’t receive will be snatched away instantly by people with plug-ins. If you don’t believe it, you can take a look at those who receive it. Has the person who received the red envelope collected this book?

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