The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 46 A lesson worth 600 million pounds (5,000 extra)

Chapter 046 A lesson worth 600 million pounds

The next morning, after closing the position, a large number of policemen rushed in from the door. They yelled in cute English accents: Who is Kelal Pan Dragon, you are under arrest, you You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will become evidence in court.

All the managers looked at each other, as if asking each other, who is Kelal?

At this time, 600 million pounds had long been transferred to offshore companies, turned into 600 1 million pounds, and injected into 600 companies. After arriving here, the British would not be able to get their money back. After all, the three Nordic countries Taxation depends entirely on this offshore company.

As for other things, let them stay in those companies.

Kelar took Hermione back to Hogwarts, but even though two days had passed, Hermione still seemed to be in a dream. With her brain circuit, she could not understand why money expanded after just a circle in the stock market. A hundred times.

She now walked as if she were sleepwalking, walking slowly behind Keilal stupidly.

Everyone who greeted her along the way could not get a response, which made people wonder about her mental state.

The two returned to Keilal's office. Looking at her dumbfounded, Keilal couldn't help but smile. He stretched out his hand and kneaded her face for a while. The pain on her face made her wake up. Come, she couldn't help but be surprised when she saw Keilal covering her face with her hands and kneading her face.

How's it going? Are you feeling better? Keilal let go of her and asked with a smile.

She nodded silently, still without any energy, but looking at Keilal's half-smiling expression, she suddenly realized that if she didn't understand, why didn't she just ask the teacher directly.

She blinked at Keilal with her big eyes open, and her whole person was filled with the aura of a little girl's coquettishness. This expression was not common on Miss Know-It-All.

Keilal smiled slightly, waiting for her question.

Why. That was all Hermione asked.

This problem is very complicated. You need to learn it from the beginning. Kelar sat on his seat and took out a book from the side to motion for Hermione to come over.

Hermione came to his side and watched him open the book, which was written in dense but very neat fonts.

His fingers were slender, white and beautiful, more beautiful than ordinary girls' fingers. He pointed to the first line and said, This is the information I collected six months ago.

About the Muggles, and the British government.

Hermione looked at the first line and read it carefully.

It reads [In 1990, the two Germanys were reunified and interest was increased. 】

The second line reads [In 1990, the United Kingdom joined the European Exchange Rate System. 】

Then he connected the events of the past two days and finally came to a conclusion.

[The UK will see its exchange rate drop due to the increase in German interest rates, and eventually it will be unable to tolerate the exchange rate and withdraw from the European exchange rate system in order to protect itself. From then on, this will lead to a drop in UK interest rates and a complete collapse of the pound. 】

The little girl was stunned and didn't understand how he combined these two things.

Keilal turned his face to look at her, breathing slightly on her face, So this is what I want to teach you.

It's called logic.

Logic is a good thing, but not everyone has it. Although most people's logic is sufficient at ordinary times, it will pale in comparison when it comes to larger and more complex things.

What's more important is that even if everyone has logic, many people often don't use it.

This is why some people seem to speak logically and get straight to the point of the problem, while others are unclear and have difficulty expressing themselves. This is because their logic is very confusing.

This is what Keilal will teach the little girl today.

Hermione blushed slightly. She felt that the two people were too close, but she didn't want to give up the distance that made people blush and heartbeat. When she heard Keilal's words, she nodded slightly and then another question came up.

Teacher, isn't your purpose just to make money? she asked confused.

Of course not. If I want to make money, the property in Gringotts belongs to me. I don't need to use this method to make money, and there are certain risks.

He smiled: Remember never to put yourself in danger. Our action this time is not dangerous because we are wizards and Muggles pose no threat to us. But your last action was very dangerous. Danger.

I know. Hermione's face turned hot. Half of it was because Kelar was too close, and the other half was because last time she easily believed the words of Voldemort's remnant soul, and completely lost any wisdom, alertness, or reaction. .

So, what we are going to learn today is logic. Keilar closed the book, asked her to sit on the opposite side, and then said, Although today's lesson will not be very tiring, it is very important.

Hermione sat upright, looked at him, and expressed her solemnity.

Keilal was very satisfied with her attitude, so she started to talk politely.

The class for the two lasted only one afternoon, and they even had dinner in the office. To be honest, their indifferent teaching style was too easy for people to make irresponsible remarks.

It's just that Dumbledore just told Professor McGonagall these things, so naturally no other professor cared about him. More importantly, he had just saved the lives of three students and was in a situation where he had a good reputation among the school teachers. .

It is precisely because of this that Keilal and Hermione's actions did not arouse condemnation from other teachers.

After all, what's wrong with a professor taking in a disciple? Even Professor Flitwick once publicly said that he was very optimistic about Hermione and wanted to take her as a disciple.

And Keilal is just a step faster in recognizing people.

The two's classes didn't end until the lights were lit in Hogwarts. Hermione packed her things and planned to go to the hall to get her dinner.

Hermione, you seem to have become very strong, so come over tomorrow to practice transfiguration. Kelar looked at her and said softly.

Hermione turned back to look at Keilal with a face of surprise, and responded abruptly: Good teacher.

She couldn't hide the joy on her face, and two friends surrounded her from both sides and asked in a low voice: Hermione, where have you been now? You haven't seen anyone all day.

Quidditch cannot be solved in one day. It takes at least three games between the four houses to decide the outcome. Considering that some students are injured and need to rest, it will take at least a week to solve it.

Classes are completely suspended during this week, and everyone is enjoying a rare holiday.

The two friends haven't seen Hermione for a long time.

Hermione glanced at them: Come on, Harry, Ron, don't be left behind.

After saying that, she hummed a little tune and walked to the cafeteria.

What does she mean? Ron asked, looking at Harry.

Harry shrugged.

PS: I think it’s better to write according to your own ideas.

PS1: The recommendation is less than 16,000, this is the 5,000 collection plus updates.

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