The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 49 Hermione’s Practice Lesson

Chapter 049 Hermione’s Practice Lesson

Hermione and Kelal had been practicing this intensely for a whole week.

From being surrounded by a few balls at the beginning, to now being able to counterattack in the face of twenty light balls, Hermione is not an athletic person at all. It is really tenacious to be able to persist until now. Hard work.

Keilar looked at the disciple's hard fighting with admiration, and was very satisfied in his heart. It doesn't matter if he is not a sports major, he just needs to work hard. Hermione, who is only thirteen years old, has very good talents. These talents are slow and slow. After slow training, huge power can be unleashed. As for Luna, he had already discovered her, but Keilal ignored her and continued to train Hermione.

10 seconds! He said in his heart.

It would be over in ten seconds, Hermione gritted her teeth and persisted.

This kind of thing requires a lot of coordination and reaction ability of the body, and it also requires a lot of mental concentration. Mental concentration training is very beneficial to wizards. In addition to faster spell casting speed and greater power, it also requires a lot of mental concentration. The probability of casting errors will be reduced, etc.

Luna looked at Hermione who was moving around without blinking, and her whole body became excited.

She had never thought that a wizard could do this. Is this a wizard? Does a wizard fight with such grace?

Hermione, who was dodging the balls of light as if dancing, looked as dazzling as a Valkyrie.

It was so dazzling, so bright that Luna couldn't avert her eyes. Her breathing was slightly rapid and her face turned slightly red.

She longed for the shining Hermione and wanted to be like that.

Just as her thoughts were whirling, Kelar and Hermione's practice had ended. Hermione stood there, sweating profusely. She held her knees, and beads of sweat continued to fall from her forehead, neck, Hair dripped down her nose and chin.

Stand up, Hermione. Keilal did not restore her. It was not a good thing to rely too much on Keilal's recovery magic, which would suppress the body's own healing ability.

In fact, the human body's own healing ability is not weak, it just needs a little stimulation.

Hermione also slowly straightened up after hearing Keilal's words, and then calmed down from the violent breathing just now, and then slowly calmed down.

Very well, let's go take a shower. Keilal threw a towel over her head and said.

Hermione nodded quietly to Keilal, and then walked out through the side door of the duel room. The duel room was very close to Keilal's office, and Keilal's office was the living room, and Hermione wanted to be there. Taking a shower, no problem at all.

It's big enough to hold a silver spirit.

Hermione wiped her hair and walked to the bathroom, but Kelar turned her head and asked, When are you going to see her again?

Luna slowly walked out from behind the pillar, her hands behind her back, and she looked at Keilal with some trepidation. professor.

She called out softly.

Kelar looked at her and thought for a moment, Are you Luna Lovegood?

Professor knows about me? Luna asked in surprise.

She had attended one or two of Keilal's classes, but for most of them she didn't speak or talk, just bowed her head and practiced. Keilal might know Ginny's name, but knowing hers was outrageous.

I know the names of all the teachers and students at Hogwarts. Keilar said lightly, not as if he was showing off, but just stating a fact.

Luna was surprised by the invisible pretense, but she was even more surprised by Hermione's magic combat teaching.

Uh, professor, do you train like this every night? she asked, blinking her big eyes.

Keilal looked at the girl and felt that this girl was not very impressive before, but now she is very smart.

Luna Lovegood has big and beautiful eyes, and her long light blond hair is very close to his silver hair. She looks very pleasant. Her hair is spread over her shoulders, and she has a pair of carrot earrings on her ears. , but her eyes were too lively, even when talking to Keilal, they still turned around, looking a little cunning.

Keilal doesn't dislike cunning and smart girls, but he prefers this type of girl.

But unfortunately, although Ravenclaw is known as wisdom and knowledge, in fact, most people do not understand the meaning of wisdom, but have become a book-reading existence, which makes Kelar dislike it.

Slytherins, on the other hand, insist on being pure-blooded and do not want to make progress. When they are strong, they will laugh at people in other houses. When they are weak, they will use their status and family background to despise them and go back. They have no great achievements at all.

Hufflepuff people are kind-hearted at best, but cowardly at worst. Most Hufflepuff students lack the enterprising spirit that Kelal needs.

As for Gryffindor...

Just look at the trio of Harry Potter, Ron and Hermione. To put it nicely, they are brave, diligent and courageous. At worst, they are full of passion and rush forward without thinking.

Keilal was the most opposed to this kind of thing.

So now most of the students in Hogwarts are unqualified for Kelal.

But this is no longer the Kingdom of Camelot that needs to be started from scratch. Kelal, who already has thousands of wizard students, can simply and carefully select them. He may even be lazy and not want to do so many things. Instead of choosing personal transmission.

This is normal. Now that he has Hermione, it has taken up most of his spare time. Add in the review of the Daily Prophet, and he basically has no time.

Some people may say that if one sheep is herding, two sheep are also herding. In fact, this is completely wrong.

The so-called personal disciple is a teaching method that provides targeted teaching based on one's own talent. Once a second person is added, the teaching method cannot be taught in the same way as Hermione, because that is completely opposite.

This is like one-to-one targeted tutoring and a tutoring class for twenty or thirty people. Are they the same thing?

For Kelar, even if a second person joins in, the quality of the teaching will actually deteriorate.

So he didn't invite Luna. Luna was indeed quite cute and clever, but Keilal just said a few words to her and then asked her to leave.

When Keilal returned to his office and had just sat down, Hermione was already fully dressed and walked out of the bathroom. While wiping her hair with a white towel, she came to Keilal and asked, Teacher, What happened just now?

No, it's nothing. Keilar picked up tomorrow's Daily Prophet and looked at the news on it with concentration.

PS: The cold wind filled my brain today, so I wrote very slowly. I’m really sorry for everyone. Now I’m going to continue working hard...

PS1: Please give me a vote!

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