The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 94 Countdown to Hogwarts

Chapter 094 Countdown to Hogwarts

In fact, there was something that Kelar and Dumbledore had a tacit understanding about before that they did not describe.

After killing Voldemort and ascending to the top of the entire Ministry of Magic, Keilal spent less and less time at Hogwarts.

This is an inevitable result. It is impossible for Keilar to become the Minister of Magic while serving as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts.

In fact, many people didn't realize this, but Hermione was the only one who did.

So she even secretly lent Harry Potter's invisibility cloak, hoping to take a look at Keilal, but she didn't expect that to happen.

When Keilar woke up refreshed, all traces were erased by Hermione. The convenience of magic was clearly visible here. Even Keilal didn't know what happened last night...

As for what happened, that was Hermione's little secret.

When Kelal got up from the bed refreshed, the entire magical world was in turmoil.

The turmoil here is not the British wizarding world, but the entire wizarding world around the world.

In fact, because the British wizarding world has a small number of people, only tens of thousands of people, the entire British wizarding world exploded on the afternoon and evening of the day Kelal killed Voldemort.

Everyone was excitedly telling other people who didn't know what happened that day.

Yesterday, a total of more than 20,000 wizards participated. After watching the entire process of Kelal's killing of Voldemort, all the British wizards knew about it in the evening. The news swept the entire wizarding world like a storm. It spread from the British wizarding world to the European wizarding world, and then from the European wizarding world to the whole world.

Now the next day, thanks to the convenient and fast communication in the wizarding world, relying on owls for short distances and floo powder for long distances, the whole world knew that Voldemort was resurrected and was killed by Kelal.

Relying on this incident, Kelar's reputation among wizards around the world has completely surpassed Harry Potter and Dumbledore, becoming the most famous wizard in the world.

This is Kelal's purpose. He doesn't usually fight with so many BBs, so he just draws his sword and draws an A.

How to add points to the mage? 2 points for riding, 2 points for shield, and all the rest plus sword skills, as long as the armor is enough.

But since he wants to build up his reputation, what if he doesn't make good use of it?

Voldemort is bound to die, but others must know who killed him, how he was killed, and why he was ambushed.

Voldemort cooperated very well. He roared and explained the cause and effect of the whole incident to Keilal, which made Keilal's image more upright.

It is precisely because of this that Keilar has the real possibility to surpass Dumbledore, surpass Harry Potter, and completely become the most prestigious person.

And becoming the British Minister of Magic is just a gift that comes with fame.

Otherwise, Kelal may be like Fudge in the future. No matter what he does, there will be Dumbledore's shadow on him. Even no matter what he does, everyone will compare him with Dumbledore.

As for Harry Potter, it's another shadow.

People like Fudge, no matter what they do, they only remember one thing.

[Harry Potter killed Voldemort! 】

I have made contributions to the wizarding world!

Harry Potter killed Voldemort!

I have shed my blood for the wizarding world!

Harry Potter killed Voldemort!

Can you please stop mentioning this?

Harry Potter survived Voldemort!

These auras may slowly fade as Harry Potter grows up and time passes, but Keilal can't wait until that time.

He needed it now.

So he single-handedly contributed to the resurrection of Voldemort, so he single-handedly contributed to the rampage of the Death Eaters, so he single-handedly contributed to the crisis in the Ministry of Magic, so he single-handedly contributed to this onlooker.

Basically, at this point, after two days of exaggerating it in the newspapers, Voldemort still doesn't want to sabotage Kelar's plan, then he is no longer Voldemort, he is a coward.

So when he had expected that Voldemort would come, he visited Dumbledore overnight. Thanks to the powerful communication capabilities of the wizarding world, in the 1990s when smartphones were not yet popular, Floo fans and doormen in the wizarding world Key, Apparition is the fastest means of communication in this era.

In just one day, the Order of the Phoenix regrouped and prepared to ambush Voldemort.

Even if this lineup was not enough, Kelal also asked Dumbledore to dispatch members of the Wizengamot as a frontal force. Kelal still felt that it was not safe, and even let the Daily Prophet incite most wizards to go and watch. News, it would be fine if Dumbledore was undefeated, but if he were defeated, more than 10,000 wizards would be able to smash Voldemort's Death Eaters into rubbish with just one shout.

Of course, the final insurance is Keilar's own fighting ability.

Absolute confidence in his own abilities made this matter a foregone conclusion.

Voldemort is dead, Kellard is a hero, and Harry Potter is a thing of the past.

Compared with the legend of Harry Potter killing Voldemort in the Strange Tales novel, Keilal's story is more gripping, eye-catching, and more straightforward.

The hero appears, kills the big devil, and justice prevails!

As for the story of the Harry Potter card...who dares to believe that a baby less than a few months old actually killed Voldemort?

It's just that the fact is so that it cannot be denied.

But now, new legends and new stories have emerged. The legend of Harry Potter without any witnesses, evidence, or possibility will naturally disappear with the wind.

After Keilal destroyed the legend of Harry Potter with a new legend, got rid of the shadow of the Ministry of Magic in the past, and cleared all obstacles with his reputation.

There will be no problems after being crowned king.

When Kelal walked out of his room, he was instantly surrounded by a group of students.

In the ivory tower of Hogwarts, even they were still stunned by yesterday's explosive news.

They were all asking a variety of questions, including: Was what the newspaper said true? Did Kellal really kill Voldemort? Will Kelal really become Minister for Magic in the future? Or a series of problems after becoming the Minister of Magic in the future.

Keilar responded to the students with a smile. Their questions were immature and boring, and they might even be brainless, but who can be so strong as a child?

Oh, except him...

PS: Didn’t I say to go to bed early yesterday? Let me tell you why I updated so late today. I went to bed at 1:30 yesterday, but I didn’t wake up until 12 o’clock today, but I was still very sleepy (I don’t know why, it’s a mystery), and then I was dragged into driving practice by a friend. Although I haven’t gotten my Japanese driver’s license yet, it’s okay for me, who has been driving for several years, to teach a rookie who just got his driver’s license. Then I walked around until six o’clock, had a meal, and went to a sento. I went to a Japanese bathhouse and soaked for half an hour, then went for a massage, and then came back at nine o'clock to start writing... the above.

PS1: Updated, please recommend.

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