On the city streets, the sound of wind blowing through fallen leaves rang in my ears.

The stones on the city wall have begun to crack, and the maps and various markings on the wall have been worn away by the weathering of time.

The roofs of houses lined with trees have collapsed, exposing the wreckage and desolation inside.

"Da da da"


With the sound of footsteps, this dead city welcomed two strange lives.

Facing the unique sun-like light source of the mezzanine plane, a tall human figure slowly emerged on the street, with a beautiful colorful baby dragon standing on her shoulder.

"No wonder there is no trace of those cultists. Even I didn't expect that there is such a huge mezzanine plane hidden in the Ibi Forest."

Elise walked on the street, frowned at the densely packed giant wooden buildings around her, and asked:

"Speaking of which, is this really the gathering place of those cultists? Why do I feel like this place is more like some ancient ruins?"

Ron carefully looked at the dilapidated scene around him and shook his head:

"Of course not. They don't have the ability to build a city on their own."


Just when Elise wanted to say something else.


Ron seemed to have discovered something. He suddenly spread his dragon wings and flew from Elise's shoulders, flying towards the center of the city.


Elise looked at the figure of the young dragon fading away and stamped her feet angrily:

"Damn it, you just know how to act alone without explaining it clearly. Can't you be a little gentleman!"

Even though she said that, Elise still followed Ron very honestly and chased after him.

She didn't want to be alone in this seemingly dangerous place, and she didn't have Ron's level of strength.

Isn’t that what the horror stories in the bard say? In an unfamiliar scene, whoever is left alone in the adventure team will be unlucky~~~


A piece of withered white leaf was driven by the wind technique cast by Elise and slowly floated up.

It swayed across bridges formed by ancient trees, past dry waterways, and through vine-infested towers.

Although it has been in disrepair for a long time, the glory of this independent plane can still be seen.

On the streets along the way, you can see some traces of how the aborigines once lived. Tree-shaped badges and imprints are everywhere here.

But unfortunately, these marks now seem to have experienced thousands of years of weathering and have long been blurred.

Ron was flying in the sky, looking down at the center of the city - a square covered with parasitic vines.

This should have been a gathering place for aborigines. Many stone steps have been repaired in every corner of the square, making it convenient for residents from all directions to come here to gather or do other collective activities.

Now, it lies in desolate ruins, with only a few mutilated statues and a damaged fountain to attest to its past.

Ron folded his dragon wings and landed here.

He walked step by step among the broken limbs, and through the layers of vines under his feet, Ron could vaguely see patches of black and red cracked ground.

There were traces of blood.

Ron knelt down and stretched out a dragon finger.


The sharp dragon claw popped out from the gap between the cat-like palms, and then easily cut through the iron-hard vine like a hot knife cutting through butter, and stretched it out without any hindrance.

Soon, the transparent dragon claws retracted with a little bit of crimson blood and mud.

Ron carefully looked at the soil in front of him that still had a faint trace of blood, and murmured:

"After hundreds of years, there are still active substances remaining. This is at least something that the blood of demigods can do."

"It seems that when the indigenous people here evacuated, they did not do so in a peaceful state. Instead, they were probably forced to flee their homes due to enemy invasion?"

Soon, he flicked the dirt away and walked to the more eye-catching fountain pool.

This circular, sunken marble building is more than ninety meters in diameter and more than thirty meters deep, which is almost the size of a small or medium-sized reservoir.

What interested Ron was not its size, but the eight broken statues erected around the center of the fountain.

They are more than ten meters tall, like guardian angels, guarding the center of the city.

Ron waved his dragon wings and circled them to examine each statue carefully.

Soon, he discovered that although these statues all had a white appearance, the first seven statues were actually wooden structures, and only the eighth was carved from marble.

But without exception, they seemed to have been specially targeted by the enemy, and all the statues above the waist were destroyed.

The worst thing is the seventh wooden statue.

If it hadn't left half of its wooden foot in place, Ron wouldn't even be able to confirm whether there was a statue there.

"There are eight statues, but only the one in the middle was newly built in the past thousand years. The others are all ancient things left over from a longer time."

Ron gently touched the remaining statue in front of him, while trying to inject a bit of divine power.

Unfortunately, the statue remained dead and Ron did not receive any response.

"Either he is dead, or his strength is not above that of a demigod, or..."

After Ron tried them one by one, he frowned and thought.

At this moment, Elise finally rushed behind Ron with a wand.

Ron seemed to be still searching for clues seriously.

Elise curled her lips, but still told what she had discovered along the way:

"I saw many emblems on the road that looked like the capital of Green Forest. I suspect that this city is probably related to the former Green Forest."


Ron shook his head.

"But those emblems are obvious"

Elise frowned. She confirmed several times that it was definitely the emblem of the Green Forest City.

She was confident that a second person would never know this kind of information.

If she hadn't read the secret book of historical records of the Green Forest City with the former legion commander when she was a child, even she might not be able to recognize these.

After gently removing a small fragment of the seventh statue, Ron turned back, looked at Elise, smiled and said:

"I mean, you got the order wrong."

"Have you ever seen people say that this father really looks like his son?"

Hearing this, Elise looked at Ron suspiciously:

"You mean"

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and she stayed where she was, and her original words stopped.

"It seems you have guessed it too."

Ron nodded and said softly:

"Yes, this is the place that countless adventurers have been looking for, the elven clan that disappeared for 870 years, and the former capital of elves."


Elise shouted out the name of this city.

She stared at the dilapidated city in front of her, suddenly smiled bitterly, and murmured softly:

"My teacher has been looking for this Elf City in the Ibi Forest all his life, but he has never found it here."

As the words fell, Elise's eyes gradually shifted to her surroundings.

Unexpectedly, this legendary city was so abrupt, lying quietly in front of them.

Unfortunately, it has lost its former glory, and the elves who once saved the world have also disappeared without a trace.

However, although the once bustling buildings here have been deserted for a long time, some remaining super-large buildings are still defying the passage of time, and the finely carved patterns remaining on them seem to tell the story of the city's former glory.

Ron suddenly straightened up, clapped his hands and said:

"Let's go, those guys from the Holy Cult are not archaeologists. They have set up this place as their base camp. There must be some ulterior secrets hidden here."

With that said, he took the lead and flew forward.

Elise followed him forward with heavy steps, but felt a little sad in her heart:

"The Elf City without elves, the Elf Forest without elves, if the teacher knew that the result would be like this, she would definitely not be happy."

Walking on the streets where the elves once lived, Elise suddenly remembered what her mentor said to her after skipping class once when she was a child.


"No matter how hard I try, I can't learn those plastic magics, so why should I learn them!"

In the forest, little Elise, who was less than seven years old, pouted and shouted with tears in her eyes.

The old woman in front of her laughed:

"Little Elise, sometimes hard work really doesn't pay off."

"Then you still let me learn."

Elise pursed her lips angrily.

"But you must remember that no matter how hard the road ahead is, as long as you go in the right direction, no matter how bumpy it is, you will be closer to happiness than standing still."

"Teacher Wu's words are so profound that Elise can't understand them."

The old woman looked at the tearful little Elise and shook her head:

"Okay, okay, then I won't learn, I won't learn."

As she said that, she smiled, picked up the irritable little apprentice, put it on the back of her grizzly bear summoning beast, and winked at the same time.

The grizzly bear understood and immediately let out a silly cry:


Soon, this childhood friend, the bear, made the sad Elise giggle.

Facing the light of the setting sun, an old man and a young man walked slowly on the forest path.

The old man led him out of the forest and murmured:

"Perhaps, plastic magic is not suitable for you. You can try the course of natural magic the day after tomorrow."

"Ugh, learn the day after tomorrow, what about tomorrow?"

Little Elise lay on the soft and warm bear's back, biting the fingers of her left hand, and asked doubtfully.

Hearing this, the old woman laughed:

"Tomorrow? Of course tomorrow is a day off for little Elise, so you can have a fun day~~"

"Okay! The teacher is the best!"

"However, I recently heard that there is an outstanding mage in the capital who has simplified the seven-ring summoning magic into a trick close to the 0-ring. When the teacher goes to the capital to inquire about it, he will come back and teach you."

"Well, in that case, maybe it would be good for you to try to learn the basics of summoning magic tomorrow."


"Hahaha, just kidding~~~"


Dead leaves fall and everything withers.

The city's gates were still open, seeming to welcome their arrival.

It's a pity that only half of the city gate built by unknown trees is left, and it seems that the welcome lacks a little bit of completeness.

Ron walked in front, and Elise followed behind with her head lowered, walking in this long-silent city.

They walked through empty squares and damaged buildings. There were traces of erosion and damage from time everywhere.

Suddenly, Ron stopped.

But Elise, who was following behind and was so worried, didn't notice and almost bumped into Ron floating in the air.

"Why did you stop?"

Elise rubbed her head and raised her head in confusion and asked.


Ron said calmly.

Only then did Elise see the scene in front of her clearly.

It was a Gothic church building nearly thirty meters high, but the church door in the middle had been replaced by a giant bronze door, which looked out of place.

The church is surrounded by a hollowed-out circular area, like a big black hole. Standing on the edge and looking down, you can only see endless darkness.

The entire church seems to be built on a solitary stone pillar, with only a long bluestone step that resembles a bridge erected on the only road leading to the church.

Set against the surrounding dark abyss, this bluestone road seemed like a path leading to the devil, with a strange atmosphere everywhere.

But these are just small things.

The most important thing is that this is an intact building!

It is hard to imagine why there are buildings with such human characteristics in this destroyed and abandoned elf city.

But soon, Elise thought of a name:

"Could it be that the stronghold of the Holy Sect is hidden here?"


Ron nodded, and at the same time his eyes suddenly flashed with green fluorescence, and he scanned the situation behind the door.

Suddenly, he frowned slightly:


the other side

After receiving the confirmation, Elise's curiosity was immediately aroused.

With Ron present, she was obviously much bolder. She just arranged a layer of spell shield for herself and walked straight to the bluestone steps in front.

The silent castle is like a sleeping beauty, waiting to be awakened.

The gray sunlight shining on it not only did not bring life to it, but also added a sense of weirdness.

Elise looked at the stone tablet erected in front of the stone steps. There was a line of small elven writing engraved on it.

[People thought He put on a mask, but actually He took off the disguise. 】

After reading this line with a frown, Elise turned back to look at Ron in confusion:

"Do you know what this sentence means?"

Ron shook his head:

"I don't know. I'm not a god. How can I know everything?"


What Ron didn't expect was that Elise seemed very happy after hearing Ron's answer.

She crossed the stone monument and walked forward humming a song.


As the naked feet wrapped in ribbons stepped on the first bluestone step.

Tick ​​tock!

Accompanied by a vague sound of dripping water, Elise suddenly felt a strange fluctuation in her position.

"Ah wu——"

She couldn't help but yawn, but quickly became alert.

[Four-ring magic·Clarity]

[Six-ring magic·Anti-magic stance]

[Six Rings Magic·Natural Protection]

Almost instantly, dozens of defensive spells were blessed by Elise.

Unfortunately, except for the sudden sleepiness, nothing changed, only silence surrounded the castle.

"Strange, is it my imagination?"

After feeling nothing unusual, Elise frowned and tried to move forward.

However, this time, there was no more trouble.

It wasn't until she reached the giant bronze door that Elise stopped under the red porch.

"There doesn't seem to be anything unusual. Maybe that stone tablet is just used by the Holy Cult people to scare outsiders?"

Elise crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows provocatively at Ron, who was staying at the bottom of the bluestone steps, as if she was laughing at his timidity.

Seeing that Elise was quite "active", Ron thought for a while, and suddenly a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He flashed directly next to Elise and said meaningfully:

"Perhaps, that stone tablet was not erected there by the Holy Religion."

next second

Before Elise could speak, he pressed one hand on the door handle covered with elven patterns and pushed open the bronze door.


Accompanied by a huge roar.

Suddenly, a visible blood mist sealed in the castle instantly enveloped Elise and Ron like a wild beast being released.

"Ah!——" (End of this chapter)

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