The Journey of the Rainbow Dragon

Chapter 385 Believers of Mecanthet

While waiting, Ron flipped through the old notebook at random.

The specimen flowers are still as bright as new, as if they can still smell the fragrance from nearly a hundred years ago.

After dealing with the Dragon Council and Elizabeth, Ron did not immediately go to find the location of the elves. Instead, he decided to solve another matter first:

It's time for the owner of the "Elf Diary" to return it to its original owner.

Through the chess piece Morey hidden in the royal capital,

It only took Ron more than a month to successfully find the place where the elf diary first appeared and the source of its leakage.

It was Bill's home - Earl of Liaton's Mansion.

As for why such an important item would appear in a slave trader's room, Ron didn't know.

Perhaps a series of unexpected changes occurred in the middle.

Through this discovery, Ron immediately thought that Earl Liaton was a big buyer in the slave market of the royal capital. Combined with Bill's hidden identity, Ron had a bold idea in his mind.

It should be noted that there is a somewhat colorful joke that has been circulating in the star world - [The elves are eternal, but one will be passed down forever]

I won’t go into details about the specific meaning of this sentence.

In short

As one of the most famous immortal species in the star world, the lifespan of each elf is comparable to that of a white dragon of the same generation. This feature is greatly enhanced after the elves reach legend, almost becoming immortal.

Thinking room

Ron raised his head with awareness.

Looking at the young man getting closer and closer outside the window, his slender eyes narrowed slightly.

"If things are really as I think, the elf girl named Karan will not have a good time in the past hundred years."

The female-faced Sphinx flies extremely fast.

Especially after the old king gave the order, all the soldiers guarding the city regarded him as missing, and it was faster when the road was unimpeded.

In less than a minute, she brought Bill, who was hundreds of miles away, to the gate of the Castle of Justice.

(The royal capital of Ovia covers an area of ​​approximately 145,000 square kilometers, which is approximately equal to the area of ​​a normal province. Only such a huge city can accommodate the survival and residence of those ancient behemoths)

"Go in, my lord is waiting for you inside. I have to pick up another guest."

Without any time to say anything, the female-faced Sphinx left Bill behind and gave him a few words of warning before hurriedly flying in another direction.

There is no way, time is tight and the task is heavy.

Especially considering that the opponent may be an elf with legendary strength, even Loli Ortega, whose power is close to that of a demigod, must be careful when dealing with it.

At this time, Bill's expression had returned to normal.

He gently straightened his clothes that were a little messy in the wind and took a deep breath.


Facing Bill who pushed in the door.

Ron sat on the main seat, folded his hands, and looked at the tearful young man with a smile.

The show is about to begin.

"Do you know why I came to you?"

Ron was lying on the soft sofa, looking at the young man standing in front of him with interest.

Bill thought for a moment and responded in a low voice:

"Your Majesty, Ron, of course has your concerns, but my power is not worth mentioning in front of Lord Ron. I think only something important related to me will make you find me, right?"

"very good."

Snapping his fingers casually, Ron did not hide anything and said bluntly:

"Yes, this matter concerns your relatives, so I need to know your thoughts and decisions."

When the word "relatives" was mentioned, although Bill had always been calm, he still couldn't help but tremble.

His voice almost derailed, but he quickly regained his composure:

"What relatives? As far as I know, the only direct family members of Liaton are me and Earl Liaton."

But all of this was seen by Ron, and he easily saw through Bill's wavering hidden under his firm appearance.

Shaking his head and smiling, Ron decided to let this good show reach its climax quickly:

"Before we can discuss this, I need you to meet someone."

"Who?" Bill asked.

"Your great-grandmother."

Ron smiled as if unintentionally, stretched out his sharp dragon claw and lightly snapped his fingers.

While Ron's words were still echoing in Bill's mind, a portal appeared in front of him.

Before he even had time to react, he saw an unbelievable sight.

"Ta, Ta, Ta"

From the dark space passage, a series of footsteps full of rhythm and power came.

Soon, the legendary moon elf Tyrande walked out together with a miniaturized female-faced Sphinx.

The proprietress of the Dragon Tavern still looks so beautiful and elegant. She is clad in silver moonlight and exudes an inviolable noble temperament.

Tyrande's eyes ignored other existences and fell directly on Bill. He frowned and asked:

"Karan was... by him?"

According to Ron's agreement with Tyrande, when they next meet, he will bring news about her granddaughter.

But obviously, there is no second elf here.

Well. Half-elves are not considered elves. This is something everyone recognizes~~

In this world, blood purity is of paramount importance to many people.

Ron remained calm and said calmly:

"He was not the one who killed your daughter."

In an instant, tears welled up in Tyrande's eyes.

The point is not the boy, but the fact that his daughter is "dead" in Ron's words.

These words were like the final word, instantly breaking through Tyrande's defenses. Her emotions collapsed instantly, and tears burst out of her eyes.

However, Ron looked at her and realized Tyrande's misunderstanding, and quickly clarified:

"Um... you seem to have some misunderstanding. I mean, your daughter is not dead, she should be in this city."

Tyrande's movements froze, and then she was so excited that she could hardly control herself. She instantly moved in front of the young dragon, stared at him and shouted:

"What! Where is she!"

"Before that, weren't you curious about his identity?" Ron guided Tyrande's thoughts lightly:

"Aren't you curious, in this era when elves are extinct, why does a young half-elf appear in the human world?"

Tyrande frowned, wiped away her tears, turned around and looked at Bill carefully, then shook his head and turned around:

"Half-elf? But he doesn't have the special aura of a half-elf at all, otherwise I would see him at first sight."

Before Tyrande could finish her voice, Bill suddenly interrupted her:

"Impossible! My mother had already died when I was born. She died in childbirth!"

Tyrande frowned when he was interrupted. He turned around and found that Bill's face was pale at this moment, as if he had been drowned. His tone gradually lost his composure, and it was obvious that his heart was not as firm as he said.

Ron smiled at him and said:

"Oh? Then who told you this?"

This question was like a key, opening the door to the sealed memory in Bill's heart.

He recalled the past, the facts he had been told since childhood, his father's serious face, and everything he accepted as truth.

"Your mother is dead"

"That door is dangerous."

"Never come closer"

Seeing that these two people seemed to understand something, Ron, who was not too dissatisfied, took the opportunity to add another fire:

"I once heard that Liaton means "silver leaf" in the Elvish language, and it is also a blessing for children~~~"

Tyrande on the side was struck by thunder after hearing the Elvish language, and he froze in place.


Bill's body seemed to be drained of strength, and he suddenly collapsed to the ground.

A deep sense of powerlessness enveloped his whole body, and even the elves and dragons in front of him gradually split into two, then into four, spinning in his sight like a kaleidoscope.


Bill, who was paralyzed on the ground, shivered suddenly, as if he had been electrocuted. He suddenly got up and ran frantically toward the door.

He wanted to find the hidden truth, and he wanted to find the devil who had deceived him from beginning to end to ask an inescapable question.


Tyrande, who seemed to understand what was going on, used Elf War Steps and was just about to catch the other party and ask for explanation.

But the next second, a colorful baby dragon appeared out of thin air and stood between the two.

Ron gently blocked the anxious Tyrande.

The confused female Sphinx on the side tilted her head, and the situation in the scene changed too quickly.

New characters such as the legendary moon elf, the father of the human earl, and the half-elf boy and the complicated information made Loli Ortega feel like she was watching a live-action puzzle-solving stage play.

Hmm. It feels pretty good. No wonder the owner loves watching it so much and even directs it himself.

Quietly watching Bill's leaving back.

Facing Tyrande's puzzled gaze, Ron smiled lightly and said:

"Don't worry, the fun has just begun."

the other side

The devastated Bill had no idea how he left the Castle of Justice.

Ignoring the screaming crowd and panicked soldiers, he just instinctively used magic to accelerate, accelerate, and accelerate again!

His heart was filled with anger and confusion, and his body was like a broken leaf in the wind, pushed by an invisible force, walking through the ancient cobblestone road between the Castle of Justice and the Earl's Palace.

He was completely unaware of how he had crossed every distance. The only thing he knew was that he needed answers—mysterious answers about his mother.

The half-elf power contained in his body was completely released at this moment, making him like a ghost traveling through the void so fast that the scenery behind him became blurry.

He was like a beam of light and almost invisible.

Fly over the high walls of the castle, walk through the woods and cross streams, until you return to the familiar earl territory.

Those familiar buildings came into view.

In front of the dilapidated gate of the Earl's Mansion, the old housekeeper who had just regained consciousness was sitting on a piece of gravel, wrapping a bandage on his broken ribs.

But the moment he discovered Bill's figure, he hurriedly stepped forward regardless of his injuries, and looked worriedly at the lost Bill.

"Master! Great, you are finally back!"

The old housekeeper's voice was full of concern and comfort.

But Bill seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. He grabbed the old butler's shoulders, his voice full of urgency and anxiety:

"Grandpa Will, tell me, where is mother?"

The old butler's eyes were confused, but he quickly awakened the memory of the past from the depths:

"My mistress suffered from dystocia as early as the night she gave birth to you."

"No, no! That's false!"

Bill's voice was like thunder, roaring in the quiet mansion.

He shook his head desperately. The originally gentle black pupils were now filled with bloodshot eyes, and the bloodshot eyes seemed to be about to spit out fire beasts:

"My mother. Is she an elf?"

"Master, you."

The old housekeeper's expression froze instantly, and his eyes showed unconcealable horror.

There are no more words, but this silent communication speaks louder than any words.

Seeing the old man's dull eyes, Bill already had the answer in his mind.


He lowered his head and slowly lowered his hands on the old butler's shoulders.

Bill took a deep breath and gently let go of the old butler's shoulders.

"Feel sorry."

Under the disbelieving gaze of the old butler, Bill's hand knife hit his neck quickly and accurately, causing the diligent old servant to lose consciousness again.

A legendary mage never means a poor physique, especially for a genius.

Thanks to the good education he received since childhood, even if he put down his staff and abandoned his magic power, Bill was still a master warrior, and the blood and strength flowing in his body were never buried.

Slowly lay the old housekeeper flat on the marble floor.

Bill turned around calmly and walked step by step towards the back garden of the Earl's Mansion.

The brilliance of magic shone in his hand, and a gorgeous epic wand appeared in his hand, and was then held tightly.

It was a gift from his father when he was promoted to legend.

It was also on that day that Earl Liaton began to control the "perfectly grown" son to start his breeding business.


Deep in the garden, a light blue barrier shines with mysterious light.

But this time, it did not open the passage for Bill as usual, but instead hindered his progress. A dozen armed soldiers walked out of the barrier. Their bodies were gray and cold, their eyes were dull, and they were controlled remotely. Construct soldier.

The red magic core on the top of the construct's head can clearly transmit Bill's expression back to the sinful sub-plane space.

"My child, it seems you didn't take back the enemy's head?"

Facing the calm-looking Bill, the leading construct soldier suddenly asked.

This is a machine endowed with voice, an indifference that has not withered under the ruthless killing.

Bill nodded calmly:

"Well, because I have more important things to discuss with you, father."

Through the remote surveillance of the construct, Count Liaton was keenly aware that something was not right about his son.

Being cautious, he narrowed his green bean-like eyes and spoke in a gloomy and cunning voice:

"Good son, I'm not feeling well right now. If you have anything to say, please tell me here."

Hearing this, Bill's eyes raised upwards, and a kind smile gradually appeared on his face:

"Then the final experiment will also be conducted here?"

Seeing the hesitant look of the construct, Bill changed his gaze that looked like he was about to eat someone, his expression became kind and gentle again and he said:

"Don't forget the contract between us. It's only a few hours before dark. When dawn comes, the contract will be invalid, father."

Listening to Bill's words, Earl Liaton, who was hiding in the subspace, couldn't help but think deeply.

Earl Liaton was hiding deep in the subspace. Listening to his son's words, an indescribable emotion rose in his heart.

Considering the importance of Bill's bloodline, he is almost the only choice.

The most important thing is that he no longer has the ability to create such a descendant with excellent blood.

After hesitating for a while, Earl Liaton decided to let Bill come in to complete the final experiment.

Anyway, he is his father by blood.

Besides, based on my understanding of this child’s character, before he knew the truth, there was no way he could just come up and commit suicide together, right?

As long as he coaxed Bill into the secret room, under the control of the high concentration of "fog of lust", even the legend could only be slaughtered by himself.

Count Lyadon, who felt that everything was infallible, made a prompt decision and directly opened the channel between the sub-plane and the outside world and said with a smile:

"You are right, come in quickly, my favorite child."

Looking at the black passage slowly opening in front of him.

Bill calmly approached the opened space channel. Without hesitation, he held the wand tightly and stepped into the illusory door.

After the familiar feeling of reversal of heaven and earth passed, Bill slowly opened his eyes.

However, what appeared in front of him was not those glass culture chambers, but a familiar gray-yellow passage and the wooden door at the end of the passage.

"This is."

Bill's heart trembled nervously.

This was the venue for the final experiment that he had almost opened before, and he had roughly guessed what was inside that door.

Soon, a message from Earl Liaton came to his ears at the right time:

"Jiejie, in order to save time, I will send you directly to the last floor. You don't need to thank me, my good son."


Bill gritted his teeth and instantly understood what the father was thinking - the other party was afraid that he would die together, so he directly used his space permissions to send him to the experimental site to prevent the two from meeting.

As for why he didn't send himself directly behind that door, it must be because it is full of various restrictions and traps.

Thinking of this, Bill couldn't help but hold the staff tightly.

A trap so powerful that it cannot even be affected by space forces.

But he had no choice. The consequences of breaking the contract were no different than death.

The most important thing is that I can't die now!

Because, the guy who wears human skin and calls himself "father" is still alive!

And his mother might also be alive

He must ensure his own strength, at least before killing the demon who calls himself "father", Bill knows that he cannot die easily.

Step by step.

He slowly came to the door, trembling, and slowly took out the key tied with a red string from his chest.

What will be on the other side of the door?


at the same time

A group of uninvited guests also came outside the Earl's Mansion.

Ron stood in the sunshine, scanning the mansion with his deep eyes, smelling the traces left in the air.

The perception of the demigod iridescent dragon is so powerful that it can even capture the subtle changes in space fluctuations, including the subtle smell that just leaked from the subspace.

After sniffing the remaining smell in the air carefully, Ron's expression suddenly froze, and then a sudden burst of ecstasy appeared on his face:

"I thought it was just an interesting ethics drama, but I didn't expect that there is actually a follower of Malcanthet hidden in this subspace."

The people behind him looked at the ecstatic Rainbow Dragon in confusion, but the latter did not explain anything.


Ron took a deep breath and closed his eyes, seeming to savor some wonderful taste.

After a moment, he slowly opened his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and revealed an almost ferocious smile:

"Awesome!" (End of Chapter)

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