Regarding this change, in the evening, Namo's adjutant, Gildley, found Namo worriedly.

"General, Britain is moving.

They began to gather the boats across from us, and St. George and Siegfried also appeared on the opposite side.

Judging from the speed of the opponent's assembly, tomorrow the opposing force may exceed 80,000."

Jill directly told the truth about what he saw.

Na Mo was wiping his holy sword at this time, and his expression was very disapproving.

"Zig Fei! It's a coincidence, the hatred that threw me into the water last time, it happens to be back together this time.

Where's the Knight King"

"I didn't see it, it should be in the fortress.

It's just the first battle to cross the river with the vanguard, and the Knight King may not be able to take action."

Jill thought for a while and said.

He used France as a reference... to speculate.

After all, the king on their side, not to mention the king, even the marshal did not play the first game by himself.

Generally speaking, the subordinates go to test the water first, and it feels almost done, and the marshal can win in one fell swoop.

Judging from the current situation, it may be the same on the British side.

After all, in their impression, the king is very good at showing off.

"Cut! Coward who is afraid of death, so-called knight king is nothing more than that."

Na Mo subconsciously thought that Lucifer was afraid of death, so he didn't dare to go out and let his hands come down to die.

"General, we should rescue immediately."

"What are you going to panic! Didn't they call me yet?

What if this is their trick? The Marshal and they came over but didn't notice what to do with the offense, did you let the adults run for nothing?"

Na Mo said very calmly.


"Don't worry, even if they start offensive tomorrow, we will be in a hurry to ask for help immediately.

But... if we didn't attack, wouldn't it be a joke if we asked for help?

The guy in the south will laugh at me for being a coward."

That's right! This is the source of Na Mo's self-confidence.Even if the opponent starts to attack tomorrow, it will be fine for him to fight and ask for help.

After all, the river surface of several hundred meters is...the sky is dangerous, and it is impossible for the knight to charge on the water.

"I'm so nervous."

After Jill calmed down, he felt like the same.

"Don't make this mistake again next time.

Although the enemy is gathering forces, who knows what he wants to do.

When we were fighting in the north, didn't that **** knight king also acted to attack? As a result, he was... cheating, maybe he was doing the same thing this time."

"But I still feel that I have to send the situation here to Master Marshal and them."

"That's right.

Go! Just tell the truth, don't exaggerate our pressure."


no.405 choose one of three

When Jill's situation was sent to Charlemagne, he opened a war meeting overnight, and they began to discuss Lucifer's strategic direction.

Roland, Oliver, Montbain, Afu, Richelieu, and many generals are in the room.

Although there was no energy in the evening, the military newspaper helped them all refresh themselves.

They discussed for a whole night and did not come to a result.At present, most people think that Lucifer is...want to attack Namo's stronghold, but a few people like Richelieu also think this is a trap.

There are ships in the upstream and downstream strongholds, but there are no ships opposite the center stronghold.

They felt that this was probably a deliberate arrangement by Lucifer, in order to let Dion go to support the others, and then they secretly crossed the river through the middle.

This kind of speculation is not without reason, after all, the middle is too peaceful, making people feel very suspicious.

The sky gradually brightened, and then their discussion stopped.

Because the fog gradually appeared outside, the white fog did not bottom out.

In this weather, as long as you are not an idiot, you will not attack.

However, even so, Charlemagne sent a team of 20,000 knights to quickly support Namo just to be on the safe side.

As a result, when the knights came to Namo, Britain did not move at all.

The other side was not as lively as before, but became: very quiet.

Na Mo secretly sent a dozen people who would swim over to take a look, but most of them were found shot dead in the water, and only five people came back in the end.

But the five 55 who survived said that Britain is very quiet today, has no idea of ​​offensive, and continues to build ships.

With this result, it is basically certain that today will be very quiet.

So the knights went to Dieng and Floresmat respectively, and the results were similar.

In this way, they finally thought about it and returned to the fortress.

After all, it looks very quiet today and there will be no war.

They also get a day's time.

In the Maginot Fortress, as the afternoon approached the evening, Charlemagne called out the general who had just finished resting to continue discussing countermeasures.

Although Britain has no intention of attacking today, and they have not noticed any movement, it does not mean that there will be no tomorrow.

"How long will it take for the nobles' follow-up military power to arrive?"

Charlemagne looked at Roland and asked.

"According to the lord of Verdun...four more days."

Roland told the truth about the current situation.

Only when he finished speaking, Charlemagne didn't get angry, but Monteban couldn't help being angry.

"Four more days! Verdun is only two days away from here, a day and night march is enough!"

"Okay, we are not clear about the merits of the noble army.

Those guys are still complaining about poor food on the front line."

Oliver is very clear about the success of the troops behind.

"The food is not good! Maybe we should get the guy who said this sentence out and let him taste the Briton Knight sword."

Montebain became more and more... annoyed.

"Um..., can't let: they hurry up and Britain's side is about to attack, but we haven't even assembled our hands.

It’s weird, how did the Britons gather so fast"

While talking, his expression was a little puzzled.

Judging from their situation, compared with Lucifer's collection speed, it is incomparable.

"The system is different.

In the British military system, normal training is based on punctuality, and if you do not arrive in time, you will be punished heavily.

Such daily training has also developed their efficient habit."

Richelieu explained the reason.

"It's troublesome! Why do you want to fight against this kind of opponent? The relationship between the two countries was pretty good before."

Ah Fu continued to complain.

No one responded to this.

They don't think the relationship between the two countries was good.

"The noble army sent someone to urge.

Let them arrive as soon as possible. Before they arrive, we must figure out how to win this battle."

Charlemagne sighed and said.

Although he is the coach, he can only be sent to remind him.

You can't even threaten, otherwise the guys behind may continue to drag.

"Offensive! Keep on attacking until the King of Britain kneels and surrenders..."

Monteban immediately responded to Charlemagne.

Others couldn't bear to look directly at this barbarian's thoughts.

"Now the offense is on the opposite side."

Oliver reminded him.

"Archbishop, from what direction do you think the opponent will attack"

Charlemagne no longer looked at his knight, but looked at the smart man in front of him.

"South or middle, but never north.

From the previous experience of the Knight King, he is very good at attacking from unexpected places, and this time it is the same.

I speculate that he will attack from the central stronghold."

After being silent for a moment, Richelieu pointed to the position of the Dion in the sand table.

"But I didn't see a boat crossing the river in the middle."

At this time Roland reminded Richelieu of a key question.

``The opponent may have used the art to hide the ship, and the knight king himself and his right hand have the ability to move on the surface. If arranged properly, it is not impossible to capture the middle stronghold at one time.

Let people see where his ship is first, and then secretly change places. He used the same method to annihilate pirates before."

Speaking of this, Richelieu became more and more...thinking that Lucifer would attack from the middle.

Reference: The previous example of Lucifer annihilating the pirates, this kind of battle is completely feasible.

"Do we need to support the middle"

"For now, it shouldn't be necessary. This kind of battle cannot be completed without a period of preparation.

But Dion should be reminded to always pay attention to the changes on the other side.

Once there is an increase in troops, it proves that the opponent really wants to do something, and we must support it immediately."

Richelieu continued.

If the time and place of support are not right, it will disperse their little power.

As far as they have collected, the British troops in the middle route are very small, and the leader is also a not well-known general.

Such anomalies have made Richelieu extremely vigilant.

"I will send someone to do it immediately.

Now that the general direction has been determined, let's change the topic now and see if there is any way to get the noble army behind to come over quickly."

"Yes! This is the key to ensuring victory."

Richelieu agrees very much with Charlemagne.

It's just that, at this time, he has some bad premonitions inexplicably.

He looked at the huge sand table, always feeling that he had overlooked something.

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