Said by the person who least expected to say it.

Kasumigaoka bit the beef hard to vent her anger.

Speaking of which, Metronome of Love is going to be animated?

Qianliu took a sip of coffee: Based on the sales volume, it is not particularly difficult for this progress to reach one million.

The grand prize-winning work of the article, Metronome of Love

It was originally planned to be a one-volume story due to the rules of the Newcomer Award.

It is only appropriate that the two male protagonists, Naoto and the heroine Sayuka, appear in a simple role to promote the development of the story. In that volume, the encounter and faint love between the two are told, and the different and complicated emotional stories of youth are told.

As long as you read the first volume: You will definitely know that it is a good match, and this story does not want to have super expansion or other surprises, and even the second volume: is not needed.

However, if a new artist and an award-winning work are...completed, both the author and the publisher will suffer some losses, so there is adding new content

The second volume:, the new main Wei

's appearance.

That is a departure from the predetermined harmony with Kasumigaoka. The new protagonist is like a weak dog used to train fighting dogs. On the other hand, Sayuka is like an outsider who becomes strong in order to test the opponent. She has become a strong one in order to distinguish between them. How does weakness unfold like this?

Zhenwei likes Naoto outright, and Zhenwei makes Sha a good friend outright. The heavy emotions between the three make the whole work fall into a quagmire. Their thoughts are too complicated, confusing, and delicately entangled.

It is impossible for readers to know who will marry Naoto, and the final decision can only be left to the author.

However, in the second volume: Qianliu joined in, clarifying Kasumigaoka's thoughts in a confused state, and made her determined to create the plot of the novel based on him.

So even though Naoto is a bit out of line in the novel, he is the kind of person who...can't be overly annoying.

It's so outrageous that most readers didn't criticize it.

Only the relationship between the three people, under the ideas provided by Qianliu's evil taste, produced similar problems such as Baixue

The idea of ​​​​especially in the snowing season is always used as a joke.

The restrictions on Sayuka that Kasumigaoka established at the beginning were of the kind... Sayuka, you can't say that.

, You can't express it so frankly.

, A woman with a dark personality who is more evil-minded and petty-tempered, who doesn't want her love affair to blossom and bear fruit,

She couldn't make a choice at that time, so she left the choice to Qianliu to a certain extent.

Well, there is a company that intends to make the animation, but the final result is hard to say. I'm not you. Maybe it will collapse if it encounters a bad company.

Kasumigaoka complained.

If you're not at ease, how about leaving it to me?

Qianliu still has confidence in...making Love Metronome a success.

Isn't your animation studio very busy?

Kasumigaoka was quite confused.

It's just for now.

The scale cannot be this big, and it will definitely expand slowly in the future.

Qianliu wants to separate the production of animated films and the production of paintings. According to his idea, this is the general idea about animation.

Okay, as long as you like it.

Kasumigaoka simply agreed.

His works include thousands of works, not to mention animated movies, Sword Art Online alone has three seasons, Game Life... has only one season, and there are also authorized series, and he participated in some of the scripts It is also a well-known presence in the industry.

Such as Steins;Gate

, From the Abyss

,psychological ,measurer

...So many animation lovers not only like to watch his works, but also enjoy watching animations in which he participated.

Kasumigaoka thinks that the gap between him and him in this aspect is too big, so there is no rush whether his works will be animated.

Noticing Kasumigaoka's slightly sour expression, Qianliu guessed that it wasn't his problem.

In fact, his guess was probably correct. The reason why Kasumigaoka suddenly felt something strange was mainly because he thought of Nayuta Kani. Even though that guy seemed out of the ordinary, he could pull her off in the field of light novels.

After all, Metronome of Love achieved its current results thanks to Nayuta. If she hadn't helped promote it, the results would never have been as outstanding as they are today.

Kasumigaoka feels uncomfortable when she thinks that her achievements are actually funded by her love rival. Sooner or later, she will be able to write a popular light novel.

However, it is becoming more and more difficult to excel in love-related themes. The objective conditions are like this. Kasumigaoka feels that the future is pessimistic. What is puzzling is how the guy did it.

Chapter 133 It’s a pure waste

Kainayuta also writes about daily love topics, but her audience is much wider than her.

Perhaps this is the difference between geniuses and ordinary people. It cannot be achieved through hard work.

Of course, Kasumigaoka's talent in literature is definitely much higher than that of ordinary people, but depending on who he compares with, like Nayuta Kani or the Yamada Fairy, there is no comparison at all.

Hey, today's rare date was interrupted by heavy rain.

Kasumigaoka bit into the grilled fish and muttered unhappily: You will definitely have little time in the coming days.

She is very clear about this. Qianliu will need to promote the animated film in the future. The production is at the end and will probably be completed before July 7th.

The day of summer vacation is the first day of the third week of July. Qian Liu had to participate in the promotion event on July 10, bringing voice actors and some people involved in the production with him.

Since the agency signed the voice actor late, only some supporting roles were left, and the main character was only Nanami Aoyama.

After the animated movie is released, I can spare some time to accompany you.

Qianliu said while blowing the skin of the grilled fish.

Forget it, let's talk about it then, um... are there any... famous parks in Tokyo?

Kasumigaoka took a bite of the fish. It probably didn't taste very good. He frowned slightly and said, We need to use the ingredients for the new work.

Parks, such as Inokashira Park, Shikamii Park, Koganei Park, Musashino Park, and Showa Memorial Park are all good.

Because I have gone there to collect materials before, Qianliu came one by one.

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