Yang Na asked tentatively: You...don't you object?

Why do you object? It's a good thing for Sister Yangna to find a boyfriend. I remember that the class you teach is the third year of high school. She will graduate in half a year. As long as she hides it for half a year, there will be no problem.

Rui's concept is different from that of ordinary people. She neither supports nor opposes the relationship between teachers and students.

However, when her sister was involved, after careful consideration, she still felt that there was no need to dissuade her. Anyway...it would not affect others, so what other people's opinions mattered.

Mom, I will help you hide it together.

Rui said this in order to reassure her sister.

Ah, eh!

Hina was moved and hugged her sister: Wow, Rui is so good!

Sister Haruna, don't do this.

Rui felt embarrassed, mainly because everyone around her looked over.

Qianliu on the stage happened to see this scene, and the entry qualification he gave was relatively high. Except for... Hina and her sister, a few meters away from the two girls was Kasumi. Nogaoka Shiu and Kana Yuta, as well as the accompanying Yamada Fairy and Touma Kazusa.

The girls all clamored to come, but Qianliu had no choice but to agree. This was the first time they had gathered together so neatly.

Okay, thank you Mr. Hazegawa for your answer. Now let's enjoy the video.

The host's questions, including audience interaction, were almost over. Qianliu could finally breathe a sigh of relief. He had only been on stage for five minutes, which was more tiring than an hour of drawing the original manuscript.

As the main creative staff stepped off the stage, the surrounding lights gradually dimmed, except for the big screen at the front that glowed brightly.

It's about to start! Sit over a little bit! Female fox!

So dissatisfied, he whispered to Kasumigaoka.

Hey, except for...the little girl who is barren except for the breasts, just shut up.

Kasumigaoka is no less generous.

Humph, I won't argue with you for the time being.

As long as you know.

The two women reached an agreement in just a few words. Touma glanced at the two of them from the side and wisely turned his attention to the animation.

As Sakura Studio's 1 logo appeared on the animation screen, the feature film was broadcast! Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 138 The style of painting changes too quickly

The scene opens with... a meteor fragment streaking across the sky, burning through the atmosphere.

Woman: When I woke up in the morning... I didn't know why I was crying. This kind of thing happens from time to time.

Man: I've obviously had dreams, but I can't always remember them. It's just...

Unlike the young men and women in the poster, the inner monologues of the grown-up male and female protagonists quickly attracted the audience.

Along with the sound, exquisite pictures appeared on the screen one after another, like The Garden of Words

More advanced wallpaper-level graphics, paired with extremely comfortable music.

Kasumigaoka ignored the quarrel with Nayuta and concentrated on watching the movie.

..... I feel like this in a hazy state. I am awake, but still very sleepy.


It seemed like someone was calling my name, a girl's voice.

The girl's clear and crying voice was like the twinkling of distant stars, a lonely and trembling voice.


There was uneasiness in the voice.

But, I don’t know you. Suddenly the tram stopped and the door slid open. Yes, I was riding a tram.

The moment I realized this, I was standing on a full train. In front of me was a girl with wide eyes staring straight at me. Her body in school uniform was walking away in the crowd of people getting off the train.

The name is, Sanye!

While the girl screamed, she suddenly took off the knot that tied her hair and looked forward.

I subconsciously stretched out my hand, and saw the bright orange-red like the sunset shining through the dim train. I straightened my body in the crowd, and then grabbed that color.

In an instant, I woke up, and the girl's voice and the aftertaste still faintly lingered in my eardrum.

The name is a name that Sanye doesn't recognize. The girl she doesn't recognize has a desperate look. The pupils are about to overflow with tears. The school uniform that she has never seen before seems to hold the fate of the universe tightly. The expression is heavy and profound. .

But it's just a dream, it has no meaning.

Wake up from the dream, Girl

Looking at my body, there is a slight bulge there, reflecting the morning light, and my fair skin is smooth and shiny.

.....It's really a body swap...ah no, it's a soul swap trick, ah.

Kasumigaoka has never seen the finished film, so he can only guess something from the few words Qianliu said about his work.

Humph, seniors' movies are not that simple.

Nayuta leaned into Kasumigaoka's ear and whispered in a low voice so as not to affect others.

Kasumigaoka issued a warning: Don't get involved in this. My relationship with you is not that good.

Are you a tsundere?

Nayuta stared at her suspiciously as she followed this behavior.

so troublesome.

Kasumigaoka decided not to pay attention to her in the movie, study Touma and the Fairy, and focus entirely on the movie.

As the plot progresses, the audience also understands the farce of soul exchange between men and women, which is relaxed and humorous accompanied by ridiculous daily life.

So interesting.

Hina praised her sister.

Yes Yes.

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