“Is it so easy to make money?”

In Sakurasou, Qianxun looked at Qianliu who hung up the phone after getting the latest box office record of the theater and complained.

Making money is not difficult.

Throwing the phone on the table in the living room, Qianliu sat comfortably on the sofa, as if he didn't care about how much money he could make.

I really don't know how to answer your words.

Qianxun twitched her lips, then became interested again: How much money can you get this time?

More than four floors.

Hiss! Now that I see your appearance, I suddenly have the illusion that I have lived on a dog for more than thirty years.

Qianxun's mood was complicated.

Chapter 141 Rich Lolita

Oh, you finally admit that you are in your thirties.

Qianliu looked at the problem from a tricky angle and said something that made Qianxun feel irritable immediately.

You heard wrong.

Chihiro denied it expressionlessly.

Women are such creatures who will lie to your face without blinking an eye.

Brother! Can I buy a lot of things in the future?

Xiaojiu next to her didn't care about box office or profit sharing. She only cared that her brother who made money would deposit money into her private coffers.

In just two years, Qianliu put some pocket money in her small coffers from time to time. Unknowingly, she now has four to five million yen.

A proper rich lolita.

Well, tell me what you want.

Qianliu was always generous to his sister, and Qianliu was very happy with her.

Kukuku, my half body, the temperature around the barrier has risen recently. I guess the messenger of the sun is about to arrive. It is really unfavorable for me, the true ancestor of the Night Blood Clan.

Xiaojiu pouted and complained: So, I have to find a place that can temporarily serve as my palace to hibernate.

Well, Tokyo has indeed become a lot hotter recently.

Qianliu glanced at Qianxun, who didn't want to go out to socialize because of the rising temperature, and then turned his doting gaze back to Kobato: Where do you want to go?

The rainy season has passed, and the temperature in Tokyo has gradually increased as we usher in summer. Now is the summer vacation. Although more than twenty days have passed, there is still more than half a month to waste.

have no idea.

Xiaojiu said cutely.

She really didn't know where a good place to escape the heat was.

Hmm..., how about Izu or Karuizawa to escape the summer heat?

In order to fulfill her responsibilities as a girlfriend, she comes to Kasumigaoka in Sakurasou every day to give advice.

Qianliu thought about it for a while. Although Izu is most famous for its hot springs, so it is often mentioned in winter, but Izu, which has a maritime climate, actually has the characteristics of warm winter and cool summer, so no matter...

It is suitable for both summer and cold escapes.

To escape the summer heat... you have to go to the beach. In small Izu, there are plateaus and beaches. There are also fireworks festivals to enjoy in the summer. Others like Shirahama Coast, Dojima Sunset, and Beaches are all great.

As for Karuizawa in the Kanto region, it goes without saying.

“Okutama and Hokkaido are also good.”

But Nayuta couldn't see Kasumigaoka being alone in the limelight, so he also made suggestions.

Hokkaido is a bit far away. In a few days it will be... summer, when the mobile game will be announced. I will have to come back then.

Qianliu rejected Hokkaido's proposal.

It’s just after the first week of August, and summer is held on the second weekend of the so-called biannual “holy war.”

, it is summer in August and winter in December.

Tens of thousands of booths, free admission, three days, various idols, doujinshi, handicrafts, doujin software, comics, animation, games and popular music.

It's very awkward to announce a mobile game in that kind of situation, so he can go out and relax at most, but then he will have to return to Tokyo.

Then how to choose?

Rikka raised her hand and said, How about we vote?


Mashiro nodded.

Currently, there are eight candidates in Sakurasou including Kasumigaoka Shiha, Yuta, Shiina Mashiro, Kotori Yurikka, Senryu Hazegawa, Kamiegusa Misaki, Sengoku Chihiro, and Touma Kazusa.

I won't go.

Misaki waved her hand: I finally got rid of the state of running around abroad. I just want to stay in Sakurasou and not go anywhere. I'm really exhausted.

Don't you like running around? This time I give you the opportunity to travel around the world. Why aren't you happy?

Nayuta said in a teasing tone.

Ghosts like to run around, and they are not the same at all, okay?

Misaki said plausibly: The way I imagine traveling is to walk around comfortably and leisurely, rather than having to do endless things all day long.

After traveling all over the world for a month, I was exhausted, okay? I won't do this kind of thing again. The last time it was broadcast, there weren't many regions, so she didn't feel that tired, but this time it was different.

Then exclude Misaki and let everyone else vote! Whichever place gets the most votes, we will go there!

Qianxun said: Don't count me out. I can't stand a group of you participating in a group tour.

Qianliu looked at her and really couldn't say anything.

Kasumigaoka crossed her arms and said, Okay, let's decide on the remaining votes. I vote for Karuizawa!


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