“I’ve been holding it in for so many days, can you bear to make me feel uncomfortable? 29”

Qianliu turned his face and stared at her.

Kasumigaoka's tangled expression was very cute. After a while, she seemed to grit her teeth and make up her mind: No matter what, I will help you in other ways.

Other methods are equal to other places.

Although both of them have everything they need, apart from...the serious ones, there are many other methods that they haven't had time to implement yet.

Baby Shiyu, let's go back to the room.

His spirits were instantly lifted, and Qianliu stood up on the sofa.

in spite of....

If Kasumigaoka was still hesitating, he directly took the girl and pushed her back to the bedroom.

How about wearing a sailor suit this time?

don't want!

What about this one?

Isn't this even more shameful!

Kasumigaoka strongly protested.

What does it matter? Come...

Soon after, the sound of silk fabric being torn was heard in the bedroom.


............Hey, where's senior?

After hearing from Kobato that Senryu had returned, Nayuta, who was still drifting on the beach, immediately ran back to the bedroom, but saw no one at all.

Senior! Here's the gift you brought me!

While shouting, Nayuta prepared to go up to the second floor to take a look.

As soon as he arrived on the second floor, he found Kasumigaoka running toward the bathroom with her eyebrows covered and her mouth covered. She didn't react at all when he saw her.

really weird.

Nayuta didn't think much, so he entered the bedroom and found Qianxiao, who was holding back his laughter.

Senior, what's wrong with the female fox?

Maybe I was frightened by you and accidentally drank something.

Qianliu must make himself look as if nothing has happened, otherwise if he gloats about misfortune, he will definitely be grinded when he comes back to Kaikasugaoka


That's it

Nayuta didn't take it seriously, but then excitedly said: Senior, where is the gift you brought me?

Here, it's in the suitcase over there.

Pointing to the box next to the closet, Qianliu felt refreshed.

Nayuta immediately opened the box unceremoniously and rummaged through his own things. A small half of them belonged to Rikka, a small half belonged to others, and the rest all belonged to her.

Opening the box was like searching for a treasure. When Nayuta was taking things out in a happy mood, he accidentally saw the torn stockings in the trash can.

Just when she felt that something was wrong, Kasumigaoka came back from the bathroom with an ugly face and stared at Nayuta with eyes full of anger.

What...what are you doing? I haven't messed with you in the past two days.

Nayuta was frightened by her aura and stammered, speaking very calmly.

Even if she was the one who lost in the card game in the morning, she was obviously the one who should be angry. Why is the female fox so angry? Nayuta muttered in her heart, but did not dare to say it out loud.

Kasumigaoka was almost furious. She was fine, but Nayuta suddenly yelled and scared her so much that she accidentally drank half of it. The culprit was here, how could she not be angry.

Very well, little dwarf, I remember.

Nayuta looked confused.

It can be called the grand prize of human confusion.

She remembered what she had done. Nayuta felt a little panicked for no reason. Usually when two people fight, she is always the one at the disadvantage. This time, she was inexplicably charged again, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Qianliu couldn't say anything at this time, otherwise Kasumigaoka would most likely be angry with him. It was true that Nayuta was the culprit, but without him as the source, how could such a thing happen?

Therefore, An Xin is just a little transparent...

Hum, I...I'm leaving first.

Unable to withstand Kasumigaoka's dangerous look as if he was planning something, Nayuta swallowed, grabbed the things he had taken out of the suitcase and ran out quickly.

The prisoner left, Kasumigaoka was still angry, and she couldn't catch up to explain the situation, so she turned her attention to Qianliu.

Seeing the cold expression on his lovely girlfriend who was charming and seductive not long ago, Qianliu very rationally did not touch the restricted area, but stood up and pulled her to the bedside.

Shiyu, let's talk about business.

Oh, men are all animals that think with their lower bodies.

Kasumigaoka sneered and said with contempt.

Before he said this, he probably had all the thoughts in his mind to bully her.

Hugging his awkward girlfriend, Qianliu kissed her and gently held her hand. To be honest, he had not entered the sage state, but he guessed that the awkward girl would never agree to excessive requests again, so he gave up.

What to talk about

After a symbolic struggle, Kasumigaoka calmed down.

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Well, although Metronome of Love is not a big hit, it has a large audience, and by the way, it can also give you a warm-up for your next book.

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