Misaki declared loudly.

It is none of my business.

Qianliu's plain words extinguished Misaki's burning enthusiasm.

In the past few cultural festivals, he could only visit the activities of various classes.

For example, maid cafes, game exhibitions, cultural galleries, haunted houses...most high school students think about these...anyway, they are things to enjoy the atmosphere of the festival.

Hey, why is this like this!

Misaki's momentum went down, and then within three seconds she was excited again: Then we will vote 987! Convene a Sakurasou meeting!

Sakurasou meetings are part of the rules of Sakurasou. It is a traditional performance. If there are any differences between residents, they will be resolved at the meeting.

Misaki, who clenched her fists tightly, stood in the middle of the dining table like a protagonist in a hot-blooded anime. Her pleated skirt was swaying, and she seemed to be able to see inside.

Misaki, Oji will be seen! Please come down quickly!

A reminder from Kasumigaoka.

Don't worry, Shiyu! Because these are shorts that look like a skirt! And it doesn't matter that we are all girls!

No wonder I can seem to see it but not see it.

Qianliu, come quickly and join the meeting!

Misaki said proudly with the attitude of a royal master.

The fate of your dinner is in my hands. Are you sure you want me to come over?

Qianliu replied.

Well..., then you can discuss it with us while you're doing it! I'll turn up the volume so you can hear it clearly!

After weighing the pros and cons, Misaki felt that this was the best of both worlds.

Okay, ahem, everyone! We are finally ready to welcome this day!

Misaki started performing again.

What day

Kasumigaoka is very cooperative and compliments me.

Hmm, now is the time to summon the strongest warriors of Sakurasou! Let's gather the power of friendship, put on the best show, and dominate the cultural festival!

Mashiro couldn't understand the meaning, and there was obvious confusion on his face, while Nayuta was drinking coffee with relish, and Touma Mashiro was drawing the music score on the sketchbook.

Misaki, please make it clear.

That won't work, Qianliu! You have to feel it more carefully!

What to feel

You don't want your passion to be embodied by the happy friends in Sakurasou. Why is Qianliu still a human being? Don't you have the blood of youth flowing in your body?

In short, Qianliu had no reaction to this.

You mean to ask the members of Sakurasou to do something?

Kasumigaoka asked.

Of course.

What does that have to do with us? We are neither from Sakurasou nor students of Shui Gao.

Nayuta had no energy to answer.

It seems so.

Misaki fell silent.

Except for her, Senryu and Mashiro who are present, all the other girls really belong to Sakurasou. If I have to say it, Touma can barely count as half. After all, she is also a high-level student. .

Whatever you want to discuss, remember to talk to Ryunosuke and the others later.

Doing two things at once to deal with both sides, Qianliu himself has no intention of getting involved.

Hey, then I'll work hard by myself!

There is no discouragement in Misaki's dictionary

Two words.

Then come on.

Seeing Misaki quickly running back to the second floor to prepare for the cultural festival, Qianliu felt that it was great not to join him.

Eight o'clock in the evening: After dinner and a short rest... Dongma glanced at the few girls present who seemed to have no desire to leave, and was the first to stand up and choose to retreat.

There is no need to involve so many girls at the moment.

Qianliu, do you want to go on a date this weekend?

Kasumigaoka ignored Nayuta's dissatisfied gaze and asked Senryu who was reading with a book.


Senior, I want to participate too!

Nayuta raised her hands like a student answering a teacher's question.

I'm dating Qianliu, why are you joining in the fun?

Oh, after all, I have that kind of relationship with my senior.

Nayuta looked up with her chin lowered and deliberately pretended to be timid. This was enough to have the destructive power to sway 99% of the opposite sex.

Kasumigaoka knew what she was going to say next without asking. It was like seven or eight times in a theater, if not ten times, unless she could pull off some tricks.

Okay, okay, I understand.

Kasumigaoka waved her hands boredly, as if chasing away a small animal.

Hey! What's your attitude!

Isn't that a normal attitude?

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