Said: Okay, tell me, do you have anything to do with me or do you have some bad news to tell me?

Shiyu, it seems that we really have the same mind. You have a general impression even before I say anything.

Let me give you a note in advance. It’s rare for Qianliu to say good things.

Screw you, come on, it's not your style to be secretive.

Ahem, that's it. Hesha just confessed her love to me.


The other side suddenly fell silent.

Qianliu could only hear her breathing.

After seven or eight seconds, Kasumigaoka continued: Oh, as expected, even Kazusa cannot escape your grasp. I have been mentally prepared for a long time, but even so, I still have to call you a scumbag. Even though I have a perfect girlfriend like me, I still keep provoking other girls, scum, ghosts, and men who only think with their lower bodies.

Kasumigaoka unceremoniously gave a series of negative reviews.

His tone changed from gentle at first to venomous, emotionless, and cold.

Being mentally prepared is psychological preparation, but you will still feel uncomfortable when you actually get the news.

Hesha confessed first.

Qianliu was quite helpless.

So, are you telling me this news because you want to show off how charming you are? Can you fool so many girls?

Kasumigaoka speaks very fast and sarcastically: For example, I am willing to be your lover.

Knowing that she felt aggrieved, as a real girlfriend but unable to control her boyfriend, and having to silently accept the results of his philandering, this was unbelievable and unimaginable to the proud Kasumigaoka.

I just don't want to hide it from you.

Qianliu said softly.

Kasumigaoka took a breath and said, the originally tangled thoughts gradually dissipated, only to turn into a wry smile: What a cunning rhetoric.

There was no way she could help but forgive him.

At least Qianliu never lied to her about this kind of thing.

I understand, but don't take it for granted. I'm in a bad mood. I'll know what to do next.

Kasumigaoka emphasized.

To accept is to accept, you must give in, otherwise you won't seem too talkative.

Understood, my little cute Shiyu.

Ugh, that's disgusting.

That's not what you said that day.

Qianliu recalled the last time the two of them were together.

Okay, okay, I still have to write a manuscript, don't disturb me, hang up!

Don't listen any more. Kasumigaoka hung up the phone with an angry grunt.

Silenced by this, Qianliu's mood instantly improved by two levels.

He understood what Kasumigaoka meant by deliberately saying that, and he naturally knew how to appease and compensate.

Good things happened just a few days after the beginning of December, and it seemed like it would be a perfect ending to the year.

After the relationship was broken, Qianliu was not in a hurry to eat Hesha, and even did not meet Yaozi for the time being. Anyway... it took a long time, wasn't it?

He stayed with the mother and daughter until the afternoon before leaving, and the situation became quite stable for a period of time after that.

Qianliu went back and forth between Sakurasou, Murasaki Mansion, Kashiwazaki's house, Touma's mansion, Hina's apartment, and the studio. At the same time, he dated Kasumigaoka for a whole week, and it was not easy to comfort him.

This goes until December 24th, Christmas arrives.

People and towns, everything becomes very busy at the end of the year. Facing the coming to an end of the year, everyone is busy with what they should do.

At this time, Qianliu was sitting by the stove, watching the beautiful night view, and waiting for the girls in the house to dress up in Christmas-like decorations.

A specially purchased Christmas tree is placed in the courtyard and colorful lights are hung... In the distance, the lights of department stores and station buildings are decorated, showing the lively scene that should be seen on Christmas day.

Cheers everywhere created a mysterious atmosphere for the Holy Night. Many couples on the street were attracted by the lights and stopped, and the crowd was even more crowded than usual.

Even though he felt that this scene was very dazzling, Qianliu still felt incredibly calm inside. Perhaps it was because of the excessive noise in the room.

In addition to the residence of Sakurasou itself, Kasumigaoka, Nayuta, Kashiwazaki Sena, Eiri, and even Tachibana are also there.

Hesha originally wanted to come over, but with Yaozi here this year, she hesitated and finally chose to spend time with her mother.

At around six o'clock in the evening::, the girls were chatting lively while cooking, until another person appeared in the entrance hall again.

Hello, I'm back again.

Rita poked her head in from the entrance hall.

Mashiro, who was waiting for a sumptuous dinner, saw her eyes sparkling instantly. He immediately went up to hug her and said happily: Rita, why are you here?

Didn't I tell you before I left that I would come to District 11 to play with you at the end of the year?

She hugged Mashiro very happily, Rita kept rubbing her face, looking for something else.

It wasn't until she found Senryu who was sitting alone on the other side of the kotatsu that she was separated from the group of girls, looking quite miserable, that Rita let go of Mashiro... who was muttering about missing her.

When Lai 23 walked up to him, Rita asked curiously: Why haven't you seen me for a while? Your status has dropped sharply and no one cares about you anymore.

Maybe we're tired of staying together every day.

Qianliu sighed.

Hehe, then I'll accompany you.

Rita said openly.

Ignore him, come here, Rita, that guy is probably thinking about who he should sleep with tonight.

Xia Zhiqiu despised Tao.

I don't.

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