Stella was in a good mood when she heard the students whispering about their relationship.

Ouch! You two! Stop!

Just when Stella was indulging in this moment, a figure suddenly ran over from the right... I can only use only to describe it, mainly because she is too petite and very cute, giving people the first impression of innocence. simple.

The girl is wearing a sleeveless dress rather than... black, with white cuffs, a white square-breasted sailor collar, and a red tie. There is not too much decoration, but the shape of the cuffs is relatively different.

The whole thing is clearly black and white, and the only thing that can be regarded as sexy is the Discipline Committee on her left arm.

A yellow sign with four large characters.

The girl raised her head slightly and looked at the two of them with a stern gaze: No intimacy is allowed in school! School is a sacred place. Falling in love is not allowed, and male and female students are not allowed to have relationships. They must keep a distance of more than fifty centimeters.

Um..., Mizi, wait...

Behind her, there was a girl who wore exaggeratedly large glasses and looked rather rustic at a glance, chasing after her.

The petite girl didn't hear it and continued to speak righteously: Also, why don't you wear school uniforms! Girls are not allowed to dye their hair...

After being stopped and expressing a lot of initial surprise, Qianliu looked at the petite girl with interesting eyes.

While the girl was talking endlessly, he turned to look at Stella with cold eyes: This school still has such rules.


Maybe they will be added after you graduate.

Stella paused: It's possible.

Don't ignore me!

The petite girl was very angry and shouted loudly.

Qianliu lowered his head and stared forward again, taking time to say: Well, this classmate...

The petite girl interrupted him directly: My name is Iino!

Okay, Iino-san, although I don't know whether these rules are true or false, I can answer some of your questions. First of all, she and I are not...students of this school, and we are not lovers, and her hair is not dyed. Yes, can you understand?

As he continued to argue one by one, Qianliu noticed that after being stunned, the girl named Ii's face gradually turned red, her eyes became confused, and her original upright aura was gone.

Her hands pulled at the hem of her skirt unnaturally, and the girl lowered her head and apologized softly: Yes... I'm sorry..., I didn't know.

Since few outsiders came to the school, and the two were about the same age as students, with the blond woman being more mature, Iino naturally treated her as a student of her own school, but she didn't know she was wrong.

At this time, the rustic girl wearing glasses from behind finally caught up and followed Iino to apologize: Well... I'm very sorry for causing you trouble.

No, I'm just surprised. I prefer serious girls like you.

Qianliu teased the troubled girl as if nothing had happened.

Hi...I like it!

Iino stammered on his tongue and waved his hands quickly: No, you can't fall in love.

What the hell is going on with this child? Qianliu couldn't help but be amused by her reaction.

I'm very sorry. I'm rude.

The girl who came after him bowed and quickly pulled the overwhelmed Iino away.

Watching the two women escape in a hurry

, besides being funny, Qianliu's eyes reflected the back of the rustic girl, and at the same time there was a hint of doubt. There seemed to be something wrong with the girl coming from behind.

Still looking away.

Stella's face was very calm, and she couldn't see anything wrong.


Chapter 377: Just in time

“Where shall we go next?”

After solving the address problem, Qianliu thought it would be fun to hang out with Stella when he was bored.

However, before they had taken a few steps, a familiar voice from the distance interrupted the two of them.

Ah! It's Qianliu! Why are you here!

He ran straight over from the corridor, carrying a large stack of documents, but Chika Fujiwara stared at him as if nothing happened.

At first she didn't dare to confirm, until she saw the front clearly, she ran over immediately.

After coming over, he found that he could only see Stella from the side, the so-called cancer of the earth

Deliberately poking him with her elbow, she said with a bad smile: Hey, no wonder, it turns out that I'm here to lie to girls. If I know such a secret, if I don't give you any benefits, I might accidentally reveal it to Shiyu one day. oh.

Qianhua looked like she was asking for benefits, and she was very sinister.

As expected of a politician's daughter, this method is probably engraved on her face.

If you want benefits, go and talk to Shiyu.


Qianhua's face suddenly dropped: What? It's not interesting at all. Can't you just cooperate with me?

Qianhua, why are you running so fast?

At this time, there was a girl following Qianhua. After seeing the person clearly, the girl was obviously a little surprised: It turns out to be you.

Long time no see, Kaguya.

Qianliu said hello.

The person who came was Shinomiya Kaguya with her long hair hanging loose. She was holding a stack of information in her hand like Chika.

Hello, Miss Kaguya.

Stella put her right hand on her chest and said hello.

There's no need to call me that here, Senior Stella.

Compared to the iceberg girl in the eyes of others, Shinomiya Kaguya is much gentler in front of acquaintances.

As the most famous student council president in the past few terms, it was unclear to others after Stella changed her hairstyle, but Kaguya understood it very well.

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