Chapter 439: Other people’s products are the best

Aren't we welcome?

Facing Kaguya's question, Mingming's tone didn't seem that strange or had any other meaning. It sounded relatively plain, but it gave people an inexplicable cold feeling.

Qianliu was slightly startled: No, it's just weird. Of course I welcome you to come over. After all, there are so many beautiful girls. Not to mention other things, the eye candy alone is enough to make people happy.

For some reason, Kaguya snorted and seemed to be in a bad mood. She didn't know who provoked her.

Kasumigaoka has a good relationship with Qianhua, so he directly asked her: What's wrong with Kaguya?

Qianhua curled her lips and turned to Kasumigaoka in a low voice to explain: It may be a problem within the student union. Someone made Kaguya angry, so she is not in a good mood. Don't take it too seriously.

Who said I was angry because of that?

Kaguya retorted with a sideways glance.

Just kidding, how could those two men in the student union affect her thoughts?

The reason why she was angry was something else.

Hey, isn't it? Then why are you angry?

Qianhua was shocked. She called herself a good best friend, but she couldn't even guess her best friend's thoughts. It was such a failure.

Ignoring Qianhua, who bent forward and lay on the floor in frustration, Kaguya took a few steps away in disgust.

Glancing at Qianliu who was also interested, she said arrogantly: I don't want to tell you.

It’s okay if I don’t want to say it.

Everyone couldn't help but roll their eyes.

If she doesn't want to say it, she can't force the other party to say it.

Kaguya is actually hard to say. Can she say that she was in a bad mood because she heard what happened between Qianliu and Zizi? Wouldn't it be revealing her true thoughts, even though people familiar with her know that she has feelings for Qianliu? Good impression, but nothing more.

If it were made clear, it would really expose the whole heart without reservation, which would be so shameful.

As a member of the Shinomiya family, you must not have no escape route. Being humble first shows that you are at a disadvantage, and you must ensure that you are in a high status.

Advance to attack, retreat to defend.

The Art of War from the ancient Eastern countries, Kaguya Zaoshinomiya has been reading it since she was a child.

Have you eaten?

Seeing the girls coming in, the room suddenly became lively, so Mai stood up and asked.

Ah, don't worry about us, I ate ice cream on the way here and I'm not hungry yet!

Qianhua started wandering around the room with great interest. It was hard to understand that she was still so interested after having been there before.

Shiyu, you guys, I made some and put them in the refrigerator. If you are hungry, take them out and heat them up.

Kasumigaoka happily agreed: Then I won't be polite.

I want it too! There are not many opportunities to taste the food cooked by the famous star Mai Sakurajima!

Rikka abandoned Kobato and ran over shouting.

Kukuku, I can enjoy the Snow Queen's tribute every day.

Kojiu sneered in a middle-class manner.

Rikka was extremely envious. It was obvious that the food cooked by her sister tasted better. Maybe it had something to do with other people's food. Plus, it was a celebrity, so it was really hard to refuse.

If Shihua saw it, Rikka would probably be severely punished.

Kazusa followed Kasumigaoka to the kitchen to prepare hot dishes for Mai.

The other girls choose what they are interested in. They have been here many times and are almost familiar with each other. Moreover, the relationship between them is also very good, so there is no need to greet them politely.

By the way, why haven't I seen Yinglili in the past two days?

After chatting with Mai for a while, Kasumigaoka suddenly came to his senses.

Qianliu explained: If you are sick, stay at home and recuperate. Didn't I tell you?

He seemed to remember telling the girls at home.

It's strange that you told us, but you actually kept us in the dark.

Kasumigaoka sighed: Let's do this. Let's go and see her together tomorrow. It must be lonely to stay at home alone. As a good friend, it's appropriate to visit her.

I have to say that Kasumigaoka and Eiriri actually have a pretty good relationship, much better than Nayuta.

Qianhua was the first to raise her hand: I agree! Yinglili didn't tell me that she was sick. It's so disgusting. We are obviously good friends!

Kaguya curled her lips, this cancer of the earth is still a good friend, I'm afraid she will make her mad to death.

But it's not good if there are too many people. How about we choose a few to act as representatives?

Kazuya’s thoughtful suggestions.

Qianliu was speechless: Don't bother me. I've been there before. Yinglili just has a slight fever. She will probably be fine after taking medicine and resting for two days. She just has a lowered immunity due to fatigue, so she has a cold and a fever. She can't go too far. Worry.”

In this situation, after two days of rest, another lively and arrogant girl with blond hair and twin tails emerged.

That's what I said, but it seems too...

Kasumigaoka didn't say the rest.

Everyone knows the subtext, and if you think about it seriously, it is true. You usually play well, but you don't come when you are sick. What is the difference between this and some people with bad traits?

Qianliu thought about it and it was right, so he stopped objecting and let them go.

Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 440 Damn love brain

While Kasumigaoka went to heat up the food, Kazusa sat down next to Qianliu: After so many years, she had already become accustomed to making intimate gestures in front of so many people.

You seem to have spent more time practicing piano recently.

Qianliu asked softly.

Maybe because Minato was relatively close, Hesha felt a little itchy on her ears, and her whole body tilted slightly to the side.

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